Chapter One

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Before you stood a helpless human trembling in that freezing weather as she held her baby close in her arms. "Help..." She uttered before she collapsed to the ground, her head hanging down in shame as tears fell down her scarred face.

"The leader isn't here... I'm Yuki by the way, you can count on me to help you." You said, kneeling down to face her then extended a hand for her.

"P- Please don't... hurt us!" She pleaded, repelling from you, then broke down crying.

"Pathetic..." You muttered under your breath then turned back to her with a forced smile. "Tell me dear, what happened? Why don't you come in so we can talk over a cup of tea?"

You frowned at the sight of the helpless being apologising excessively for no apparent reason. "What would Douma-sama do in this situation?" You thought, closing your eyes and remembering how he would treat his followers with kindness.

You hesitantly got up and poured the woman a glass of water, and sat next to her waiting for her to calm down.

"As I previously introduced myself, my name is Yuki, what's yours?" You calmly asked one question at a time, remembering how overwhelming it can be to bombard anyone with multiple questions.

"Kotoha... Hashibira." She replied shortly as she picked on her clothes in discomfort.

"It's nice to meet you, Kotoha-san." You said, shifting your gaze to the baby in her arms. "Is this your baby? They're so cute!"

"Yeah!" She said, easing up a little, then looked at her baby lovingly. "His name is Inosuke!"

"What a beautiful name!" You commented, then turned back to Kotoha. "You'll freeze here, come on in. I'll get help as soon as possible, please make yourself home."

You lead Kotoha and her baby to your quarters and allowed them to stay there while you decide on what to do next. "I'll go get the medication you need, feel free to use a change of clothes from the closet." You told her before you left.

You sighed as soon as you walked out of the room, thinking how overwhelming this situation was, and wondering what to do next. "I can't kill them yet." You thought as you struggled to reach for the first aid kit placed on the very top shelf.

"There you go!"

You turned around to see Douma with a proud smile plastered across his face as he handed you the box. "Hello!"

You stared at him wide-eyed, unable to come up with anything to say. "Douma-sama?" You uttered after a while of silence. "You're... back?"

"Where were you all this time?!" You snapped at him. "I gave up hope that you'll ever return! I thought that you– I mean... I thought that something bad has happened to you!"

In return of your worried gesture, he laughed as if it's a great achievement that he made you worry about him. "You think that's funny? I have something funnier." You said dryly, staring daggers at him. "One of your loyal followers came asking for help, and you came just in time."

He stopped laughing at this instant and pretended that he had no idea what you were talking about, but you weren't buying it.

"Yuki-chan! You hate me a lot, don't you? Give me a break!" He whined as you dragged him to where you left Kotoha and little Inosuke.

"Luckily for you, Kotoha-san, the leader– eh?" You stopped in your tracks as soon as you saw Kotoha lying unconscious on the wooden floor. "What happened?" You asked no one in specific as you carefully approached the woman.

"You didn't tell me it's a woman!" He said with a hint of excitement in his voice as soon as he saw her frail figure lying on the ground.

"Not so soon." You scoffed, taking away his golden fans as you wrapped a protective arm around Kotoha. "No women for you."

"Protecting a human? That's new!" He said as he came closer to get a better look at the human. "Oh my... why does she look like that?"

"No idea." You muttered, placing a hand on her forehead. "She's cold..." You lifted her unconscious body in your arms and covered her with extra blankets, then applied the needed medication to her wounds.

"Inosuke..." She mumbled in her sleep, looking uneasy as if she was having a nightmare that involved her child.

"I'm moved!" Douma forced the tears out of his colourful eyes.

You rolled your eyes at his reaction and placed little Inosuke next to his mother, then turned back to Douma. "You may leave." You said quietly. "I'll handle everything from here."

"Weren't you the one who asked me to check on them?" He asked.

"I changed my mind." You shrugged.

He wasn't complaining about one task out of his way; he wasn't looking forward to this cult's duties after all, so he decided to leave before you change your mind again.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 833 words

-',✎ A/n: I'm sorry this chapter is short, I'm going to write longer chapters in the future, but I hope you like it :)

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