10. Just What You Need

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Finally I left the beach house a little after 7 I had a couple things to do before work and my dinner date with Soph and Jacob. I spent half the night into the early morning thinking about what the hell am I gonna cook for them. I want to make it something they wouldn't forget. I hate not seeing Sophia smile and this would help me get to know her and Jacob more.

I drove home to see Michael's car was parked in the driveway.


I parked my jeep and went outside. I haven't spoken to Michael in a few days and it bothers me but at the same time what bothers me the most is what he and my sister did behind my back like c'mon. He hasn't said a word to me and I haven't either. I wouldn't have mind that he and my sister were talking but it's the fact I know what type of guy Michael is and I don't want to see my sister hurt because of his stupid actions.

As I walked through the door I heard nothing so I'm guessing Michael's probably knocked out cold. I got in the shower quickly and got out or I'll be late for work and I had something very important to do. As I was walking out Michael was stepping out his room, we made eye contact but my eyes drifted away I had nothing to say.

"Blake can you can at least say something to me" Michael pleaded.

"I have nothing to say to you Michael."

I shook my head I meant it I had nothing to say to him.

"Listen Blake I'm sorry okay I'm sorry for not telling you what was going on between me and your sister but how could I without you blowing it out of proportion."

I got to my room door and I turned around and walked back to wear Michael was.
"I'm blowing it out of proportion? You were basically sleeping with Zara and you think I wouldn't have found out."

I was heated and just listening to him say he's sorry wasn't enough.

"I don't know what else to say. What we did was wrong Zara wanted to tell you so don't be mad at her it was my own selfish reasoning that I didn't let her. I didn't want to fucked up our friendship. These past couple of days made me appreciation you more. It felt weird not being able to talk you. That fact that you took a few days off from work I knew it was because of me."

I stared at Michael, for as long as I've known him he hasn't been this emotional or open with his emotions. I did take a few days off because we were partners and I couldn't be in the same cruiser as him. I'd probably do something I would regret.

"Michael, you were selfish for not telling me but honestly I wouldn't have mind if you and my sister were talking. I just didn't like that you guys were doing it behind my back, you know. And I accept your apology."

A big grin was plastered on Michael's face; made him look kinda creep.

"Thanks bro" he came and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Yeah, yeah but for real if you hurt Zara I will murder you Michael and I'm so serious."

I gave a serious look but couldn't help but crack a smile it was good to be talking to my best friend.

"I care about her to much to hurt her."

I knew he meant it and I trusted Michael with my baby sister. Just a warning if he fucked things up.

"What are you doing today?"

"Nothing really cause I have work later." Michael responded.

"Good I need your help with something for tonight." I said thinking that he could definitely fit into this plan.

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