9. Solved

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Going on day three and Zara hasn't said a word to me. Tension is at an all time high in the house but I try to ignore it. 

When Jacob isn't here and is out and about with Michael or Blake riding around in the police cruiser I'm here trying to find a way to make sure Antonio doesn't try anything that will tear me and Jacob apart. I've made the decision that I want to go ahead and file for divorce but I know for a fact things are about to get out of hand. So going back to New York is going to be a must soon. 

And from what I see Blake and Michael still aren't on speaking terms. I've tried to get Blake alone but he too is avoiding me. I want to talk about everything because he told me if I needed anything or just someone to talk too I could count on him and now he's going back on his word. Typical ass guy if you ask me. 

It was just another day but it was gloomy and much more cooler. The sun was hidden behind all the big fluffy grey clouds as if it was going to rain. Jacob was sleeping upstairs he hasn't been feeling well so I let him stay in and rest. There wasn't really much to do honestly; Ana didn't come by because she was visiting a friend in Tampa and I haven't seen Zara at all. It was around  one when I heard the front door unlock, open and close. I didn't pay no mind because I figured it was just Michael or Blake coming by as usual. 

"Hey" a small voice said. 

I looked up to see Zara dressed in a plain black romper and white converses looking at me with those big eyes of hers. 

"Can we talk please?"

I nodded my head grabbing the remote and putting my general hospital on mute. I made myself comfortable on the love seat and she sat on the other side giving us some room. 

"So how you been?"

"Good I suppose and yourself?"

"I'm okay." Zara paused for a moment not really saying anything for what seemed like forever. 

"I'm sorry Sophia. I was wrong for acting the way I did the other day. I was just so mad at the way Blake acted that I blew my frustration out on you and your problems. That was so wrong of me but honestly I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

Her words were true and I could understand she was mad about the events from earlier but for her to take it out on me isn't the way to go. 

"Yeah you taking your frustration out on me isn't the way to go at all. I'm also sorry about not telling you about my past. It's just I felt like the less people who knew the better for me. So I accept your apology Zara."

She smiled brightly at me "good because I can't lose my sister or my nephew. And I understand what you mean about keeping that sort of thing quiet."

"That's true."

I had finally told Zara everything. From why I moved to New York and who's Jacob father. I also told her about Blake and how he in a way helped me get away. 

"So this whole time you knew Blake and didn't tell me?"

I shook my head "it's not even like that. At least I didn't realize that it was him for sure until that night I had a nightmare and I screamed something that I haven't done in so long. He called me peaches from behind the door asking if I was okay and from there that's how I knew it was him."

"And you didn't think about telling me Sophia. I'm not really mad just upset that you kept that from me."

Zara looked annoyed but understood me. I don't want to lose Zara over something stupid and she knows this.

She held her hands out and smiled "come here and give me a hug best friend. I don't want us to fight over nothing so petty like this again. Understand"?

"Yeah completely" I hugged her so tight. 

We let go and Zara gave me a sly look and immediately I shook my head because with that look came trouble. Trouble that can be good or bad but knowing Zara that's bad trouble.

"So you like my brother?"

"Wait what? What are you talking about Zara"?

"Now you're playing dumb. That's cute but you can't so answer the question."

I shook my head no "I don't like Blake".

"Sure you don't but remember who you're talking to his; sister and your best friend."

Zara smirk had trouble written all over it and she couldn't be stopped. 

The rest of the day I spent looking for a good lawyer to go through with this divorce. I know I should've did this three years ago but I was scared then but now I shouldn't let Antonio take over my life when I left him already. I know he's got money to get the best lawyer but when we get to court I know that it won't be easy for him to defend himself. There will definitely be a lot of going back and forth in court. I'm going to try my hardest to keep Jacob out of this. He doesn't to know so much about it. It's between his father and I. 

"What are you doing up so late" a deep husky voice said from behind. 

I jumped not noticing that Blake was behind and was careful watching me. 

"I didn't realize you were here and how did you even get in?"

