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"Eh? What's this place?"

"(Y/n)!" You heard a distant voice call out an oddly familiar name.

Your name...

"That's right... my name was (Y/n)... Yuki isn't my real name... but... Yuki... that sounded nice."


After you started living at the Eternal Paradise Faith cult, it wasn't really easy to fit in when you haven't been able to speak for that you lost all of the orphaned kids who were staying in your care.

No one really knew your name, and so everyone collectively agreed on calling you 'Yuki' due to your calm and quiet nature, and you didn't mind that; the name was simple and beautiful after all.

Unlike the other cultists, you had your own quarters which you spent most of your time at, and so you were envied by many who wished to be that special to the leader.

In your eyes, Douma was just a kind stranger, and despite the fact that you've always sensed something off about him, you've never had thought much about it... not really.

That was until one day...

As you made your way to his personal quarters, the smell of blood grew stronger, and the voice in your head was screaming for you to go back, but you still followed the scent to a locked room as your heartbeat started becoming quite audible in your ears, picturing the worst possible scenarios.

"D- Douma... sama..." You said in a voice below a whisper, trying to call for him as your hand reached one of the sides of the door, but before you could open it, someone has already opened the door from inside.

The two of you stared at each other, unable to say anything as he stared at you blankly while you just frowned in concern.

"Ah! Yuki-chan! What brings you here?" Douma said with an insincere smile on his face as he spread his weaponized fans.

Without a word, you took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood off his face, with a worried look in your eyes.

"Eh? Don't worry about that! I'll take care of that myself!" He said, gently stepping away from you as he waved his hand dismissively.

As you looked at him with a worried expression, he had to reassure you once more that everything would be okay.

Humming in response, a soft smile traced your lips as you bowed before going to your room.

That night, you couldn't stop thinking about what you've just seen, and the possibility of him being a demon just kept you awake till sunrise. After all you've seen demons before, and you had learnt that they can regenerate at an incredible speed at the cost of having to eat humans.

However, you decided to keep quiet about your suspicions since part of you didn't really care about whether or not he was a human.

He was kind enough to offer you a shelter till you recover, right?

The next day, you went to check on the little flower garden you planted nearby, and from a distance, you sensed a pair of eyes fixated on you. Following the gaze instinctively, you saw Douma waving to you, looking as cheerful as always.

𝙆𝙉𝙔 𝙭 𝘿𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣! 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now