2. Fun In The Sun or Nightmares

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We had finally got to the beach house and it was gorgeous. When we got out the car you could hear the faint waves in the background hitting the rocks and the shore. But really caught my attention was the beautiful building in front of me. From the outside you were greeted by house on sticks if you ask me but it was far from that. 

It was white and brown on the outside a glass door. As we stepped inside it was gorgeous; to the right was the living room with a black leather couch, a matching sofa, and resting chair with a small table in the middle and a giant flat screen TV. Not too far from it was the kitchen that was as big as my apartment with a sliding door that led to a pool.

Next were the spiral stairs that led up to the endless rooms, theater room and entertainment room and much more.

"I see you like the place" Zara said smirking at me.

"This place is amazing" I said as I continued to look already.

"You wouldn't have said that a couple of hours ago"

"What"? I looked confused at her statement.

"Frick and frack left this place as if they were back on the barn. Thankfully I called Anna and she was able to get everything situated".

"Zara always trying to save the day I see".

"You know it" she winked at me. "Now your room is the third down from mine and since you insist on Jacob sleeping with you there is a king size bed in there so that's more than enough for the both of you guys".

"Thanks Zara" I quickly gave her a side hug because I had a baby clinging on to my shirt for dear life.

"No need. That's what friends are for. Plus I want you be as comfortable as possible. You deserve all of this anyways". I smiled warmly at her, she was too cute.

I took Jacob to our room for the next couple of days and to my surprise the room was as big as my apartment maybe even bigger. There was a king size bed, a huge walk in closet, a 16in, a dresser, a vanity a balcony that had amazing view and a en suite bathroom that was just gorgeous. I know for a fact I would be taking a long baths in that bathroom.

I gently put Jacob downed and started to unpack a little. I didn't take out much except for some night clothes and our tooth brush. I left the door slightly open just in case he woke up and came looking for me. Chatter and laughter was coming from downstairs and I followed it all the way to the kitchen. In the kitchen stood a middle age woman with black and grayish hair, her eyes were a kind color of blue and had a fair white skin tone. She was laughing and talking to Zara; she had notice me and that's when Zara also notice me and practically dragged me to the lady.

"Sophia this is Anna and Anna this is Sophia".

"Nice to meet you" I said quietly.

"Same here dear" she smiled warmly at me.

"So where are they Anna" Zara asked sounding disgusted.

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