He gave me a look "oh yeah never mind that was a dumb question."

"It's okay" he chuckled. 

"I was just finishing something up and then going to bed."

"Yeah that's why I came in. I saw the light was on and thought maybe Zara had left them on again"

"No it was all me but you don't have to worry."

Nothing was said after that he was quiet. It wasn't even awkward it was just dead silent.
"Are you guys talking now?"
I smiled because he hasn't been around to know that we are finally talking.

"We kissed and made up" I chuckled. 

"I'm glad to hear that I was beginning to worry you guys were going to fight or kill each other."

I looked up at him and he looked worn out. He had this look in his eyes that screamed he needed to sleep. 

"You look tired" I slowly walked up to him. He nodded as he know exactly what I meant. 

"I know and I'm about to leave actually."

"No I don't feel comfortable with you going out there with your eyes all low."

He chuckled "you sound like Ana. I actually wasn't going to go anywhere."

I felt my face heat up my mouth form an "o".

"Well I'm going to bed now" I slowly back away from his eyes that were staring at me.


I jumped and was about to turn around not before cursing at myself for still being jumpy. 

"Sophie I know you don't really do this but I wanted to take you and Jacob out tomorrow night. We can go see that snow movie called Freezer or whatever then catch something to eat."

I couldn't help laugh "you mean Frozen and   I'm not to sure. Jacob's been feeling a little under the weather. 

Blake nodded slowly understanding what I meant. "What if I came by later tomorrow and I could cook you guys dinner."

I looked up not believing what he was saying.  "You cook for us? Again?"

"What my food was that bad?" He teased.

I shook my head quickly dismissing the thought "it's not that. It's just I wouldn't have expected you to offer to cook my son and I dinner."

I sat back down on the sofa and looked up at Blake who was staring at me.


"Nothing" but there was a trace of humor in his voice. 

The quietness in the room took over. "If you cook can I at least help you" I questioned. I didn't want to be just there to eat and leave. 

He took a moment thinking, for what I don't know.

"Yeah you can help me." I felt myself smiling.


"Yes really. I realize I didn't let you help so I thought why not. It's not like your Zara and you'll burn down the place."

I laugh and thought did come to mind.

"Thanks, I know Jacob is gonna have a blast with this."

He nodded and sat down next to me. I looked up at him and he was staring at me. I caught myself checking him out before he notice. 

"You're tired Sophia. You need to rest."

I sighed "I know but I can't" I whispered. 

"You're having nightmares again."

I only nodded, scared that my voice would shake. 
A heavy sign left my mouth "I'm not tired."

"You're not tired or you just don't want to go to sleep because you can't because you have a lot on your mind and if you do try and close your eyes you'll wake up screaming; just like the first night."

I couldn't say anything because he was right. I know for a fact he knew why I couldn't sleep and by him knowing it makes it harder to lie to him.

"I know everything right now has got you on edge but you do need to sleep to rest your body and have some stress leave your body."

I nodded understanding what he meant but just falling asleep isn't easy.

"It's not easy. I won't fall asleep right away believe me."

He was quiet for a moment "how about I stay around until you're able to fell asleep,"

"No" I shook my head "you don't have to do that. I'm pretty sure I'll fall asleep eventually."

He gave me a look. 

There's no way I'm fighting Blake because he's sort of right. I looked up to see him looking tentatively at me. I had to look away because it was hard even in the dark. 

"Hey" he bent down in front of me "don't feel like you have to hide yourself from me okay. At this point you should already know how I feel about you and I can see it in your eyes that you feel the same way but you're fighting it."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Okay Soph, you playing dumb is so cute but not for you."

He left and went upstairs thinking that he went to sleep. He came back down with two pillows and a big navy blue blanket. He handed me a pillow as he sat down. After he opened the blanket and realize we are about to sleep on the couch like last week. He looked up with a raised eyebrow pretty much asking if I had a problem with this arrangement. I smiled shyly and fixed the blanket on my side and nuzzled my pillow. 

"Good night Soph" was the last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep.

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