5. I Don't Want Too

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I've been dreading this day since Zara told me about it while we were at Disney world. I've been trying my hardest to avoid going down this road but Zara makes it so much harder.

Today we were going to Tampa to go to this restaurant she's been dying to try. She claims it has the best food ever; I don't understand why she'd think that since she eats everything. Anna said she'll watch Jacob while we go out and enjoy ourselves. I sat in the car waiting for Zara as she finished getting ready. She was the one that would be driving since I don't trust myself or my mind right now.

"You seem a little tense Sophie. Are you okay" Zara asked as she got settled in the driver’s seat.

"Yeah I'm good Z I'm just feeling a little under the weather but I'm sure it'll pass" I glanced at her giving her my 'okay smile'.

This was the first time she's notice I've been tense. Blake had sense it right away the minute Zara said she wanted to go Tampa. The minute she said that he turned my way and he had that look in his eyes. I nearly looked away until he said something. He reassured me that nothing would happen to me or Jacob while we were here and for some reason I believed him.

We drove down the familiar highways and byways. It looks like nothing had changed the past three years. The drive was quiet except for the sound of the radio playing; for once Zara was quiet lost in her thoughts and honestly it was surprising. Whatever she was thinking about had her lips sealed and concentrated.

"So how's it going with Michael"?

Zara turned her attention to me and gave me a weak smile.

"Um we're okay. We talked last night" she shrugged.


"And we had sex" she responded sheepishly.


"I know, I know. But Sophie it was different".

"What do you mean different"?

"I don't know exactly but it wasn't like all the others times in New York"

I didn't even want to know about the other times. I said to myself

"I wasn't going to tell you about all the other encounters. I just feel like there's a different connection between us. And at this point I don't care what my brother thinks but I know he won't like it since Michael is somewhat of a womanizer but he said he's changed".

"Do you believe him"?

"Yeah I do believe him. I'm not saying just because we had sex and that I like him more than I'm supposed too but I seriously believe him".

"I believe him too. I just don't want to see you hurt because you're my best friend and sister and I don't want to see you heartbroken" I said as I pulled her free hand into mine.

I consider Zara like my own no matter what. She's a baby in my eyes and I know Blake feels the same way. But what I do know for a fact is that if Blake finds about this little rendezvous it's not going to be a pretty site. I'm scared for the both of them but at the end of the day Michael and Zara are both grown.

We arrived at this restaurant that was on a busy street. The restaurant had a modern look to it on the outside. People were able to sit outside and enjoy the weather. As we walked inside was breathe taking. The walls were painted white and mahogany; the tables and chairs were covered in white cloth with a cute table piece in the center. A young lady dressed in a short black shirt and a white button down tucked in smiled at us as we walked towards her. Her hair was cut in a bob that lay a little under her chin. Her makeup was natural and fitted her uniform at the restaurant.

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