11. So Good To Be Home

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Sophia ...

It's been a whole week since my mom and brother has been around and it's been so surreal. Just seeing them every waking moment has made everything so much easier for me to deal with. Jacob and Dee have been getting along so good it's like they knew each forever and it's so freaking cute. My mom and Zara are forever talking foolishness but I love that they are getting along. I knew my mom would love Zara and I knew Zara would love my mom.

Dee was able to fly in the next day after and be with my mom and I. It just felt so good to have everyone was back in my life. But that happiness has to end because I have to get rid of the root of the unhappiness and gain full custody of my child. I was able to find a good lawyer when I get back to New York I can get the final paper works done and get to a judge where everything can be finalized.

"Sophie, I know in the next couple of days you'll be living to go back home I just want to say you and Jacob being here has made me feel alive. That little boy lightens up a room with just his smile" Anna said proudly watching Jacob run around the living room.

I looked at Anna and smiled. "We're truly going to miss you and your cooking. It was so good I think gained a couple extra pounds".

"Good child , you needed it anyways" my mom said walking over with a cup of iced tea.

I rolled my eyes because that's one of the first things my mom has been saying since she's seen me. I need to eat and I can't continue to live on noddles and box mac and cheese.

"Ma I've been eating and it's not box Mac and cheese. I'm just so busy with work I forget to eat sometimes so I get takeout and make something quick for Jacob no big deal".

"It's a big deal if my grand baby isn't eating right ya know! Thank the Lord I'm moving back to the busy city to be closer to my kids".

That's right my lovely mother will be moving back with me in New York but my brother will be going back to Canada where he started his life but he said he'll be visiting me more. It's just so surreal to see my mom with me let alone moving back with me. I love it and I'm grateful she's back.

"Now about this soon to be ex husband what the hell is going on with that" my mom looked at me concerned but you could tell she was also pissed off.

"I'm working on it ma. I saw him a few weeks ago when I went out with Zara and Co and haven't heard from him since. I already spoke with a lawyer and he already faxed a copy of the summon he had sent out to Antonio. I'm filing for full custody and to finally divorce him".

I wanted this to be done with him as quickly as possible and I definitely don't want Jacob involved in it either.

"All I'm saying is you know and I know Antonio isn't one to give up easily and the fact he knows he has a son makes it even worst." My mom was definitely right about that. The look he gave Jacob the night of the gala was of a father who wanted his child right there and now. I didn't want to him to know about Jacob but faith had other plans.

"All we can do is hope the judge sees it your way, sis" Dee came next to me to give me a kiss goodbye.

"I'm leaving tonight so I'll be missing you and my nephew but before I leave I just want to clear the air about a few things."

My brother knew me like the back of his hand and from the day he came back into my life I have been getting the stare down every time Blake was around. My mother gave the occasional side eye but I knew she wasn't gonna say anything well at least not yet.

"So I've been watching and wondering and I'm not sure if the logic I've come up with is correct but what exactly are you and Blake?"

My brother watched and studied waiting for my response. He was like a lion watching his meal make it's final moves. I on the other hand was not to shock but shock at the same time.

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