7. Gala

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It was now Saturday morning and I was here sitting at the tailors’ with Michael waiting for our suits so we can leave. They are taking forever and I don't have the patience for it at all. All they have to do is hand us our suits and we should get going but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.

I don't even understand why I am even going to this gala. Zara basically threaten me to go and if I didn't I know for a fact I wouldn't have a job. It's not like I didn't want to but it's the fact it's Sophia's little boyfriend that's inviting us that makes me not want to go at all.

"Guy you making this sound so bad. I'm pretty sure it's going to be hella fun."

"Yeah it’s so easy for you to say."

"You're making a lot harder than it is. We take the girls, they have fun, we eat, take a few numbers and be on our way."

"I'm not taking any numbers Michael".

I watched as Michael make a face then thought about something.

"You know lately you've been MIA in the bars and around women. I wonder why though."

I shrug not really paying him no mind.

"I think I know why but I'm not going to say much for now."

I looked up at him as I handed my credit card to the ringer "what do you mean."

"Oh nothing Blake” he smirked.

I stared at Michael before turning to the girl and taking my card back. Nothing was said after that as we made our way out to go see what's up with Zara and Sophia. Zara refused to even go shopping with Michael and I around. She kept saying it was a surprise and that we can't spoil it. All I knew is that Zara was bringing Sophia out her comfort zone and Jacob has a handsome little tux.

We pulled up at the beach house but Sophia's car wasn't in the driveway. Michael and I got out with our tux and shoes and immediately Anna opened the door. She looked stressed but of course she tried to hide it. Both Michael and I looked at each other and already knew why she was stressing. Zara!

"Finally you're here. Zara has been calling every few seconds just to know whether you both came or not."

"Don't worry yourself Anna we're here and you can go get ready. We will help Jacob get ready. You go and look beautiful" Michael said after kissing her on the cheek she went upstairs and Jacob came downstairs in his underwear and undershirt.

"Mikey" he ran into Michael's arms. I couldn't help but smile at Jacob. I remember he didn't even want to be around nobody except Zara just like his mother and now he can't stand to be away from either Michael or me.

"Are you ready to steal all the ladies hearts tonight?"

Jacob nodded his head agreeing with Michael said. I shook my head not understanding how this little boy could agree with Michael of all people. We finally started getting ready and the girls were still not back from wherever. Jacob had completely stopped asking for his mom and "auntie Zara". I was helping him tight his shoe lace when something out of the ordinary came out his mouth.

"Are you my daddy" Jacob questioned.

I froze when that sentence left his mouth. Honestly I don't know what to say. He sat there waiting for an answer but what am I to say to the kid. Yeah I'm not your daddy but I care enough that I wouldn't mind it.

"Well buddy what do you think?"

He got off the bed and sat in my lap. "I want you to be. Everybody has a daddy except me."

Just that right there broke my heart. I could see the tears coming up and I pulled him into a hug. I could only imagine how he feels everyday when he has to go to school and to top it off his mother the woman I'm slowly losing my mind for doesn't have that male in her life that can help with Jacob, love him as their own and to love her and show to the world.

"Listen here buddy. I can be your daddy if you promise to be good tonight and be my secret son. We can't tell mommy or auntie Zara."

"Okay daddy" he beamed. I couldn't help chuckle at that. It sounded different but strangely right.

He left the room as Michael entered. We finished getting ready when the door downstairs slammed shut. And by the sounds of the chatter it wasn't good.

"I think we should stay here until the limo gets here" Michael warned.

"You are so right for once."


It was now or never had I told myself once again. I couldn't believe it's me I'm staring at. I had to admit that Zara really did her thing but she insisted that it's me that really made the dress beautiful. Wearing a black lace long dress with a diamond chocker the dress had one whole side that was lace and a bit see through on the side and arm. My makeup was probably the best part besides my hair. I had a neutral but dark look with a deep cranberry color lipstick. And to finish it off my hair was wand curled by Zara gay friend who was a well known hairstylist. He definitely did me justice. Zara couldn't get over how gorgeous I look but it was her who was setting the place on fire with that deep navy blue dress that had a slit hat reached high on her thigh. Her tan was really working well with the dress. Her makeup was also neutral but brought out her sharp features in her face.

