3. I Love The Cosbys

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"Mama wake up". That’s all I could hear Jacob saying as he shook me. I finally been able to get some sleep but I think it was about an hour ago because Jacob was now wide awake and full of energy.

I groaned "not now Jacob. Mama is tired".

"No" he whined. He knows I don't like when he does that but he continuously does it. I swear it's all Zara.

I could feel him move around on the bed then the bedroom became quiet. I went right back to sleep not really caring.

I woke up to the room still being quiet a little too quiet for my liking. The bed was empty with no sign of Jacob. I sighed he's probably with Zara or Anna. I called out his name but got no answer or little feet paddling either. I went to the bathroom and it was clearly visible in the mirror I still needed to sleep more.

I got out the bathroom and made my way downstairs and again tried to call Jacob's name but again got no respond and I felt a little uneasy about that. I rarely let Jacob out of my sight because I'm so overprotective of him especially now knowing that we were in Florida and anything could happen. This wasn't New York.

I sat down in the kitchen and tried to stay calm. I kept reassuring myself he probably is with Zara. I had my head down when I heard the sliding door open then closed and heard little feet running.

"Mama" Jacob yelled. He had a seashell in his hand and gave to me.

"Where were you little boy? You know you aren't suppose to go anywhere without me".

"I was with mister" he said pointing to the empty doorway. I looked and nobody was there.

"Who is Mister Jacob? I don't see anybody".

"He was with me" he said appearing in the kitchen. He had a pair of tan cargo shorts with another white tee that was fitted on his body. His define broad shoulders as well as his arms that look like they could rip the shirt with any sudden movement. All the muscles made him look rough and tough but I couldn't help see pass that remembering that night and how different he was. His sandy brown hair still had that bed hair effect and his feet had trances of sand on them and so did the flip flops.

"I came down here to get some orange juice and I saw him sitting on floor with his sippy cup in his hand and a face full of tears. He said and I quote “mummy is mad at me". He stared at Jacob then at me but his expression remained blank and that brought the nerves and the jitters because he probably thought I was a bad parent.

"Jay jay you know mama loves you right? I would never be mad at my baby okay" I reassured him.

"Uh huh" he said then shoved the seashell in my face "here" he said with that smile I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"For me Jacob"?

He nodded his head fast and kissed my cheek and I let him down.

"Thank you baby" I kissed his forehead and he ran to the TV as usual, of course.

He left me with him. Blake was now drinking a glass of orange juice while leaning against the sink. His face showed he was in deep thought and I couldn't help but wonder what is he could be thinking about. He turned around when he notice that Jacob left and washed out his glass and put it away.

I was still standing by the island in the kitchen when he started walking towards me. My breathing became short and my heartbeat was rapid. I was starting to panic and wanted to leave and go to my room.

"Relax Sophia" he calmly said as he stopped right in front me.

I looked up at him but my vision was blurry. I nearly forgot that I was so short compared to him. I was at least 5'3 but he for a fact was at least 6'2 or higher.

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