Chapter Twenty-one

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"Yes, Kibutsuji's curse."

Hearing your master's name, you felt your blood running cold as your eyes went wide open, unable to process how this poor servant girl has known about Muzan and his curse, pretending to be so oblivious and innocent all along.

"How... how did you..." You stuttered, taking a few steps to the back, feeling your body trembling with fear.

Instead of providing you with a direct answer, she just smiled knowingly, and you felt an intimidating aura radiate from her.

"Demons... I know all about your kind." She said, her eyes piercing through your soul. "Your delicate heart starts feeling genuine sympathy to mankind... even after a long time of not consuming humans, you still haven't gone berserk. Wonder why?"

She was right; even after going a long time without consuming humans, you still didn't lose your human intellect, and neither did you feel like hurting humans.

"It can't be... I'm a demon moon!" You thought. "This isn't possible!"

"I doubted if it's possible that you've really broken the curse seeing that kanji in your left eye." She added, looking directly into your eyes. "But turns out you really did... I tested that myself."

"How...?" Suddenly, you remembered the awful taste of blood you woke up to, and you were left speechless. "Blood... you... did that?"

"Correct! And it seems like you no longer agree with Muzan's morals nonetheless!"

Although you hated to admit it, your loyalty towards your master had decreased significantly, especially after realising that humans are feeling creatures who are motivated by their will to live just like you and every other demon.

"Am I... Am I going to die... now? Is he going to kill me?"

"Not if you chose to turn to me... You can join us." She said, tiptoeing closer to you. "I happen to know a few other demons who broke his curse and I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms! Doesn't that sound lovely?"

"So... What do you say, Yuki-san?" She added, pulling out her sword. "I can kill you if you refuse my offer... being tortured to death by your master doesn't sound so peaceful."

You vigorously shook your head 'no' then ran off but she was fast enough to catch up to you in less than a second. "You won't feel any pain..." She said, holding her sword pretty close to your neck. "Or you can choose to come with me."

You were in a dilemma having to choose between two options; either running away or face the consequences of remaining in Muzan's reach.

You weren't ready to leave at all; you weren't ready to betray the demons who respected and trusted you, and most importantly, you couldn't bare the thought of the other lower moons having to face harsh and severe punishment from your master because of your selfishness.

"You're right but... I- I can't betray Douma-sama... and the others." You said as tears formed in your eyes, panicking as death approached. "Please... don't kill me."

"You're going to die eventually." She said. "Either now or later by the hands of the man you blindly serve."

"You're free from his curse... you're therefore free from his control." She added, pressing her blade against your neck. "Is this decision of yours final? Do you really want a slow and agonizing death?"

"No... no... no... this can't be happening!" You closed your eyes, unable to fight back.

You were so scared and unprepared for this fight, let alone that she seemed strong enough to easily defeat a lower moon like you.

All alone in the middle of the forest, with a blade held against your neck, unable to escape due to the strong hold the slayer had on you.

But you've at least managed to hold a hashira until an upper moon had arrived right? Even with some help, you still fought didn't you? But then again, your blood demon art would've been useless on its own as you've just managed to delay his attack.

"I would've been so dead if Akaza-sama never came." You recalled the last mission you've gone to so far. "I can at least manage to do something... anything... Fight back, Yuki."

At that moment, you forcefully used up the remains of your strength and initiated an attack which unfortunately didn't seem to affect her.

You really didn't want to hurt her, but you're just defending yourself, right? You had to fight, not for anyone's sake but yours.

"Poison? Not bad." She smirked, pressing her sword deeper into your neck. "I'm deeply disappointed... How could you refuse my offer?"

You were devastated by how your blood demon art did nothing but a few deep cuts which didn't seem to affect her one bit. "You can kill me for all I care! But I would never stab someone in the back! I would never turn my back on anyone who's been there for me when I needed!"

You were so scared and exhausted that you didn't even care anymore about the fate you were going to face.


"What are you doing...?" Her (e/c) eyes went wide open in terror, as she looked at three kids' bodies lying limp on the floor while one of the kids sat between them tearing their flesh and splattering their blood all over the place just like a monster.

"Help... me..." One of the children managed to say before coughing on his blood. "(Y/n)-san..."

However, the woman was speechless at the sight before her, feeling her legs stiffening up although she wanted to help those children; she had to help them, they were in her care after all.

"Quit this!" Her breath hitched, grabbing the nearest weapon she could find before she impulsively hit the demon, feeling the tears sting her eyes as she's never pictured herself in a situation where the only option was to resort to violence especially against a child.

Suddenly a familiar looking swordsman came in and swiftly swung his sword towards the demon.

"You can't do that!" The woman cried, standing between the two of them. "That's... my kid! He's my responsibility! You—"

However, she was cut off by another demon slayer holding her back, and although she tried to fight back, nothing seemed to work against the swordsman's strength.

"Let go of me!" She yelled at the top of her lungs while watching the child getting beheaded right infront of her eyes.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1075 words

-',✎ A/n: Sorry I've been on writer's block and couldn't decide on a way for the story to continue, I really hate writer's block :,(

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