6. Dark Horse

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I'm still trying to figure out why I agreed to go out to dinner with Samuel. I mean he's a good guy from what I saw the other day but truthfully I'm doing this just so Zara can get off my back. 

"Sophie it won't even be that bad".

"Yeah easy for you to say, you're not the one going on the date."

"Whatever just relax and have fun. Samuel seems like a really chill down to earth kind of guy. You'll have so much fun that you will want to go again."

"Ha yeah okay Zara"

I watched as Zara went through my suit case and closet looking for what I believe is a dress but every dress she looked at she toss it to the side. It wasn't sexy enough for her. I'm trying to tell her I'm only going to dinner but she says it's not just dinner whatever that means. 

"Ah found it" I watched as Zara jump up and down clutching a shiny material. I don't remember packing that or even owning that. 

"That's not mine."

"Oh I know. I brought it when we went shopping and you was going to wear it went we went clubbing but something better happened" she squealed in excitement. 

"I was" I said clearly confused. 

Zara didn't say another word as she laid the dress on the bed right next to me. I stared at it not knowing if I should start putting it on and seeing how it will look. Knowing Zara and her sense of style if you ain't showing enough skin then you ain't dressed right. 

Finally I got up and went to the bathroom and changed into the dress. I stood in front of the mirror looking at how nicely the dress was fitted on me. The dress was gold that stopped just at my middle thighs. It hugged me in all the places that I didn't want to be hugged. It was sleeveless and had sheering lining just around my shoulders. 

"Sophie come out now. I need to do your makeup and hair" Zara yelled behind the door. 

I opened the door and Zara smirked at me. She knew what I was thinking but didn't say a word. She sat me down in front of the vanity and started with my makeup. I would've preferred going without makeup but that wouldn't slide with Zara. She went on to doing my hair which I think she was flat ironing and making sure that she didn't leave any puffy root. 

"I'm finally done" she said moving away from the vanity mirror. 

I looked up and gasp at what I saw. Zara really out did herself. I couldn't believe what I was looking at; I looked different. A good different but different either way. 
My hair was pin straight for the first time since I've been here and my makeup was done flawlessly. I turned around to Zara to thank her but she had a pair of red bottoms and I knew it was time.  As I was putting them on Jacob came into the room with Anna right behind him. 

"Mom you look pwreetty" Jacob said. 

My heart swelled up when he said that. He was probably the only complement that I would truly accept. 

"Thank you baby" I grabbed him into my lap. 

"You look stunning" Anna gushed. 

"It's all thanks to me" Zara bragged but I didn't mind because it was partially true. 

"Of course but you can't boil water to save your life" Anna mumbled causing me to burst out in laughter. 

"That's not funny. I try but the water always dries up."

"Okay darling" Anna said while patting Zara on the shoulder. Zara pouted as she mumbled a few curse words. 

We talked for a few more minutes before the door bell ranged. My heart automatically sunk to the bottom of my stomach and my eyes nearly came out my eye socket. 

Anna must have notice and quickly patted my hand reassuring me that it will be okay. Even though what she said was probably true I didn't think I'll be okay. I'm about to go out with this guy I barely even knew but I'm pretty much doing this because I want to prove to Zara I can go on dates but at the same time I don't want another man in my life or in Jacob's either. 

Zara came running in the room all hyper and jumping up and down. 

"Sophie he's here and damn he is looking F.I.N.E".

"Oh stop it Zara and ask the man if he needs anything" Anna exclaimed. 

As Zara left I got up from the bed and smooth the nonexistence winkles that weren't there. I started to walk and I'm pretty sure you could see that my knees were buckling. Anna laid her soft hands in a motherly way basically reassuring me that it will be okay all over again. 

As I turn the corner to walk into the living room I see Zara talking to Samuel and Samuel’s looking confused and not sure of what to say. 

"She better be home before 12:30 and don't you dare touch her in any way. Understand Sammy".

Samuel just nodded. I couldn't help shake my head. Samuel saw me and got up and walked over to me. He grabbed my hand and softly and kissed it. I tensed up but somehow calmed down when I heard little feet running down the stairs. 

"Mommy you’re leaving" Jacob gushed. 

"Yes she is buddy" Samuel chimed in. 

Jacob looked at Samuel and looked at Zara then at me. Samuel smiled at him and put his hand out. I pushed Jacob forward a little so he could shake the Samuel's hand. Jacob did but ran to Zara where she picked him up and kissed his forehead. 

"You two need to get going before you end up going nowhere."

Anna was right but I rather have stayed there with everyone being there but Samuel or Zara wouldn’t let that happen. After I bid my goodbyes to everyone Samuel walked to an all white BMW. I was shock but in a good way because even though I've seen such a nice car; I never been inside one. I wasn't sure if I should move around or stay still. 

The whole ride there neither did me or Samuel said anything. Although he looked at me funny a couple of times that was pretty much it. After about 30 minutes of driving we came to a stop in front of a pier that had many boats lined up. I looked up at Samuel and he gave a sheepish smile. 

