Chapter Twenty-three

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You were still adapting to your new life although it wasn't really the best especially with that guy, Kaito, around.

To your utter surprise, he was really nice to Sora, but whenever he's around you, you could feel his judgemental gaze on you all the time.

Being under the same roof as him seemed impossible as long as he kept that unreasonable bitter attitude towards you.

"I can't stand this guy." You frowned, staring daggers at him as he stood at a distance from you preparing human food for breakfast.

"Got a staring problem?" He scoffed, looking at you from the corner of his eye.

"Mind your business." You rolled your eyes, pinning your hands to your hips.

"You're a threat to Sora."

"Excuse me?"

"You can leave and rot in the sun for all I care."

Suddenly Sora came from behind him and playfully hit him on the head with a letter's envelope. "Kaito that was so rude." She said, crossing her arms. "Apologise."

"I'm sorry... Sora." He apologised. "Yuki and I just can't get along."

"Yuki-san." You corrected him.

At this point, Sora looked so done with all of your childish fights. "Listen... Shinobu is visiting today, and I really hope you won't fight in her presence... or I'm opening the windows."

"I apologise." Kaito bowed apologetically. "This will never happen again, I promise."

"I'm sorry too." You apologised, shooting a glare towards the other demon who frowned in return.

"I trust that won't happen again then!" She smiled, clasping her hands. together.


Soon, the three of you sat for breakfast, and you just sat there picking at your food; it's true that you didn't desire human flesh anymore but neither did you like human food.

You looked curiously at the blue haired demon who seemed to be genuinely enjoying human food. "How can he gobble up all this food while I can't even stand the scent of it?" You thought, frowning, while fixating your gaze on him.

Once he looked up from his plate, your eyes met his, making you look away instinctively. "Uh... Need something?" He asked in a honeyed voice.

"Eh?" Sora looked at him wide-eyed as she tried her best to hold back her laughter, seeing Kaito's polite attitude towards you.

"I'm a person who keeps his word." He said, with a proud smile.

"Well... thank you, Kaito!"

"No! No! That's the least I can do!"

You looked up at the two of them then averted your gaze back to your food, leaning your head against your hand. "How can you eat human food?" You asked, avoiding his gaze.

"My body adjusted to eating human food... nothing really special." He explained, stuffing his face with food. "I did get some help altering my food preference... if I'm being completely honest."

You nodded in acknowledgement then tried to eat a little bit off your plate. "Excuse me..." You got up immediately, holding your hand tightly against your mouth as you ran off to the washroom.

"Eh? Yuki-san!" Sora ran after you, trying to hold back her laughter, thinking about how you've reacted to the taste of human food.

"This... This is the worst thing I've tried so far." You mumbled, leaning against the doorframe for support.

"Hey! I heard that!" Kaito's voice echoed from across the house. "I'm the best at cooking! It's not my problem you have a problem with your taste buds!"


Later that day, you were wandering around Sora's residence when you heard someone knock at the door. "Who's there?" You asked, standing at a distance from the door.

"Who are you?" A feminine voice came from behind the door. "Are you a friend of Sora's, perhaps?"

As she sensed the strange demonic presence from the house, the insect pillar gripped her sword, ready to fight in a heartbeat.

"Shinobu!" Sora rushed to the door excitedly, gesturing you to leave, and so you did.

"Are you okay? I sensed a demon luring in your house!" Shinobu asked, slowly loosening her grip on her sword as she looked around cautiously. "And... I'm pretty sure it's not your demon friend who lives here."

"Don't worry about it!" She said, waving her hand dismissively.

"Did you let another demon in your house?" The hashira asked, frowning in concern.

"Hmm... maybe!"

"Sora! Demons are dangerous! You're going to get yourself killed!"

As you were trying to leave, you saw a black haired girl wearing a haori of a butterfly's wings pattern. "The demon slayer corps!" Your mouth went agape upon seeing the sword attached to her belt.

Being in so much shock, you accidentally tripped, knocking over a piece of pottery to the ground.

"How dare you?!" Kaito yelled all the way from the end of the room, dashing towards you. "This vase is important to Sora! She keeps– well... she used to keep her favourite flowers here! I'm going to kill you!"

With all this chaos happening, the two girls looked in your direction as a you and Kaito started arguing until all hell broke loose.

"You know... it's so easy for me to just... open the curtains." Sora muttered, her face turning red in embarrassment as she pulled the two of you apart.

Before you knew it, the demon slayer was incredibly close to you. "A demon moon?" She asked as she pulled out her sword. "Well well... Let's see if my poison works on a demon like you."

As soon as the tip of her strange looking sword touched your neck, Sora pulled her away from you. "Leave her... She's as weak and frail as a withering flower right now."

"I can't believe you... You're sheltering a member of the twelve kizuki." The girl seemed frustrated as she tightened her hold around the grip of her sword. "This demon has taken many innocent lives... sure you already know that."

"When a demon is freed from Kibutsuji's curse, they no longer crave human flesh or intend to harm any innocent soul." Unlike her friend, the girl spoke calmly, trying to explain her point. "Therefore... I see no problem in her staying."

"And besides, I'll personally kill her if she ever harms a human again." She added.

Although the pillar looked skeptical about this whole situation, she decided to respect her friend's wishes and sheathed her sword.

"Let's go... there's something I came here to discuss and I couldn't care less about this lower rank."

By that, the two left and you stayed behind with Kaito to clean up the chaos you made.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1091 words

-',✎ A/n: Thank you for all your love and support this really means a lot to me!! :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter too! And as you noticed, I'm starting to post once per 3 days instead of once per 2 days as I'm getting busy and I hope that's okay!

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