Chapter Twenty-six

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Walking by that strange demon's side, you wondered whether or not he's truly spared Sora's life. Thanks to his deceitful nature, you couldn't truly trust that someone like him would keep his promises.

"Y- You better... keep your promise." You mumbled, balling your fists. "I don't mind burning to death under the sunlight with you if that what it would take to kill you."

For a moment, he remained quiet, staring blankly at you. "As I said... I don't care about her." He spoke calmly, holding his hands behind his back.

His reply - however - didn't clearly answer your question, but you didn't push any further for more answers.

You looked down at your feet in despair, thinking about going back home. However, you didn't want her to be hurt by that demon; you had to protect her.

Suddenly, you paused in your tracks upon seeing a house which you've recognised; it was the same house from your dream, except for the fact that it looked so different and empty.

Totally forgetting about lower rank one, you approached the house and with a creak of the door, you peeked into the house and your eyes met a pair of colorful eyes glowing in the moonlight.

"A demon..." Your blood ran cold as you took a few steps backwards, attempting to close the door before the silver haired demon pushed the door open once more.

You were accidentally pushed to the ground, and caught a glimpse of guilt in the demon's eyes as his mouth went agape. "I'm sorry!" He apologised with an insincere smile as he helped you up.

Before you knew it, he was incredibly close to you, observing your features as a smile traced his lips. "Ah! It's really you, Yuki-chan!" He said, excitedly pulling you in for a hug as tears of joy filled his eyes.

You were taken aback by that strange demon's behaviour as you had no memory of meeting him previously. Surely, you would've remembered meeting someone with such a unique appearance.

"Eh... Excuse me...?" You asked, gently pushing him away with a look of visible confusion in your eyes. "Who... Who are you?"

"Awh! Don't tell me that you've forgotten me!" He laughed carelessly, covering the half of his face with one of his golden fans.

You frowned and turned to leave, but he stopped you right then and there. "Where are you going?" He asked before tears started pouring out of his eyes. "Please don't leave again! It was so lonely without you around!"

"I was never there you creep!" You panicked and slapped him across the face before you ran off.

"Yuki-chan! Wait!" He ran after you and quickly caught up to you – much to your horror.

"She's under the effect of a spell..."


A young woman around eighteen or nineteen sat crying in the middle of a house, surrounded by many dead bodies which belong to people of different ages.

"Poor you..." A man approached her, holding out a hand for her. "You look so miserable and pitiful... but I'm a kind man, so I'll help you."

However, the woman remained silent, looking at her trembling hands, holding onto a blue haori which was soaked in blood.

"Hey! There's no need to be ashamed of asking for help!" He said, kneeling next to her as he reached for her hands. "I'll help you just like how I've helped others!"

The (h/c) haired woman looked at him as hope filled her teary (e/c) eyes, unable to even mutter a simple 'thank you', and so she just bowed, showing her gratitude and thankfulness for his act of kindness.

"Let's go now! You're welcome to stay for a while at my temple until you recover from this tragic loss of yours." He said, helping her to her feet.

Soon, the two reached a temple and the man was welcomed warmly by lots of people. "Welcome back, Douma-sama!" They all said in unison, kneeling before him.

"Well... please take care of this beautiful young lady and prepare her a room and a change of clothes." He requested, motioning towards the woman.

"As you wish, gracious founder." They said, then two women came forward and escorted the girl indoors, showing her around the place.

"This will be your room, miss...?"

However, the girl couldn't utter a word, her mind going back to how all the kids have either gone missing or were massacred brutally.

"Can't you talk?" One of the women asked, frowning in concern.

"How's everything going?" The silver haired man asked, smiling towards the new girl before he turned to the other two. "Is there a problem?"

"Douma-sama... the new girl can't talk." A woman explained.

"Eh?" He tilted his head in confusion, looking towards the young woman who seemed to be trapped in her thoughts.

"This is only temporary! She must still be in so much shock from what has happened to her!" He said, smiling sympathetically as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I'm sure she'll warm up to everyone here in no time!"


Once you opened your eyes, you found yourself in the exact same room from your weird vivid dream, and beside you sat the young man from earlier.

"Douma...?" You muttered, looking at him, his usual smile slowly fading into a shocked expression on his face.

"Douma? What happened to Douma-sama?" He asked curiously before his face lit up with joy. "Ah! But just Douma sounds better! I like that better!"

You lied in bed, staring blankly at him for a moment before realising what you've just said. "I- Is this... Is Douma your name?" You corrected yourself, feeling your face turn red in embarrassment.

For a moment, he looked disappointed, but he quickly smiled and nodded in response. "Does that mean you remember me? Was all of that a prank?" He laughed. "Well... in that case, you scared me, Yuki-chan! Don't do that again!"

You slowly shook your head 'no', avoiding his gaze as you felt really guilty for not remembering someone as kind as him. "Sorry..." You quietly muttered an apology.

"At least now I know that he's not as creepy as I thought."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1036 words

-',✎ A/n: Thank you a lot for 2k+ reads and 100 votes!! :) when I first wrote this fanfic I didn't think it would get that much attention!

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