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Its 10:33 and my partner Michael and I are riding around in the police cruiser on a warm September night in Tampa Florida nothing could be more relaxing soon our shift would be over and I’ll be on my way home and sleep the rest of the night away.

“Blake how’s that sister of yours” Michael asked. I turned my attention to him giving him that look I gave him the first time I introduce him to my family after our second week of high school. He knew better then to hit on my sister but that didn’t stop him from constantly asking for her.

“Hey I’m just asking how the girl is doing sheesh nothing more.” he said with his hand up in surrender.

“Yeah yeah keep your eyes on the road and she’s perfectly fine in New York”

“You know we should definitely pay her a visit soon”?

“Actually you’re right and the crazy thing is I was just talking about that with her. She's all up for it as long as she knows when we are coming".

He nodded and kept his attention on the road. Since it's the beginning of September and school has started the streets are quiet. Most children are in their house either sleeping or watching TV before bed. Nothing is really happening or so I thought.

Dispatcher 90214 we got a call about a domestic dispute on 104 Miracle Ave. 

I lean forward and spoke into the walkie talkie letting her know we were on our way. When we got to the neighborhood it was quiet. Michael parked the cruiser in front of a random house and a lady in her middle age started walking towards us.

She looked weary and frighten.

"Good evening ma'am. I'm Officer Davis we received a call about a domestic dispute".

"Hello officer I heard a heated argument coming from that house next to mine" she pointed at the brown house that had the porch lights on.

"I was throwing out my garbage when I heard a man screaming then glass shattered. At first I just thought maybe he was on the phone but I heard screaming again I had to call the police to make sure everything is okay. I know a married couple lives there and I never heard anything from them or ever had a problem with them especially the wife. I mean they are a young couple so I don't know".

I looked over at the house and looked back over at the woman.
"Okay ma'am I wouldn't rule this out a domestic dispute but I'll have to go check".
She nodded and walked back to her porch and I went to the next door neighbors and rang the bell.

"Police can you open up. I need to ask you a few questions". Inside I can hear shuffling and the door being unlock. A petite young woman came into my view. She was maybe 5'1 or 5'2 with dark brown hair that reach to her shoulders and coco brown skin tone. Her body was fit and tone but I notice a faint bruise on her neck and a couple of scratches under her neck.

"Good evening ma'am. We got a call for an argument that was heard coming from this house. Is everything alright"?

She looked scared and fragile. She had a pair of black leggings and a gray hoodie on which I questioned to myself why would she be wearing such thing during a warm night.

"No everything is alright. It was just my husband was upset about a show he was watching and he knocked over a vase".

"I see can I have a word with your husband?" 

She stood there a minutes processing what I just said but reluctantly left the door way and went upstairs. The door was left slightly opened and I did see the glass all over the floor but what did catch my eye were spots of blood. 

"So what's going on Blake" Michael questioned me.

"Well from what it looks like it is a case of domestic abuse but also take a look at that" I pointed to the glass through the small crack through the door.

"Is that blood" he blurted out.

"Yeah I think so. What I need you to do is call for back up and an ambulance".

Michael nodded and went back to the cruiser and got on the radio calling for back up. As he did that the husband came to the door. He was built, tall but I towered him by a couple of inches, he had his hair pulled into a low ponytail. His tanned skin was dropping of sweat and he looked quite annoyed and distracted.

"Good evening sir. How are you this evening" trying to make small talk. I notice his knuckles where red and scratched up.

He replied with a Spanish accent "I'm alright officer. What can I help you with"?

"Nothing really we just got a call about some disturbance in the neighborhood and wanted to make sure everything was okay".

"Everything is fine officer" he tried to reassure me.

"Okay Mister" questioning his last name.


"Yes Mr. Santos. I hope you don't mind me asking but what happened to your knuckles".

He looked alarmed but he tried to cover it up but I caught it before he could.

"I knocked over a vase"

I nodded my head again and I looked over at his wife who was looking over his shoulder. I turned around and caught Michael staring at her. I signaled him to come over to question Mr. Santos as I talked to his wife.

"Mr. Santos can I have a word with your wife".

He looked over at her with an expression that I couldn’t understand then he nodded and Michael started talking him.

I went far from her husband and stood in front of her so he wouldn't see what she's saying. She looked up at me and her eyes glazed up at me. She wanted to say something, anything for that matter.

"What happened in there Mrs. Santos"?

"You can call me Sophia" she whispered.

I waited quietly as she thought about what she was about to say.

"He was mad about something but I don't know why. I tried to ask him what was wrong but he just yelled at me and smacked me. I tried to leave but he pulled me by the hair. He did knock over the vase and cut him and me with the shattered glass".

She had tears running down her face. I honestly didn't know what do for the first time in 5 years as being a police officer I didn't know how to handle this. She looked like she could be my sister's age scared and vulnerable. What she did shocked me even more. She lunged into my arms and cried harder. At first I was shocked but after that feeling passed and the smell peaches invaded my nostrils. I just did what I thought was right and started stroking her back. Her cries had at least stopped but tears still coming.

"Sophia" I whispered in her ear.


"What do you want to do"?

I couldn't just go and arrest him if she didn't want to. Truthfully it's all up to the victim to decide, she could let him just go or he could get arrested.

"I want him gone far away from me".

"Are you sure"?

She just shook her head yes pulling away from me and looked straight at me. The second cruiser was here and Michael was still talking to Mr. Santos. He left him there and walked over to me.

"What are we going to do" Michael questioned.

"She wants him arrested"

"I figured but he is fuming. He saw when his wife jumped at you Blake".

"I figured. But arrest and charge him with assault".

Michael went over to him and started reading his Miranda Rights as he put hand cuffs on.

An ambulance truck came into view and Sophia and older woman walked to them.

Mr. Santos was yelling and screaming at Sophia.

"You fucking bitch. You're going to pay for getting me arrested Sophia. You want to fucking lie and make accusations. I'll get you Sophia" he said before being shoved in cruiser.

Sophia was being treated behind the ambulance car and crying. The older woman was trying to calm Sophia down but wasn't working. I had finally finished talking with one of the officers when I came over to her.

I bent down in front of her and tried to take her hand but she flinch away but looked up and saw it was me. By then an emt had left and so did the woman. Her neck had gauze on it and her wrist was also wrapped up


"Thank you officer" but I stopped her before she could continue.

"No call me Blake and no you shouldn't have to thank me when it was all you".

She was quiet so I had to ask.

"Sophia I want you to do something for me"

"Okay" she said a little scared.

"I want you to pack your things and move on with your life. I know it's going to be hard but I know you can do it".

"I - I was gonna do it anyways. I'm scared and he basically threatened me so I'm going to move".

"You promise me Sophia"

"Yes I promise Blake" 

I reached up and wipe the single tear that ran down her cheek. 

"Good girl" I whispered to myself.

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