1. Chiptole & Vacation

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"Jacob lets go or we are going to be late meeting auntie Zara".

"Auntie Zara?"

"Yes now let's go little boy".

"Okay mama". 

I grabbed Jacob's bag and we were out the door. Today we were meeting with Zara my best friend at Chipotle on 5th Ave to just catch up on what's been going on this past week and just gossip. It's something we've done since we've know each. The sun was warm for the spring time and the breeze was cool and refreshing. Dressed in a plain jean and a white button down with a pair of toms I took Jacob's hand. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a plain black tee and his jordans

The train stopped in front of us I help Jacob get inside and he ran to a sit near the window. He loves trains so much he even told me that's when he gets older he's going to drive trains. I couldn't help but smile at his career choice. We got off the train after 4 stops and started walking up the stairs. Living in the city isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I mean there is so much to do and taking the train is actually more convenient for Jacob and I. We walked down the block and I could see the sign coming to view and Jacob ran inside and into the arms of the woman he called auntie.

Zara was simply gorgeous. She was about 5'5 or so with light brown hair that was up to her back, her skin was tanned and glowing. She had hazel eyes and had a smile that can make your day better. She was wearing a pair of green cargo pants with a off white shirt and brown flats. 

I remember when I first met Zara it was at chipotle but at a different location. I was standing in front of the glass that had the food behind it and a guy trying to figure what to get and she was behind me. She whispered in my ear to get the burrito bowel and she smiled so I did just that and got the burrito bowel. After I got my food I sat at an empty table paying nobody any attention but someone sat down in front of me and I saw those hazel eyes and she gave me a warm smile. She was the first person I've ever been so not paranoid about. She made me feel safe and I didn't have to be so skittish around her.

"So are you just going to stand there or are we going to eat" Zara asked.

"Let's go".

We got our food and sat at table that was set up outside. It felt good to be catching up with Zara with Jacob.

"So how's my favorite boy" Zara asked Jacob who was eating his nachos and cheese.

"I'm gwooood" he said while stuffing his face.

I shocked my head at those two. 

"Anyways how's mommy doing" turning her attention towards me.

I sighed "I'm good Zara just living".

"It doesn't seem that way. It looks like you haven't been sleeping. Sophia don't you get tired of working such long hours".

I nodded but what can I do. Working as a social worker isn't that demanding but I usually try to jiggle at least 3 to 4 cases and then at night I barely sleep because when I close my eyes I see Antonio doing unimaginable things but those bright hazels eyes always seem to save me.

"I do sleep Z for your information".

"I bet you do Soph but I know you're over working yourself as Jacob is a prime witness to that right Jay" she looked over at Jacob.

He nodded his head as fast as he could. He didn't know what was going on but he would agree with whatever Zara said.

"Anyways" trying to change the conversation from my working methods.

"Yes anyways, which brings me to my next point? I think you or should I say WE go on vacation". 

I looked at Zara liked she's done lost her mind. I don't need a vacation I'm perfectly fine with everything now.

"No" I said short and simple.

"What do you mean no Soph? You need to release some stress and Jacob needs to explore more so I was thinking we go to Miami".

I froze once she's said that. I haven't been to Florida since that night and going to Miami is just too risky and just as close to Tampa. I can't just go back to the place where the monster still lives and Jacob can't be there either. I have to protect Jacob as much as myself.

"No Zara. I just don't have the time to be going to Miami or anywhere for that matter. I have two cases I'm working on and I'm pretty sure you can't just leave your job either".

"Yes I can" she said in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh yeah I forgot your parents basically own the company you work at" I said sarcastically.

"No it’s not just that but I get a couple of weeks off anyways and I've been saving it for the right time so we can go together. I'm pretty sure your people are willing to give to a couple of days off. Come on Soph just think about it; the beach, warm sun, the beautiful men, swimming pools and the best part Disneyland".

And that last part triggered the small cub.

"Mama Disneyland?" Jacob questioned.

"I don't know sweetie" I looked at him but he was giving me that look. He knows that I can't say no to that face but I'm trying my hardest to even get the two letter word out and it's almost impossible.

"Fine" I said defeated.

Yay they both cheered people at other tables looked at them but clearly they didn't give a care in the world.

I sighed "I have to pack for Jacob and I call and make reservations at a hotel close by and also call Walt..."

"You don't have to call a hotel. My parents have a beach house in Miami. I wouldn't have offered you the trip if I didn't have a plan".

"You are right. They don't mind us coming or anything right" I had to ask.

"They don't even care. Right now they’re in New Zealand for God knows what and besides my brother and his best friend Michael are there".

"Brother" I looked shock. Not once did Zara mention to me she had a brother.

She rolled her eyes "yeah Blake he's a couple years older than me. He lives out there but he took some time off so he'll be there while we're there".

"Oh that's fine. I mean it's you guys' beach house Jacob and I are just guest".

"Nonsense" she blurted "you guys are basically my family".

I smiled at what Zara said "thanks Z".

"No problem Soph".

We stayed at the restaurant just talking and having a good time. After awhile Jacob and I went home and started packing. We would be leaving in a couple of days and wasn't sure what to pack but I got what I and Jacob needed. 

Living as a single parent is a struggle especially when working. I've been doing it by myself even before Jacob was born. Antonio was a good guy in the beginning but things happened and I ended up in New York a month pregnant and no family to contact. I shut my family out my life as soon as I married Antonio not by any choice. He wanted me to not have any connection with them. So as of right now I don't know where my mother or brother is. I loved Antonio with all my heart but he didn't feel the same way if he always felt beat on me. 

Ever since I felt Florida I made sure I cut all contact with and nobody associated with him. I immediately through myself into working long hours even as I neared the end of my pregnancy because I felt like I needed to and I needed a distraction. I should've cared more and taken care of myself but when your mind is always drifting to events that you don't want to think about you have no choice but too. The nightmares were the worst in the beginning but they've gotten better I suppose. 

I don't want to admit but I'm really nervous about going back to Florida because if I see Antonio anything could happen plus he did threaten me the last time we were together. Not only do I have to protect myself but Jacob much more. Antonio doesn't know about Jacob and Jacob doesn't know about his father. It hurts me that he doesn't have his father in his life but at the same time it's Antonio's fault. 

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