13. Surprises

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I felt like I've been in Miami forever but we're finally leaving and I can't wait to get back to New York. Don't get me wrong I'll always love Miami but New York has found my heart ain't nothing like the big Apple. I had finally got Jacob dressed and I was about to say my finally goodbyes to Ana. I was trying so hard not to cry but this woman is too kind for her own good.

"I'll calll as soon as I land okay and I know Jay is gonna miss your Mac and cheese but I think I got your recipe down pack so it's like we took you with us. But honestly Ana thank you forever truthfully. You've been like another mother to me and I can't wait to see you again and bring Jacob to you so you guys can cuddle again".

Ana's smile was so bright and her eyes were so glossy. She teared up but I meant every word I said Jacob had found a second grandma and it made my heart melt.

"Listen just take care of yourself and Jacob and watch my other child Zara. I know she's a handful but she means well. I love you Sophie and I'll be waiting for your FaceTime call later". She gave a me kiss and a tight hug as well as Jacob. I got in the van where Zara was on her phone rapidly typing away. All morning she's been on her phone typing away which I found a little strange but not strange at the same time. Zara is always on her phone but she was FOCUS on her phone more this morning.

"Z you've heard from the guys" I asked as I got
Jacob in his car seat. She looked up at me and shook her head no and went right back to her phone. A deep frown came on my face and my thoughts were everywhere.

"Hey! No you're not about to overthink. I'm pretty sure Michael and Blake got caught up at work that's why they not here but I'm pretty sure they'll call and wish us a safe flight or someone can catch these hands". I shook my head laughing cause Z was serious but at the same time I know they are officers but a quick pop up to say goodbye won't hurt nor will someone die in that five minutes. I didn't think anything of it I just pushed my thoughts aside as I looked out the window and take in the scenery as it will be my last time here for awhile. Miami was a good time it opened my eyes and I got to know the real me not the girl that was broken and hiding away but the strong one who escape and still managed to come back; not because I was brought face to face with a crazy husband but meet an amazing guy who really wants to see her do great things. I couldn't help but smile because Blake did that so did Michael but Blake really took me out this mentality that I was in. Brought me back to reality and made me understand that there's so much more than just hiding and going to work and I won't be able to thank him enough.

We had arrived at the airport and traveling with two kids is hard but I made it work.

"Leaving so soon I see" my heart skipped a beat as I turned around to see Blake standing there with his officer uniform on and Michael beside him with a big ol grin.

"I thought y'all wasn't coming" Zara said rolling her eyes. Something was off about her but I didn't know what.

"Don't question us grown men young lady" Blake teased. He walked towards me with smirk on his face. He knew he made me feel a way when I was around him and he definitely used it to his advantage but in a cute way.

"I first off would like to say I'm sad you're leaving but more so I'm glad you came back and I was able to meet you Sophie. You are so much stronger than you think and I want you to always remember that" I smiled at this man and wished he was the man I meet years ago. He was everything I wanted and then some but he wouldn't want a girl with a whole bunch of baggage.

"Thank you for making me realize me, Blake. Everything I do is because of Jacob and now I need to add myself to the equation".
I chuckled but he knew what I was talking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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