Chapter Fifteen

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By nightfall, you've regained most of your strength although you couldn't stop worrying about that dream you had; it sure has been a while since you've had a dream because after all you haven't gotten any sleep since you've become a demon.

"Thank you for looking out for me, Akaza-sama." You smiled and bowed in respect. "I think that I should get going, now."

"Would you be fine on your own?" He asked, frowning a little in concern. "I can accompany you to Douma's temple if you want."

"No, no... You've already done so much for me." You politely declined although you secretly didn't want to leave on your own.

"I'll go with you." He insisted nevertheless. "I don't want you running into some hashira... or any demon slayer - as a matter of fact."

Knowing it would be no use to argue any further, you finally agreed, and on your way to the cult, you sensed someone following you.

Looking back, you saw Daki with a perplexed look on her face. "Upper moon six?" You beamed with joy upon reuniting with your old friend.

"Yuki-chan?" She asked with a hint of disgust in her voice. "I almost didn't recognise you... What's with those ugly clothes of yours? I hope that's not the new fashion trend."

"Oh..." You instinctively hid behind Akaza, your face turning red with embarrassment as you felt your ears heat up.

"Lucky for you, I stole‐ no... borrowed this kimono from a girl who works at the house I'm at." Daki said, throwing you a blue kimono with a floral pattern on it. "Get changed now, thank me later."

You couldn't be more grateful for her, knowing how badly you needed a change of clothes before showing up to the temple with this - now - completely ruined outfit, thanks to the battles at lower moon four's forest and the train.

"So... How do I look?" You came out from behind the bushes wearing the fancy outfit Daki has given you.

"Better." She said, her eyes sparkling as she admired your looks. "Can I do your makeup?"

"I wouldn't like keeping Akaza-sama waiting here... maybe-"

"Oh come on!"

"It's okay." Akaza stepped in. "I don't mind waiting a couple of hours."

"Couple of hours?!" Daki gasped, looking between you and Akaza. "Do you mean to say that... that she's ugly?!"

"Huh?! I didn't mean it that way!" Akaza said, looking away from the both of you. "You misunderstood that... Really."

You laughed a little while Daki looked as proud as if she just accomplished something great by embarrassing upper rank three.

"Let's go now... we don't have all night." You said, looking between the upper moons.

"Right, I have to go, see you later!" Daki said, before she disappeared out of sight.

You waved your hand 'goodbye' then turned to Akaza. "Let's go." He muttered.


You stood next to Akaza at a distance from the temple as a sigh of relief escaped your lips. "We're finally here... thank you so much for going with me." You said, smiling as you bowed respectfully.

"Don't mention it." He said, "I better get going now before upper moon two finds me."

"I understand." You chuckled. "Take care on your way back home."

"I will." Saying that, he left and you turned to go to the cult.

Once you reached the temple, you were greeted warmly by the servants who weren't expecting your arrival at such an unexpected time.

"Yuki-san!" They cried as they surrounded you. "Gracious founder! Yuki-san is back!"

"Eh?" Douma stood, staring at you from a distance as his face lit up with joy. "Yuki-chan!" He exclaimed, running towards you as he pulled you in for a hug. "It's good to finally see you again!"

"You're... crushing my bones... Douma-sama." You said, gently pulling away from the hug. "It feels good to finally be back home."

"Hey, Yuki-chan! Tell me!" He said with a grin plastered across his face. "Did you really encounter a hashira? Did you make friends with lower moons one and four?"

"True that... I did encounter a hashira." You replied, colours draining from your face. "Right... I have to report to the master... right."

"After four days?" He laughed. "The lower moons and Akaza-dono already reported to Muzan-sama! Everyone knows that you've slept for three days straight!"

"Don't bring that up." You lightly punched his arm, drawing closer to him as you looked away.

"We should report-"


You looked behind you and saw Kotoha running to you with tears in her eyes. "I missed you!" She cried, throwing her arms around you. "Everyone knows that you've encountered a hashira! That must've been scary!"

"Calm down, I'm alright." You said calmly, giving her a reassuring smile. "I missed you as well."

"Hey, Yuki-chan! Hey!" Douma said, trying to get your attention. "Didn't you miss me too?"

"Douma-sama..." You turned to him with disappointment written all over your face. "That's childish."

"What?!" He gasped, covering half of his face with one of his fans. "Admit it! You missed me!"

You looked at him, not wanting to admit that you've actually missed him. "Not one bit." You said, then left to your room.


Once you reached your quarters, you were shocked to see Muzan there, waiting for your arrival.

"Master..." You tried to sound calm as you bowed before him although you were frightened by his intimidating aura.

"Yuki... You're scared of the demon slayer corps... aren't you?" He spoke in a monotonous tone as he glared at you.

"I am." You admitted, knowing it would be no use to deny anything Muzan says.

"Aren't you ashamed of yourself?" He asked angrily. "When was the last time you've eaten a human?"

You've been always ashamed of yourself for being scared of the demon slayer corps, but you never let that stand in the way of your missions.

You simply looked at the ground, not wanting to give a direct answer to Muzan's questions, weighing out the outcomes of your actions and thinking how staying silent could make matters worse.

"Have you lost your appetite?" He angrily grabbed you by your neck, and drained a great amount of your blood. "You're worthless... I might have to kill you if this behavior continues."

He then let go of you and left you struggling to heal the deep wounds he inflicted on you.

"Yuki-san!" A middle-aged servant rushed to your side, horrified by the sight of the blood all over the place as you started coughing uncontrollably.

"Goodness! What happened here?!" She asked frantically, placing a hand over your shoulder. "Are you okay?!"

You bit your lip, trying not to cry as you balled your fists, but the tears found their way out of your eyes nonetheless. "I don't know what to do." You said, thinking out loud.

"Please rest! I'll take care of this!" The woman said as she dragged your greatly wounded body to bed. "I'll call for the doctors then clean this up in no time!"

You closed your eyes, trying to mutter a simple 'thank you', but you were exhausted and couldn't bring yourself to say anything.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1205 words

-',✎ A/n: This took a while to write as I was super busy for the past few days aha! Hope you understand :,)

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