Chapter Seventeen

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You turned to check on the source of the voice, but couldn't spot anything as you heard the rustling of the trees moving in harmony with the passing cold breeze.

Needless to say, you were weirded out by what just happened; maybe it's just your mind playing tricks on you after all since no attacks followed and you never heard the voice again.

Reluctantly, you went back your tracks, fearing that you might encounter a merciless demon slayer who wouldn't reconsider giving you a chance to leave.

As soon as you reached the temple, you found Douma already waiting for you there. "Eh? You're back already?" He asked, staring at you blankly. "You didn't run into the demon slayer corps, did you?"

Looking back at what happened, it felt like the slayer changed their mind at the last minute and decided to spare your life, but then again, who what swordsman would do so? It could've been yet another demon trying to warn you. "I don't think I can answer this question." You shrugged, looking away.

Douma didn't take your reply quite well as he was used to you telling him everything. "You're hiding a lot from me lately... but we're family, aren't we? You can tell me anything and I promise I won't tell anyone!" He insisted.

"Douma-sama..." You frowned, avoiding his gaze. "I'm not sure what exactly happened... everything happened quickly."

"It might be... that a demon slayer has decided to spare my life for whatever reason there is." You explained.

"Woah! That doesn't happen everyday!" He exclaimed, clasping his hands together.

"But... it could also be another demon warning me." You said. "Maybe they killed that slayer... maybe that's why I wasn't attacked by them again."

"Did you make friends with the other demons?" He asked excitedly. "Didn't you at least catch a glimpse of that mysterious person?"

You shook your head 'no' in response, trying to remember anything that could lead to the identity of this creature. "They had a feminine voice..." You muttered. "And they advised me to go back home... nothing more."

"Well... That's strange, but at least you didn't die!"


The next day, while you were attending the morning ritual alongside Douma, you noticed a strange girl around seventeen in age who you've never seen among the followers before.

At first, you didn't think much of it as new members would join the cult every once in a while.

"Oh gracious founder... I was told to go to you... perhaps you could help me." She spoke, her familiar voice grabbing your attention. "I'm ashamed to even ask someone for such a favour but I need a place to stay... maybe..."

"You're new here, am I correct?" Douma spoke cheerfully. "What's your name?"

"Sora." The girl replied briefly, looking up for a moment to get a glimpse of your appearances.

"I'm Douma, and this is Yuki-chan!" Douma said. "Since I'm kindhearted, I'll offer you to stay here as long as needed! Even forever!"

"I have no idea how I'm going to return this favour." The girl looked up towards him with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "The least I can do is work here... I have to contribute to this cult, now that I'm a part of it."

"Sounds good!" He exclaimed, then averted his gaze towards you and back to her again. "Yuki-chan will show you around, and explain a few rules about this cult."

Sora hummed in response and thanked Douma excessively, praising him for being so kind. Once she left, you stared towards the leader in absolute horror. "Me? Out of everyone? This girl... I already despise her!" You whisper-yelled at him.

"You hate everyone at first, you'll be just fine!" He laughed. "Now, you better go, Sora-chan is waiting for you."

You sighed and rose up from your seat then left to check on the new girl who seemed to be getting along with the others quite well.

"Ahem..." You cleared your throat, attracting everyone's attention. "Let's go, Sora-san."

"Ah! You must be Yuki-san!" She said delightfully. "I hope that we'll get along!"

"Follow me." You said coldly, avoiding her gaze as you walked off and waited for her to follow you.

As you were expecting, she followed you around while you explained how things worked around the cult. "You're forbidden from entering the leader's private quarters unless he asks you to, and in case of emergency only, you may go to me for help." You explained. "Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes! So... where's the leader's room?" She asked, walking to the end of the hallway all by herself. "Where can I usually find you?"

"I'd usually be in my room." You replied, stopping her from opening the door which lead to your quarters. "For your information, this is my room."

"Understood!" She said, turning to face you. "And where will I be staying?"

"With the servants, of course." You responded, showing her the way to the servants' shared quarters.

"Do I have to dress all white like them?"

"What question is that?"

"I'm just saying... the outfit's design is boring."

This girl was starting to get on your nerves already, and it wasn't even her first working day. "Douma-sama will be more than happy to devour her." You thought, glaring daggers at her.

"What are you so tensed about?" She turned to you with an unsettling friendly smile. "Honestly I feel like you're going to kill me with those stares!"

"Oh I wish I could." You narrowed your eyes at her, giving her a judgemental look to which she showed no reaction to.

"Are you like a close friend to Douma-sama?"

"Are you related to him in some way?"

"For how long have you been living here?"

Sora went on asking a million questions although you kept on ignoring her, and her energy started wearing you down.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 990 words

-',✎ A/n: This chapter took a while since I was deciding whether or not I should write anything from Sora's pov then decided I shouldn't cuz it'll just be a spoiler 🗿 I think you already figured out her role... kinda???

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