"Sophia, you look so gorgeous I can't help it."

"Thanks Z but you're just as beautiful tonight."

She shook her head not agreeing.

"No you definitely gonna take the night. You look so freaking beautiful all the men there are going to drool over you. Best believe there will be a fight over you."

"No let's hope not" I faked laughed. I don't need any more attention on me.

"Oh my gosh you girls look beautiful" Anna gushed.

"Thanks" both Zara and I replied.

"Jacob is all ready and the guys are waiting by the door the limo is here."

"Anna you look so adorable" Zara squeezed Anna.

"Thanks baby but let go before I become adorably dead."

"Sorry nana."

"It's okay darling but let's go before the guys start getting grumpy.

We walked down the stairs to the door where all two men and one little boy stood there waiting for us. Samuel had insisted on us having a limo instead of us driving because one it was a long drove and two we would be drinking and it were safer if we had a driver. I told him that wasn't necessary but Zara said otherwise. The limo was an all white Mercedes limo with doors that went up. I was shock to see the limo and the guys standing there. My little baby looked adorable in his tux and lace bow tie. He kept playing with until Blake bent down and fixed it for him. When he got up he turned to my direction with his eyes on me. Blake looked so handsome in his all black tux. His hair was trimmed and pulled back. His usual bright hazel eyes were now dark and stormy which made him look even good. The tux fitted him so well. Every muscle was defined in the tux that I just wanted to walk up to him and feel and trace every part. Michael on the other hand was just looking so handsome that I couldn't help smile when he pulled on his shirt neck. Even though he looked great he felt uncomfortable in his black and white tux.

"Stop pulling on your shirt Michael" Zara glared at him.

"You're not my mother Zara."

"Okay please let's not start this now or even in front of Jacob" Anna said.

Pulling away from each other's eyes we got inside the limo where Blake, Jacob and Michael sat across from us.

"I don't know about the rest of you guys but I'm gonna personally thank Samuel for hooking us up."

"Yeah hooking uz up" Jacob repeated.

"Yes little man that's why you're my son."

"Alright that's enough Michael. Next thing you know your tainting my poor baby's head with your nonsense." Zara said looking at Jacob and then at Michael

Michael scuffed as he leaned back into the seat and went through his phone. Samuel had informed us about press being there and pictures would be taken a lot since this was a big deal in Miami. I wasn't too sure if I wanted all that around myself and especially for Jacob. The ride to the gala wasn't long but it wasn't short. Soon enough we were there and the constant flash going off was pulling Zara in. She couldn’t contain herself anymore. The guys were the first to come out and the driver helped us out. I held Jacob's hand as we walk over to the photographers and other camera people. Zara posed countless of times for photographers and they loved it. She even got me to take a couple of pictures with her and Jacob. Jacob and I took a few individuals; Michael also joined. Blake and Zara took pictures as well.

"Guy dressed in all black come take a picture with the gorgeous lady with the lace" a photographer yelled.

I stood there shocked for one I didn't realize Blake and I were both wearing all black and two how his eyes darkened but shocked when the photographer yelled out the request. Without even wasting a second moment Blake came next to me and put his hand on my waist. I could feel the heat on his hand radiating to my skin. I wasn't stiff when his hand was on me but I did feel slightly uncomfortable when his thumb stroking my hip. I didn't realize that I leaned closer to him until some yelled out if we were a couple. I smiled but replied with a no.

"Mom pictures again pwease with daddy" Jacob begged.

"Daddy?" I questioned

"C'mon Jay" Blake grabbed him and Jacob happily went into his arms while Blake pulled me back to his side. Left and right cameras were flashing at one point Jacob was just clapping cheering for them to continue.
After awhile it was time to go in. As if the camera crew wasn't enough we were quickly welcomed by waiters and waitresses handing us drinks and finger foods. At the moment I wasn't worried about none of that I was memorized by the setting. The decor was so elegant and classic. Chandeliers hung high and low with the lights slightly dim. The main floor was decorated with an ivory and black colors simple but yet breathtaking. The music was being live and soft as people walk around and talk with one another.

