Chapter Fourteen

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As you were fighting, flesh started growing at the surface of the train, wrapping around the passengers and absorbing some. "That's disgusting... It's probably lower moon one." You thought, slipping out of your fight. "There better be a very good reason for that."

Feeling the intimidating aura mixed with a frightened one, your muscles stiffened up as a chill ran down your spine. "Could it be that the remaining guy is actually a hashira?" You thought, feeling weaker than ever.

Knowing how strong a pillar could be, you knew fully well that Enmu stood no chance against this hashira, but you had to help him nevertheless.

As you headed towards the engine, you slowed in your tracks, fearing that you might distract him. "It's bad... he's slowly regenerating..." You thought, going back to the boy you were fighting. "At this rate, he might die... I should do something."

You swiftly took the sword out of the boy's possession while he was  busy protecting the little demon who was asleep in the middle of the fight, and quickly ran to the engine without a second thought.

"Take this you hashira!" You pounced on him and attacked him by the sword, but to your dismay, you missed the target. "I'm not letting you get away! Even if I die! I'll take you to hell with me!"

Although you were internally panicking, you clung onto the demon slayer and tried to break at least one of his arms, but it was no use.

"Blood demon art—" You gasped, avoiding the delayed - yet quick - attack from the pillar's sword. "Do something! Lower moon one!"

Although Enmu tried to attack his opponent, the hashira effortlessly blocked the attack, leaving him stunned. "Why is that hashira not dying?" Enmu thought, throwing one attack after another. "Die! Die! Die!"

"This situation is getting out of hand..." Impulsively, you shattered a vial of poison and exposed its contents to an open wound of the flame hashira.

Although the chances of this working out successfully were way too slim, you had no other choice, but to fight until the end.


You turned around and saw the boy Muzan wanted dead charging towards you. "Water breathing, tenth form! Constant flux!"

"Impossible! I'm sure I've injected him with a generous amount of poison!" Your eyes widened in shock as he approached you.

Although his attack was slower than before, he managed to stand up despite the effect of poison plus the numerous untreated wounds.

Just before his blade could reach your neck, you used your blood demon art once again and wavered his attack.

"I'm surprised you were able to stand." You said, glaring at him. "No wonder why the master wants you dead... You really are something."

"Flame breathing, first form! Unknowing fire!" The pillar attacked the flesh which was wrapping around his subordinate who helplessly tried to free himself from lower moon one as he tried to tighten his grip on his blade.

Noticing how Enmu struggled to regenerate, you figured out that it's the hashira's attack which was delaying the regeneration of the demon's cells.

"Just hold on a little longer!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, digging your nails in the human's flesh.

Using your blood art, you attacked the pillar, and although you hurt yourself pretty badly in the process, it didn't matter as your body would eventually heal on its own.


"Did I grow, (Y/n)-san?" A little boy asked with a wide grin on his face as he stood on his tiptoes.

"Now stay still, let me measure your height, will you?" The (h/c) haired young woman giggled as she marked the boy's height on a tree. "Woah! You sure grew a lot taller!"

"Me! Me!" Another boy said, running towards the older girl.

"Hm? But I just measured your height, Haru!" She said, smiling affectionately.

"Now, let's go everyone! It's getting late!If you stayed outside past curfew, a scary demon will show up and eat you all!" The woman added playfully, chasing after the kids who giggled as they went back to their shared home.

"(Y/n)-san! Will you tell us a scary story before bedtime?" A girl around seven years old said, tugging at the lady's kimono.

"I'm not sure about that... I want you to sleep without a worry... You need to sleep in order to grow tall." She said, smiling a little as she ruffled the kid's hair. "How about a fairytale from my book?"

"Fine... But it better be interesting!" The girl pouted before skipping to the kids' shared bedroom.

"(Y/n)-san! (Y/n)-san! Can you braid my hair?" Another girl came to her with a hairbrush. "I want to be beautiful like you when I grow up!"

"I can tell you'll be even prettier, Mai!" The older one spoke as she gently brushed the little one's hair.

"And... there you go!" She said, adding a beautiful hairpin at last.

"Woah! I'm going to show my hairstyle to everyone!" The kid twirled happily.

After changing into her nightgown, the woman left to check on the kids in her care and that's when she heard the sound of crying coming from outside.

"Akira!" She immediately recognized the voice from a distance as she rushed to the kid. "Is everything okay? Are you hurt?"

"I- I tried to stop him... but... but he left!" The child cried even more as he clung to his parental figure.

"Who? Who left?" The woman herself was panicking, but she tried her best to remain calm and collected infront of the crying child. "Tell me..."


"Tell me... Tell me..." Your teary eyes fluttered open only to see upper rank three looking at you with a rather worried look on his face.

"Akaza... sama." You said weakly as you tried to reach to him.

"You're finally awake? You've been asleep for three days." He said, helping you up. "I took care of the hashira, you don't have to worry."

"Thank you so much... Akaza-sama." You bowed a little, showing how grateful you were for him. "What about Enmu-san? Did he make it?"

"Lower moon one? He almost got killed, but he managed to survive in the end." He replied. "You should worry more about yourself... You almost died trying to kill that hashira."

"It doesn't matter now that everyone's okay..." You said, smiling thinly. "What about the other slayers? Did you kill them?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"That's alright... We'll kill them sooner or later."

"Don't worry about that now, please rest."

You simply nodded and smiled in response before the strange dream you had popped up in your mind again, leaving you with millions of questions.

"That girl... (Y/n)... seemed familiar... but who's she?"

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1130 words

-',✎ A/n: To clarify, I wrote the flashback in third person because the fanfic is written from the reader's pov mostly and the flashback was seen from third person pov. Hope this makes sense!

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