Chapter Twenty-eight

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You felt a sense of relief wash over you as Sora stood between you and the demon slayers, holding out a protective arm over you. "She's not who we're looking for." She said calmly, and the swordsmen hesitantly sheathed their swords.

"B- But Sora-san!" One of them cried as he stepped out of his group. "This demon has killed one of us! Are you just going to let that slide?!"

"Leave it all to me... you guys did great." She replied, smiling warmly at the demon hunters. "I need you to secure the temple and make sure that no one intrudes... if you get what I mean."

"Yes! You're right!"

By that, all the demon slayers left in a blink of an eye, and you let out a sigh of relief. "Sora-san I-"

"Lower moon five, Yuki... You've killed a human." She interrupted, drawing out her sword as she came closer to you with her eyes observing the blood on your face.

"What are you doing...?" You asked nervously as you noticed the blade in her hands.

"You were given a chance... and still... you killed a human." She explained, wiping away your tears with her sleeves with a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Lives aren't meant to be taken so lightly."

"I know... I'm sorry... I- I didn't mean to!" You said defensively. "I didn't know that... that the vial contained poison... I'm sorry... Please forgive me."

"I might forgive you... but he might not... his loved ones... his comrades... just don't expect them to forgive you." She said, bringing her sword close to your neck. "For that... I have to kill you."

You were left speechless, unable to process this betrayal from the person who you once thought would protect you just like you did. "No no no no! Please don't... You don't mean that! Right...?" You uttered, looking back at her as she stared at you pitifully.

"Don't worry... I'll go with you." She said, much to your shock. "That's what I promised the demon slayer corps."

"You killed a human... you can't live and neither can I since I protected you." She added. "I can't carry on living with such shame."

"I'm so sorry! I know what I did is unforgivable!" You bowed apologetically, unable to look her in the face. "If I knew that I- I would've... never killed anyone!"

"I was hoping to keep you around for a while... but a promise is a promise." Saying that, she closed her eyes and as she was about to cut through your neck, you cowered away.

"Don't be scared... you'll feel nothing... I-"

Before she could say anything further, one of the demon slayers rushed in a hurry as his face drained from colours. "Th... There's an... upper moon demon!" He stuttered.

"That's who we've been looking for." Sora said, smiling in satisfaction as she turned to the demon slayer. "Do your best and kill him."

"I can't do it alone! The others are dead! Almost everyone was-"

Right then and there, the swordsman was cut to pieces and murdered right infront of your eyes. "Well... Nice to see you again, Sora-chan!"

"Wish I can say the same about you." She muttered, and with a frown on her face, she swung her sword and attempted to attack him.

"Woah! You have some extraordinary strength and speed! Are you a hashira?" Douma asked, wiping away the blood off the cut she managed to inflict on him.

"I'm not a hashira... and neither I'm interested in becoming one." She said, landing perfectly on her feet. "I'm here to do what I have to do... you're going to die eventually... and so will Kibutsuji."

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