12. You Should Let Me Love U

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Nothing else mattered as his lips coached my lips into a deep kiss. His tongue moved swiftly on my bottom lip asking for entry and without hesitation I opened. Everything about him awaken every sense in me from head to toe. Blake was what I wanted and needed but too scared to admit it. My legs grew weak with every kiss and he didn't hesitant picking me up and walking us both to his bed. My body dropped on the bed and those eyes scanned my body with hunger leaking out them. I used my elbows to elevate my upper body and I watched him take off his shirt and just like that he was in between my legs kissing my neck causing a soft yelp to escape my lips. Blake was the only thing that came out my mouth before he covered them with his lips.
His lips left my mine once again and I felt like a piece of me left me. Without thinking my pants were off and my shirt was off and I wanted to hesitate but something else was telling me to let go for once. And he paused and looked at me.

"We can stop you know" his fingers lingered down my cheek.

I nodded understanding but couldn't say anything else. The more he looked at me the more my core heated up and only wanted pleasure.

" I don't want to stop and I definitely don't want you to stop Blake, please" I answered breathlessly.

It felt so real and so right. I couldn't believe I was going this far.

It all started after he dropped my brother at the airport with me tagging along. I wanted to say goodbye one final time and for some reason I wanted to be around Blake also. The ride to the airport would be pretty quick actually since it's not too far. Mostly Blake and Dee talked about sports and Blake's job which I didn't know he was thinking about transferring to a different precinct and become captain but it was still in the air. His eyes sparkled when he talked about his job and that was really good to see he loved what he did.

"So Blake how's the ladies" Dee asked casually but I knew what this guy was doing. I was thinking to myself maybe I could slap him up a few times before he boards the plane.

Blake smiled and shook his head "it's pretty dry out here bro."

"I'm shocked bro because all this sun and females practically walking around naked and you're single. Hard to believe Blake."

"Alright next topic" I interrupted because I know where this conversation was going I didn't want to hear anymore of it.

"What's wrong sis"?

"Nothing Dee just hush up I have a headache" trying to get him to shut up.

"I bet you do" Dee mumbled under his breathe.

Blake looked over at me and smiled and for some odd reason my stomach dropped and I frowned at him which caused him to look away confused.

"Alright I'm going to have to do this sister of mine, you're gonna hate me but it's about time. You need to man up or you'll be completely lonely but that's why I got your back." Dee said smiling and I was ready to stop the car and fight him.

I turned to face Dee and I was pleading with him with my eyes because it was about to get serious.

"Blake you know my sister's situation and I know she can be hard headed and think she can do everything on her own but she can't. She's just like mom and it has its good and bad and right now it's in the bad phase. I love my Sophia with all my heart and I'm not doing this to embarrass her at all but to give her a little push. All I'm saying is she knows what she wants but she's just not to sure and a little scared because of Antonio and the damaged he's done".

I was at a point of no return my brother did not just tell Blake all of this shit right in front of me. I rather he said it behind my back but in front of me while I'm in the passenger seat is beyond crazy. I don't know if I should be upset, embarrassed or balling tears. I looked over at Blake and he was quiet and I turned around to Dee confused as ever.

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