"I'm glad you made it everyone" Samuel greeted us. He looked so happy to see us. He was wearing a black and white tux that had a longer back to it. He honestly looked like Gatsby.

"Thank you for inviting us" Anna said.

"It's my pleasure and of course you ladies look breathtaking might I add."

"Oh stop it Sammy" Zara giggled. She's seriously the only one that calls him "Sammy". And every time she does he sighs deeply.

"Oh this is my brother Blake and his annoying ass friend Michael."

"Nice to meet you both" Samuel said as he held his out to shake Blake and Michael's hand. Michael took the shake but Blake was very reluctantly too.

"Thank you for inviting us. This place is amazing. I swear I'm in a movie."

Samuel chuckled at the comment "no thank you for coming and I'm glad you feel that way. Well I have to go and talk to a couple of colleagues so I'll definitely be seeing you guys again tonight."

Everyone bid Samuel a farewell till later in which he nodded and smiled at them with so much happiness. His eyes landed on me then at someone behind me. I slowly turned around not trying to make it so obvious to see Blake staring back at a smirking Samuel.

"Drinks anyone" a waiter said bringing me out of my thoughts.
Samuel smirking had me wondering why exactly he was doing it for and why Blake looked like he could kill him.

As the night progress everyone was enjoying themselves including myself. Jacob had made a new friend and was eating a table close by while Zara, Michael, Anna, Blake and I ate a table shared with a couple who were very friendly. Their names Michelle and Luther were partners with a company Samuel co-owned. Michael was on his best behavior at the table and so was Zara which had me thinking exactly why but I would ask later. After a delicious main entree a beautiful band started playing a sweet melody which got a few couple on the dance floor. Everyone look so happy and was enjoying themselves which made me think about myself.

Was I truly happy with how my life is right now did I want more. I mean yeah I'm only 28 pushing 29 but I do have a son to look out for and it's only a matter of time before he starts asking about his father. A man that doesn't know Jacob existed and to whom I'm still legally married too. The first year I was happy I had myself in order the way I wanted it too but now I'm slowly realizing that I just might want more that more I can never have so to speak. I can't be with a guy without making sure he isn't trying something slick. I can't show how vulnerable I am because they'll take that as me being weak and use it against me and I also can't go around saying I'm legally married because they'll just run the opposite direction. No guy will ever want me and I'm fine with that but something deep inside me is telling I don't. That maybe just maybe someone out there is willing to accept all of that and more just to see me happy and see Jacob my baby boy happy.

"You know it's not good to just stare off into space you know" Blake whispered.

That alone brought me out of my thoughts and into reality. Everyone at the table was on the dance floor dancing while Blake and I were still seated.

"Everyone seems to be having a good time" I said quietly not fully trusting my voice.

"Yes they are and you should be too Sophia."

"I am Blake, trust me I am."

"Okay if you are then come join me on the dance floor for one dance" he said while smirking.

I didn't want to say no but I didn't exactly want to say yes but because he looked so damn good I slowly nodded my head. I wasn't too sure about this, being close to a man would really trigger my panic attacks.

"Just breathe hun; I'm not going to hurt you."

Just that alone calmed me down a bit. As we finally got to a spot on the dance floor he pulled me closer making me wrap my arm around his neck and he had his hand on my lower back. We swayed slowly to the bass guitar until he played the last cord. It felt so right but I don't know why. Blake didn't have that effect that other men had on me. I felt safe when I was around it probably had something to do with the fact he was an officer but even then I was always a little paranoid with them in New York.

"Stop thinking and enjoy yourself. You look absolutely stunning tonight and I wouldn't want you to ruin it with your thoughts" Blake whispered in my ear.

"Okay I'm trying" I whispered. "And thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."

He smiled warmly at me which caused me to give him a small smile. I couldn't help it maybe it's those piercing hazel eyes that calm me down.

