Chapter Thirteen

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Just as you kept an eye on the humans, you were startled by the sight of a tall young man with bright yellow hair and red tips standing up and getting a hold of the girl attached to him. "Could he be awake?" Your eyes widened in shock as you took a few steps backwards.

"Enmu... Enmu.... san." You tried to call for your superior, but you couldn't get your voice any louder than a whisper. "Enmu-san!" You yelled, running away as you broke a cold sweat.

Just then, you remembered him saying that he was on the rooftop, and tried to get your stiff muscles to get you up there. "Enmu-san!" You called in a voice loud enough for anyone to hear as you made your way out of the window.

Noticing your cries of help, he detached his hand and sent it your way. "What's the matter?" He asked.

"There's... someone... he..." You were utterly shocked to the point where you couldn't form your sentences properly. "Well... he's not exactly awake... not exactly—" When you noticed a presence nearby, you froze in your place, feeling a chill running down your spine.

"Leave me alone! Leave me alone! I'm a scary demon! I'll kill you!" At this point, you started panicking and attacking the demon slayer who suddenly appeared from behind you.

"We've met before... yesterday I think." The boy spoke, with concern in his eyes as he observed your panicky state.

"Eh? I- It's you... again?" You asked, taking a few steps backwards. "I'll kill you this time! Along with that hashira and that yellow boy with you!"

"A- And... and... this girl!" You pointed the little girl with pink eyes and a muzzle tied across her mouth. "Wait..." Sensing that she wasn't a human, you kneeled down to her level to take a closer look at her. "A demon?!"

"Hey are you okay?" You asked her quietly. "Do you need help? I'm a demon too! I'll help you! I'll kill him!"

However the girl frowned as she went back to the kind demon slayer and hugged him. "Girl–" After a while, you turned to the demon hunter angrily. "What kind of hypnosis technique did you use on her?! I can tell she's under a spell right away!"

Suddenly the boy's demeanour changed to a sad and quiet one, then turned to the little demon with a sad smile tracing his lips. "You have a sister... You must know how it feels like." He mumbled quietly.

Now, it all made sense to you; apparently, the girl was a demon but that didn't change the love she had for her human brother.

"I wonder what Kotoha is doing at the moment... I hope she doesn't miss me very much." You thought, hoping that she was alright. "I see now..." You muttered, leaving in the opposite direction of the boy.

Looking back for a split second, you saw the boy climbing to the roof, leaving his sister behind. "I must observe, then initiate an attack. The life of any of the moons is equivalent or more important than mine. I must make sure that this boy's blade doesn't reach lower moon one." You thought, listening closely.

"Oh? You're awake? Good morning!" Enmu spoke, making the boy's blood boil with anger. "I've shown you a happy dream, haven't I? Why did you choose to leave everything behind?"

"Intruding on people's souls is unforgivable!" The boy yelled at him, pulling out his blade.

Soon enough, the demon hunter launched an attack towards the lower moon, and realising that the fight has already started, you knew you had to act quick.


Just as the fight started getting more and more intense, you decided to step in, afraid that the demon wouldn't last on his own. "He's just dodging the attacks. The boy doesn't seem affected by the spell... maybe... just after he falls under the spell, he wakes up in a blink of an eye."

"If you can only buy me one second... or even less... I won't complain... You might as well count on me." You whispered to your partner as you ran past him.

"Are you sure? Fine then... Act quick." Just then, Enmu launched a quite powerful attack compared to his previous continuous attacks, and you took the opportunity to get really close to your mutual opponent and occupied his sword while his grip was loosened.

As soon as he woke up, you closed your eyes and fiercely stabbed the slayer through his left shoulder without a second thought. "I have to... I must kill you."

Although you felt a little guilty about the situation, you quickly got over it and blocked this feeling from getting in the way of your job.

Using your blood art, you captured the slayer within the growing branches which pierced through his body and injected poison into his bloodstream.

"You're amazing!" Enmu said cheerfully, clasping his hands together. "We make a great team!"


"So... What should we do with him now?" He asked as he smiled in satisfaction, getting closer to him. "Torture sounds fun! I'd enjoy seeing him suffer!"

"I'll just leave him to die here slowly... there are two others we have to deal with." You said, waving a hand dismissively as you walked away.

"That's no fun... let's find them and torture them all at once then." Enmu said as he followed you.

"Whatever, I—" You froze in your place upon sensing quick attacks coming from the train. "We'll part ways, I'll go to the last compartment and you go all the way to the engine."

"I'm already there!" He chuckled. "I'm everywhere on this train in fact!"

You stared at him with a puzzled look on your face as you tried to make sense of what he's said. "Uh... What?"

"I thought you were smarter than that, lower moon five." He said, grinning mischievously. "This train became my flesh, blood, and bones!"

"You... You... That's the creepiest thing I've heard in my entire life... so far!"

"That's one of my abilities! Nothing to be scared of!"

"I'm not scared!"


Soon, you went to check the last few compartments while your partner went to see if the conductor was doing his job and protecting the engine from the attacks.

Suddenly, the boy with a yellow haori came charging towards you with his eyes closed. "Is he still under the effect of the spell? No way... Enmu said nothing about swordsmen who can fight while sleeping." You thought, observing your opponent. "No... if he knew that this kind of demon slayers existed in the first place, he wouldn't have a developed such blood art."

It was challenging to avoid his attacks and he did slice off a limb or two quite a few times, but the most important thing was that you kept your neck out of reach.

He was incredibly fast beyond a human's body limit, so it wasn't easy for you to spot him or observe his attacks closely.

After a while, you debated whether or not you should use your blood demon art, but with the absence of the third demon hunter, you knew you had to maintain your energy.

There was no logical explanation, but the third demon slayer seemed far more skilled than the two other boys.

"He must be a pillar."

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1227 words

-',✎ A/n: For context, Inosuke isn't there cuz according to the storyline in the fanfiction, he's injured so he couldn't go.
I hope this makes sense aha! As you might've noticed, the fanfiction follows the canon storyline but with a few changes to fit this fanfic.

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