Chapter Twenty-nine

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"Sora... You were so brave until the end..." Feeling a warm hand stroking her hair, Sora opened her eyes only to see herself between her deceased parents who were smiling warmly at her.

"Okaa-san... Otou-san..."

"You came too soon." A boy who greatly resembled her said. "How many times have I told you to not throw your life away?"

"Onii-chan!" She cried as she hugged her older brother. "I'm sorry! If only I listened to you none of this would've happened!"

"It's all in the past now... death would've come for me sooner or later..." He said, smiling a little. "Don't worry about any of it... at least we're all together now."


Sora felt happy finally being reunited with her loved ones as they all left towards the light, but there was something yet missing that left an empty place in her heart.

"Onii-chan..." Letting go of her brother's hand, everyone turned to look at her, immediately sensing that something was off.

"Come on, let's go..." Her brother said, gesturing her to follow him towards heaven.

"Is something wrong? You can talk to us." Her mother told her, placing a hand over her shoulder.

"Is it possible... for..." Shaking away the thoughts, she averted her gaze towards her family with a soft smile tracing her lips. "Nevermind... it's nothing... I'll be just fine."


Turning her head towards the voice, she saw Kaito standing at a distance from her, still looking like a demon with his sharp fangs and slit cat-like pupils.

"Wha- Kaito!" Without a second thought, Sora ran towards him and flung her arms around his neck, tears rolling down her face. "No... No... You're not supposed to be here! Go back!"

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you!" He apologised, squeezing her in a tight hug as tears welled up in his eyes. "I- I'm sorry I watched you die and did nothing to stop that!"


"I'm sorry..." He mumbled as he opened his eyes to a cloudy morning sky, lying on the pure snow next to the grave where Sora was.

"She doesn't really need me, right?" He thought, observing the piece of jewellery Sora had always worn as a sad smile traced his lips.

"You really had to leave like that and leave your memories and dreams to live on with me, didn't you?"


Meanwhile, you stood in the presence of upper moons one, two, and three feeling your blood run cold in your veins as you sensed their intimidating auras.

"Yuki-chan! Does this place make you remember anything?" Douma asked with a wide grin plastered across his face. "The meetings? Muzan-sama?"

You shifted your gaze away from him, tears forming in your eyes as you remembered how he murdered Sora as resentment and hate started building up. "Don't... Don't talk to me!" You snapped, stepping away from him.

"I hope you don't hate me now that I've gotten rid of that naive girl!" He said, clasping his hands cheerfully.

Hearing that, the demon with pink hair and blue stripes gave Douma an annoyed look.

"If only I had more time, I would've eaten her!" He added. "Sora-chan was so cute!"

This was your last straw, and so without thinking twice, you slapped him across the face with all of your strength. "Don't speak of her ever again!" You yelled angrily, getting perplexed looks from the other two demons.

"Woah! You became stronger!" He exclaimed as his face lit up with excitement. "Impressive! Look at you being this strong without devouring humans!"

"Is that so? That explains everything."

Recognising their master's voice, the demons immediately kneeled before him, and you just decided to imitate them, unaware of what else you had to do.

"Do you really not remember anything?" The demon king asked as he approached you, his nails growing longer and sharper, piercing through your skull.

As your body received a generous amount of Muzan's blood, you felt your veins about to burst as your heart started beating rapidly.

"I'm pretty sure you can't manage this amount of blood." He said as he stared daggers at your weakening figure.

You were left lying on the ground in agony, trying to get a hold of yourself as Muzan started discussing the deaths of the other kizuki members with the three upper moons.

"Am I going to die?" Your eyes filled with tears as memories you remembered of your life flashed before you at an instant.

Feeling Muzan's cold gaze again, you stared at him from the corner of your eye only to see his angered expression. Just then, he grabbed you by your neck, lifting your - now - pained body to face him.

"What do you know about that demon?" He asked as he bared his fangs. "He was just a waste of blood, a demon who had too much human emotion that he gave up his power and everything."


"Shame... he could've been of use to me." He added, letting go of you as your body landed limp on the ground. "Instead, he wasted his life helping some weak humans."

Slowly, you started losing consciousness and you felt lightheaded as your wounds struggled to regenerate, continously pouring out more and more blood.

There was no way out.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 881 words

-',✎ A/n: I'm sorry this chapter is short and thank you so much for your patience! I appreciate each and every one of you :)
Also, to clarify, Kaito isn't dead

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