"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls thank you for coming out to my gala." My thoughts were interrupted by Samuel coming on stage addressing his guest. "It's so nice to see all the beautiful women and pretty little girls and all the handsome men and boys. I don't even know where to begin but what I do know is I couldn't have done this with the help of my partner Luther and Antonio."

No this can't be it can't be the one I know.

"We wanted to gather everyone today including the press to unveil our newness project. It had been something we've been thinking about for quite some time but wasn't sure if we can make it happen. But after a lot of sitting down and sleepless nights we've come together with a new lounge."

Everyone started clapping and that's when Luther came out and Antonio appeared. I was in completely and utter shock. The man I married wasn't the same. Antonio as I remembered had a dark brown hair that stop at his shoulders and was a little on the husky side with a 5 o'clock shadow. Now stood in front of everyone was a more built, clean shaven, shorter haired Antonio. His Spanish tan was darker bring out the Miami sun to the room. He smiled at the crowd and waved to them, actually scanning the crowd. I on the other had tried my hardest to hide from his eyes.

"Hey I'm right here peaches" Blake assured me.

I quickly turned around forgetting that I was with him on the dance floor. I looked up him and squeezed my arm making sure I would zone out.

"I- I shouldn't be here Blake he'll see me" then Jacob face flashed into my head.

"No Jacob, Blake. He'll see Jacob and I have to go please let me go" I said pleading with him.

"Shh it's okay. I'm here and he won't do a thing to you" he reassured me.

I moved closer to him body warmth. It gave me comfort for the time being as Antonio was walking towards the microphone.

It was something about him that got everyone's attention. It's like he fed off that energy. I'll be damned if I be one of those people. I knew the real Antonio so he could fool everyone in the room, everyone except me.

"I'm glad that I partnered up with Luther and Samuel and let me tell you coming up with ideas were a lot of work more work than actually starting the idea. Anyways I would like to introduce everyone to our new lounge that will be opening on the east coast and will label as one of the top five star in New York."

He smiled to the crowd until his eyes landed on me. I stood there not knowing what to do but panic was settling in. I couldn't be here anymore I needed to head back to New York and move again. It was the only thing I knew and I knew that something of this sort would happen but I didn't know it would be this soon. Turning to head for Jacob before Antonio could know anything besides the fact I was here.

"Where are you going Sophia" Blake questioned.

"Where else Blake? You saw as well as I know why I'm getting the hell out of here. I need to find my son" I said leaving him behind.

"I'm coming with you."

I stopped "no Blake stay with Michael and Zara. I have to take the first flight I could back to New York" I stopped mid sentence looking at the hard gaze of Blake.

"No you're not Sophia, you're not going nowhere" raising his voice a little louder than I expected causing me to flinch away.

"I'm sorry but you're not running away. Michael is here and so are I nothing's going to happen and I'll make sure of."

His eyes look so reassuring. I wanted to believe him I really did but now wasn't the time. Antonio doesn't know about Jacob and I don't want him to know no time soon either. He doesn't deserve to know either.

"I know but my husband can't"


A sigh escape my throat as it tightened "please let me go."

"No Sophia not again. I'm coming with you."

He moved closer to me but I couldn't stop him. His fingertips were on my cheeks traveling to my neck were a few strands of hair was sticking out. His thumb softly rubbed the back of my neck causing me to relax just a little. Why was he the only guy able to calm me down and for me to not have a problem with it was beyond me? All I wanted to do was leave here go to the couch and relive the night we spent watching television.

"Please" I practically begged him.

He didn't say anything as he took my hand and lead me pass the crowd that I didn't even know had formed around us. He led me to where I can hear the laughter of little children. There stood my life and joy dancing with a cute little brunette. They giggled and danced that I couldn't help but smile at them. He was the sweetest and gentle to her I almost teared up.

"Jacob" Blake walked over to him getting his attention.



