Chapter Twenty-seven

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As you aimlessly wandered around the empty halls of the temple, you wondered why no one - except for Douma - was living there or why no one has come to pray.

If he wasn't already living there, you would've thought that the temple was abandoned. Though, there were way too many rooms and belongings which seemed to have been previously owned by a diversity of people not so long ago.

"Good morning, Yuki-chan! Did you sleep well?" You turned around and behind you stood the leader of the cult, smiling joyfully. "It's like I can't believe that you're finally back!"

"Good morning." You greeted him with a soft smile as you bowed a little.

"So... Yuki-chan. Tell me... do you remember anything?" He asked, looking towards the (f/c) kimono which you were holding. "Do you remember? This is yours... it's your favourite kimono!"

You stared blankly at the outfit then looked towards Douma and shook your head 'no' before you put the cloth away.

He let out a sigh of disappointment then forcefully smiled a little. "You'll remember eventually... Well... at least you remembered me!"

You simply nodded and smiled in response although the only thing you've remembered was his name.

"Ah! In that case I should consider myself lucky!" He exclaimed as his eyes lit up with happiness. "If anything, I'd be disappointed if you didn't remember all these decades we've spent together before you went missing!"


You furrowed your eyebrows as you tried to process what he's just said, averting your gaze away from him.

"Eh? Did you forget that too?" He asked, closely observing your puzzled expression. "You went missing for a month or so."

"I- I didn't go missing... I was..." You pressed your lips together, debating whether or not it would be safe to mention anything at all about Sora.

Maybe he was kind enough, but he was still an upper rank demon who has definitely devoured thousands of humans, and it didn't feel right to say anything just yet.

"Hmm? You were?" He asked eagerly. "Tell me! It will be our secret! I promise!"

You gave him a skeptical look, shifting your weight uncomfortably. "Nothing." You muttered under your breath as you avoided his gaze.

"We're family, Yuki-chan! You can trust me with anything!" He insisted, his eyes glistening with curiosity just like a child's. "I've always kept your secrets, haven't I?"

"I... I was at a friend's." You said, looking away. "That's all..."

"Sora-chan, I assume?"

By that, you were left speechless as your face paled. "How..." And that's when you remembered finding a white dress which carried a faint scent of hers.

But there was no way she had lived there previously when she had her own place to stay, right?

You felt his overwhelming murderous aura as a mischievous smirk traced his lips. "I knew it!"

"P- Please... don't hurt her!" You pleaded as a mix of regret and fear washed over you.

"I've never hurt anyone, don't worry." He said with a reassuring smile on his face. "I'm here to free those pitiful humans of their miserable lives and help them after all!"

"Free them?"


That night, Douma left for a mission, leaving you at the temple all by yourself, and while you tried to keep yourself occupied, the slightest sound still made you jumpy.

After all, you were still trying to adapt to living there and it was difficult to let your guard down especially in such a place.

While you were reading some of your old potion making books in your room, you heard the sound of loud footsteps coming closer making you grow more and more anxious.

"I can sense a weak demonic presence from there!"

"The demon slayer corps!" You thought, attempting to escape, unaware that you were surrounded by swordsmen inside and outside the temple.

"Well... looks like we found the demon." A swordsman said as he barged into your room with a group of demon slayers.

"Aren't you too weak to be a demon moon?" Another said, drawing out his sword as he came closer to you. "I'll kill you and avenge the innocent lives you took!"

"But I've never hurt anyone!" You cried, cowering in the corner next to your bookshelf as you hugged your knees.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid? Demons like you deserve to burn in hell." He scoffed with hatred in his eyes.

Just as he swung his sword, you knew it wouldn't be the best choice to use up all of your power on your blood demon art, so you dodged the attack. Attempting to take his sword out of his possession, your arm got sliced off by another swordsman.

"Leave!" You yelled at the top of your lungs, reaching for a vial of some colourless potion which you once brewed.

Avoiding yet another attack, you shattered the vial, and its contents poured down your hands.

Just as you planned, you got incredibly close to your opponent and dug your nails in his flesh, injecting a little amount of the liquid which seemed to have greatly weakened him.

"Is this poison...?"

You stared at your bloody hands in disbelief as it's been quite a while since you've killed someone.

Before you stood a group of demon hunters looking confused and scared seeing tears rolling down your face before you covered your face with both your tainted hands, smearing blood all over your paled face.

"I- I never meant to... kill." You cried before you fell to the ground in despair and had a mental breakdown over something demons usually get praised for.

Just then, a sword was swung in your direction, and as you closed your eyes, preparing to die, the pain never came.

"It's okay... I'll handle that."

You looked up and saw a girl wearing a yukata of a familiar pattern. "Sora-san...?"

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 983 words

-',✎ A/n: I'm sorry this chapter is short + published late :( Aside from being super busy, I've been on writers block since forever!! Writing a chapter which transitions between the main events is kinda difficult ngl but that's okay at least I'm over with it! Ngl I did enjoy writing this!

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