Chapter Sixteen

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"Be careful (Y/n)!" A girl yelled, waving at the other girl who was collecting fruits from a tree.

"Don't worry, Hikari! I'll be just fine!" A girl about nine years old said, reaching for the top of the tree. "Ow!" She flinched as she fell to the ground, with her arms securing what she'd collected.

"(Y/n)!" Hikari gasped as she rushed to her friend's side. "Are you okay?!"

Much to her surprise, (Y/n) laughed as she lied on the green grass among the flowers. "I am, I am!" She smiled, raising a hand as a butterfly landed on her fingertips.

"Woah! A butterfly!" Hikari exclaimed, and as she came closer, the little insect fluttered its wings and left far away.

"You scared it!" The other girl sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Girls! What are you still doing here?" A middle-aged woman called for the two of them. "It's lunchtime!"

"One minute!" (Y/n) yelled, and as she tried to stand up, she felt a sharp pain in her leg. "Ow!"

"(Y/n)!" Hikari rushed to her side, letting her lean on her for support.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'll be just fine." The injured girl said, trying to stand up.

"Is everything okay, girls?" The older woman approached the two girls with a concerned look on her face.

"(Y/n) fell from the tree! I think she broke her right leg!" The girl explained.

"Oh, (Y/n)..." Letting out a sigh, the woman checked on the nine year old. "It's not a serious injury, there's no need to worry. You just twisted your ankle."

"Then‐ Ow!" The girl tried to stand up once more, but it was no use as it just made matters worse.

"(Y/n)!" The kind lady frowned as she sat the girl down and bandaged her ankle. "There you go!"

"Thank you very much!" She thanked her, handing her the fruits she'd collected from the tree as a 'thank you' gift. "I collected those! Isn't that awesome?"

The guardian smiled, accepting the gift. "Now, let's go, everyone's waiting for you two." Saying that, she carried the younger one indoors with Hikari following after them.

As soon as they entered, the kids started asking (Y/n) a million questions as their worried faces surrounded her.


"Yuki-chan... Yuki-chan..." You woke up to the silver haired man, looking closely into your eyes. "Ah! You're finally awake!" He exclaimed, clasping his hands together.

"Douma-sama..." You mumbled, clinging onto him for support as you tried to get up.

"Was Muzan-sama here?" He asked as he helped you up. "How dramatic... he destroys everything with every visit."

Normally, you would scold him whenever he talked casually about Muzan, but this time you didn't really mind; he was correct after all.

"Oh! Did you know? You were talking in your sleep!" He added, laughing a little.

"A- And you just sat there listening?!" You shrieked, slapping him across the face. "Creep!"

"Awh! I was just checking on you!" He chuckled, covering the bottom half of his face with his fan. "It's not normal for demons to go into a deep slumber this often!"

As matter of fact, you've been worried about your sleeping habits and the occurring nostalgic dreams you've been having.

You debated whether or not you should tell the upper moon about your concerns, and it took you a lot of time and courage to finally speak up. "Douma-sama... I know you deal with many pathetic sad stories everyday but..."

"Hm?" He turned his attention to you, but you just couldn't tell him what was bothering you. "I'll gladly listen to you!"

You shook your head dismissively and forced a sad smile. "Thank you... for everything." You thanked him. "I have no idea how I'll ever repay you... but be sure that you can always count on me."

"That's the sweetest thing Yuki-chan has ever told me!" He said cheerfully, then his demeanour changed to his intelligent, cunning one. "You're always mean to me, what's with the sudden change? Do you need something? That's right... you wanted to talk to me about your misfortune."

"It's nothing... you may leave."

"But you never tell me anything of what was bothering you... even when I found you at your lowest!"

You wanted to let him know about everything that has been happening lately, but something was always holding you back. "Douma-sama... it's better if you don't know at all." You said, looking away. "Please leave now."

"As you like!" He left, glancing back in your direction with a sly grin on his face. "Those dreams are oddly familiar, aren't they?"

Your eyes widened upon hearing that. Letting out a sigh, you finally spoke, "I feel like I've seen those people before... Are they the innocent souls I've murdered?" You bit your lip, trying to keep yourself as calm as possible. "No... they didn't seem to hate me at all... or hold any grudges against me."

"Back then when you were a human, you were really loved!" He said with a sparkle in his eyes as he went back to you. "Maybe you're regaining your human memories!"

"I'm just tired." You scoffed, refusing to believe that these were your human memories. "I'll go for a walk outside, and this will solve everything."

"I shouldn't have explained anything." Saying that, you muttered an apology and walked away.

"Hey Yuki-chan! Do you want me to go with you?"

"No... I need some alone time."

"Got it! I'll be waiting for you! Don't run into any demon hunters!"


As you were leaving the temple, you were stopped by Kotoha who looked at you with a worried look on her face. "Where are you going?" She asked anxiously with a little frown.

"Just for a walk." You smiled thinly. "I'll be back soon."

However, taking by the time you were away, she was skeptical about you telling the truth. "Not for a mission?" She asked.

"Oh, no no no... not at all." You giggled under your breath. "Just for a walk... nothing more."

"Can I go with you?"

"Not now... maybe some other time."

As much as she missed spending time with you, she respected your wishes and didn't argue any further. "Take care, Nee-san!"

You smiled and waved goodbye then went into the forest, and once you've gotten far enough from the temple, a sharp shining blade grazed the surface of your neck before you could even see it coming your way.

"I shouldn't have let my guard down!" You mentally scolded yourself, feeling your body stiffen up as your blood ran cold.

"Lucky!" A feminine voice echoed in the forest. "I'd run back home if I were you!"

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1126 words

-',✎ A/n: Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed :) new ocs will be introduced soon

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