Jacob called Blake daddy again. Oh my goodness I can't let Jacob think that it's okay to call any guy and every guy daddy. Now Blake thinks that I just let Jacob call anybody his father. Even though Jacob said what he said that didn't bother Blake? He held Jacob and talked to him then let him say goodbye to his little friends and ran back into his arms. I stood there shocked I never realized how comfortable Jacob was with Blake I thought it only had been with Michael but he took a liking to the both of them.

"Let's get you two out of here" Blake whispered softly. Jacob laid his head on Blake's shoulder while Blake's hand went to hip. I didn't say anything nor at the sudden gesture.

"Oh leaving so soon."

I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. His voice had a hint of amusement to it. His Spanish accent that he had before was now gone and his English was so much better and not heavy. I don't know what he found interesting but he needed to leave me alone. I didn't say anything to him while I just kept walking to the limo.  

"It was nice seeing my beautiful wife tonight but it's such a shame she's going home to some other guy that can't keep her happy."

"Wife! You don't deserve to call her that."

Even though Blake was a couple of feet away from Antonio you could see the difference in them right away. Blake was more muscle and taller than Antonio they both had the same cut but Antonio's was more precise and clean.

"Oh I'll let you keep thinking that lover boy but she's knows I'm still husband."

His eyes look me up and down. I felt completely naked under his gaze. His eyes were traveled all over my body only him smirking at me.

"You look good Sophia. You look fuller if you know what I mean" he said with a hint of humor in his voice.

I didn't say anything to him. Blake pulled me closer to him. I relaxed a little but was still on edge. We started walking back to the limo but the last words that left Antonio's mouth only made me want to leave quicker.

"You'll always be my wife Sophia and your son is cute. Reminds me of myself once a upon a time."

That only caused the tears that I've been trying I keep at bay come flowing. Antonio isn't dumb he knows that Jacob is probably his and my stupid self didn't divorce him so he has a chance at taking Jacob away from me.

The limo driver was out the car helping Jacob into his boaster seat while Blake tried to calm me down.

"Hey, look at me Sophia. Antonio isn't going to touch you or Jacob and I'll make sure of it. You aren't going back to New York just so you can move away again."

"You don't understand Blake" I shook my head because I knew the truth and he didn't. "I'm technically still married to him so now he's more "richer" he has connections, connections that can get Jacob taken away from me."

"He doesn't know for sure Jacob is his."

"No but he isn't dumb. Didn't you hear what he said just a second ago.”?

"Yes but it doesn't mean shit to me Sophia okay? I got this under control."

"Blake what's going on why are you leaving and where is Sophie" Zara barked from behind us.

"Get inside, give me a second."

I nodded and went inside just to be lost in my thoughts. Even then I could hear Zara barking at Blake. He wasn't saying much to Zara because he knows Zara doesn't know too much or basically nothing about my past. This made me think a little harder about telling Zara everything. She's all the family I have right now and it would be better if I did tell her.

"Zara please quiet down. Jacob is sleeping and Sophia has a headache."

"No let me see my best friend" she demanded.

The next thing I knew the door opened and Zara stuck her head inside with eyes raging with angrier soften immediately when she saw my face.

"Sophie why are you crying?"
I didn't respond because I didn't know what to say so I just shook my head.

"You can tell what's going on Sophia I won't judge you. Is there something my brother did?"

"Oh no it's not it's just I have a headache that's all" I said softly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yea Zara. I'll just talk to you tomorrow, I promise."

It was more of a reassurance to me then to Zara. She looked over my face one last time before getting out the limo and walking back to the gala. A second later Blake claimed inside and sat next to me. I looked up at him for the first time in the eye and saw the conflict and uneasiness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry that you're getting into this. I can handle this myself Blake."

"No it's okay Sophia but you do know that I'm an officer so in a way it's my job to get into this kind of stuff."

 By him saying all this stuff I realized that I need him to be getting into this situation because maybe he'll find a way to end it. Slowly I started to doze off not sure when we would get back to the beach house since the drive back would be just as long as getting to the gala. All I remember was feeling something soft touch my forehead and Blake's voice pulling at me heart.

"I'm not going to let you leave again Sophia.

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