Chapter Nineteen

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Just as she finished wrapping up a gift with a note wishing a happy birthday for the receiver of the gift, the young woman tiptoed down the hallway and tried her best not to wake up anyone as she placed the gift next to a little girl who was sound asleep.

"(Y/n)-san..." The little one mumbled in her sleep, turning to the other side. "I'm like you... I'm grown up."

The woman's eyes widened in surprise as she tried her best to not laugh. "Goodnight." She whispered as she gently closed the door leading for the kids' shared bedroom and left.

Instead of getting sleep that night, (Y/n) stayed up preparing for the girl's birthday party just like she prepares every kid's birthday party each year.

And soon, the sun rose and the warm sun rays crept into the house, waking up some of the kids. "Good morning- shush! (Y/n)-san is asleep!"

"Good morning." (Y/n) stretched her arms as she rose up from the chair she's fallen asleep in. "Did you sleep well?"

"(Y/n)-san! (Y/n)-san!" A little girl came running to her guardian with a wide grin plastered across her face. "Look! I got my birthday present!"

"That's amazing!" The woman said, clasping her hands together. "Why don't you open it?"

"Really? Okay!" The girl unwrapped her birthday gift excitedly. "Woah! It's a necklace! Just like yours, (Y/n)-san!" She twirled happily.

(Y/n) could tell that some of the younger ones were a little envious of their friend, so she promised that each of then will get the birthday present they want on their upcoming birthday.

"I can't wait till I grow up!" One of the younger ones let out a heavy sigh as she clung onto (Y/n).

"You have to be patient, little one. Enjoy every second, alright?"

"Hm... If you say so!"


You woke up to a strange taste of human blood in your mouth before you jolted up from your laying position.

"How are you feeling?"

You turned to the source of the voice only to see Sora by your side holding out a cup of water for you. "You need to rest." She said, laying you back in bed.

"W- What happened?" You asked, still trying to process your surroundings. "For how long have I been asleep?"

"Just a few hours." She replied shortly as she adjusted your blankets and pillows.

Seeing her in this dull state was really unsettling, taking by the fact that she was - yet - the most energetic person you've ever met during all those years of existing.

This made you wonder how bad you really hurt her, but despite knowing that you owed her an apology, you were too stubborn to admit that you were in the wrong.

"Do you need anything else? I have some duties to attend to." She said, smiling thinly as she rose up from her seat.

"No... nothing." You muttered, looking away. "You may leave."

Sora then smiled and left your room, leaving you all by yourself with your overwhelming thoughts. "Douma-sama was correct... This girl really has feelings." You thought, frowning a little.

As you looked to the other side, you saw the two identical necklaces lying on the table next to you, and you felt the bitterness of guilt rush over you.

Hesitantly, you took her necklace and started fixing it until it looked as good as new.

This night, when everyone went to sleep, you snuck into the servants' quarters to put the necklace along with the book she was reading among her belongings hoping that this would work as an apology.

However, surprisingly enough, she wasn't asleep or even there in the first place; all you found there was her plain white uniform neatly folded by her bed.

Through a rush of panic, you left the temple looking for her in the forest. "Sora-san!" You called, running through the woods.

Suddenly, you froze in your place upon hearing a familiar voice from a distance.

"This girl is so mean! She makes my life a living hell and I did nothing!" Following that, you heard muffled crying which made your heart sink.

"Just be a little more patient..." You heard a masculine voice saying in a rather sympathetic tone. "I promise I'll make it up for you."

"That's okay... I'm okay... as long as I have you." Sora said, letting out a sigh of relief.

You approached the two closely to get a clear look at the other person who was with her.

Since you weren't so careful, you accidentally stepped on a dried up branch, making some noise which caught Sora's attention.

To your absolute horror, she pulled out a blade and swung it in your direction with incredible attack speed. "Looks like we have a spy." She said, tackling you to the ground.

"For how long have you been here?" A strange young man spoke as he drew closer to you.

"A demon...?" Your eyes widened at the sight of the guy's sharp fangs and his cat-like pupils which slit his deep blue eyes.

"Sora... san..." You struggled in her strong grip although you've dug your nails into her arm.

"I'll kill you!" She said with a determined look on her face, holding back her tears as she pressed her sword against your neck. "Any... Any last words?!"

"Yes! I'm sorry! Okay?! I'm sorry for making your life miserable!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, squeezing your eyes shut as you've accepted your fate.

Just then, you felt her grip weakening before she let go of her sword and burst into tears. "Y- You better mean it!" She yelled through tears blurring her vision.

"So she's the one who's being mean to you?" The male asked, but Sora didn't respond, going completely silent instead.

Suddenly, you felt his eyes piercing through your soul. "I know she's naive enough to give people like you a second chance, so don't you dare break her trust again." He said, pulling her away from you.

"Does that mean that... you've forgiven me?" You asked, directing the question to the girl.

"I can't..." She said, looking at her feet. "Unless you give me back my necklace."

"About that..." You said, smiling. "I have a surprise for you... I think you might like it." By that, you pulled out the newly mended necklace and her eyes lit up in excitement as she went in for a hug that you reluctantly returned.

"Thank you so much!" She beamed with joy as she put on the necklace with a genuine smile.

"Will you come back home with me?" You asked.

For a moment, Sora looked at the young man and they both nodded in agreement. "Okay then... I'll see you tomorrow, Kaito!" She said, pulling him in for a 'goodbye' hug.

The demon muttered something under his breath then left, and with a swift motion of his hand, you forgot that this guy ever existed.

You forgot everything you've witnessed.

You forgot that you've already apologised to Sora, but was satisfied - although confused - by her sudden mood improvement.

"What am I doing here...?" You asked with a perplexed look on your face.

"Collecting plants!" She said, holding out a bunch of different kinds of herbs and flowers.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1225 words

-',✎ A/n: To clarify, Kaito is a demon and his ability is to manipulate memory so he can basically erase part of the victim's memory upon will and his ability can affect humans and other demons. Hope this makes sense! Feel free to ask if you have any questions ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶

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