"I hope you don't mind. I wanted to do something out of the ordinary; I just hope you don't get sea sick."

"No this is really nice and I won't get sick."

He helped me out the car and tried to take my hand but moved my hand and he just rested his hand on my back. That was just as worst as taking my hand but I didn't say anything. An older gentleman was on a fair size boat waiting for us. He walked us inside to a beautiful lightly dimmed room. There was a table decorated with a cream table cloth with two candles and a bottle of champagne that was in a bucket of ice. Samuel pulled my chair and tucked in as I sat down. He did the same for himself. 


"Yes please."

It was fairly quiet as we slipped our champagne. I was trying to stay calm but the silence was killing me. As for Samuel he just looked ahead only a few times did he look at me and smiled softly at me. The older gentleman who I found was our waiter came back and asked us what we would like to eat. I ended up requesting shrimp pasta and Samuel had crab legs with rice. 

A couple minutes later our food came and we ate. I tried my hardest to not groan because the food was good. 

"This is amazing" I said out loud by accident. 

"Yeah it is. Herbert out did himself as usual."

"So this is regular for you and him" I questioned.

"Pretty much" Samuel said as he smiled brightly at me. Samuel is very attractive guy. Maybe if I met him at a different time I would've considered him as someone more but honestly I don't see it. 

"For a woman you're pretty quiet" he suggested as he took a sip of his drink. 

"Well I don't know what to tell you" I shrugged.

"Not that it's a problem it's just I'm surprised. Usually females have so much to say but you're quiet, lost in your thoughts."

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to I just.."

"No it's okay".

I just nodded. 

"You didn't say anything about a child."

"Yeah well it's not something I tell everyone I meet especially males."

"I know what you mean but he's adorable".

I smiled for the first time tonight "thank you."

"Now that's gorgeous" Samuel smiled. "This is the first time I ever seen you smile and might I say it's gorgeous."

I chuckled at his comment "thank you."

The rest of the night was built from then on. He told me about his businesses including the two other restaurants he has. I told him very little about myself just the basics including the fact I won't be here for long and will be returning back to work soon. We even danced a little and before you knew it he was driving me back to the house. I can honestly say I enjoyed myself and so did Samuel. 

"Thank you so much for tonight. I really enjoyed myself."

"No, it was my pleasure Sophie. I enjoyed the fact you enjoyed yourself. All it took was for me to say how adorable Jacob was and I had you for the rest of the night."

"Yeah" I laughed. 

"But let me ask you something. I'm having a gala type party and I was wondering if you wanted to go."

"I don't think I could" I quickly rejected the offer. 

"No I'm telling you you're going" I cringed when he said that. 

"I mean I would like it if you went. Your friends could come and so can Jacob. I already see us being just friends honestly and I'm okay with that. I just want you to be there. Besides it's free food and your friend said she loved the food from the restaurant so it's an all you can eat buffet there" he smiled that boyish grin. 

"You're right she'll have a ball" I laughed. 

"Just come, let me know before the end of the week so I can send you the invitations."

"Okay Samuel" I nodded.

He leaned closer and kissed my cheek. I didn't even tense up but it was definitely weird. I was proud of myself but mostly I was happy that I was going to a gala which meant dressing up and I really looked forward to that. 

I walked inside and was greeted by Zara asking a million and one questions. I tried to keep a straight face but that wasn't possible. 

"Y'all going on another date" Zara questioned as we walked to the kitchen. 
I stopped in the middle of my sentence when I saw those intense hazel eyes. He was dressed in his police uniform and I never once trailed my eyes so slowly down every stitching and thread of his uniform. The uniform was just made for his body. As my eyes moved back his eyes weren't happy. I almost coward away from how he looked at me, I felt so guilty.

"So" Zara interrupted. I completely forgot she was with me when Blake was in there. 

"It was fine Z. He also invited us to this gala he's having for whatever reason. He said everyone is basically invited and yeah."

"Yes that means shopping for dresses. Oh can Blake and Michael come?"

Before I could answer Blake chimed in. 

"I'm not going."

"Wait why Blakey. It's gonna be fun."

"Yeah and I'm not going, I'll probably have a shift that day."

"But you don't even know when it's going to be. Regardless Blake you're coming I don't care."  

Blake started walking away "no I'm not Zara."

"Yes you are and I'll be getting you your suit. Love ya" shouted after him. 

I watched as Blake disappeared upstairs and Zara sat on stool.

"You would think I was the older sibling but don't worry Sophia he's coming."

Zara winked at me and I continued to tell her about my night with Samuel. She was glad that I had fun with Samuel and that we got along. But as I lay down I couldn’t help but feel bad I went on the date even though it meant nothing. Just seeing the emotions in Blake’s eyes were enough to want to talk to him and tell him how I truly feel but my ass can’t for so many reasons. Maybe coming down to Florida was a bad idea.

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