Chapter Twenty-five

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"Well... seems like we have a visitor... or an intruder."

Kaito appeared from behind you, looking livid. "What are you doing in here, you creep?" He asked, clenching his fists. "What did you do to her?"

However, the black haired man stared at him blankly as the corners of his lips slightly turned upwards. "You're a traitor, aren't you?" He asked with a mischievous smirk. "My master is going to be very happy when I kill you! He might even consider putting me in the place of the deceased upper moon six! That would be a dream coming true!"

"Yeah... keep dreaming." At this point, Kaito wished to wipe that smirk off the lower moon's face. "You're not making it out alive."

"A demon like you can't kill another demon... I'm surprised that this is new to you."

"True... but not when I have this!" Kaito said, pulling out a familiar nichirin sword. "I can definitely kill you!" Then, he charged towards him with his full strength and speed, determined to kill that demon.

"Pathetic..." Within seconds, the other demon put him to sleep, and before he could reach for the blade, you picked it up and swung it in his direction.

"What happened to you?" He asked mockingly as he swiftly dodged the attack. "You used to be so powerful! Surely not as strong as me, but I would've loved to fight against the old you!"

"What a shame... the lower moons were all killed... because you betrayed us." He said, and you froze in your place as a flash of memory came back to your mind. "Oh? So you do remember after all!"


The mugen train, the kizuki meeting... you felt like you've met this guy before, but he still felt like a threat to your life regardless.

"Yes, I'm lower moon one! And I got to survive because I'm the strongest of the lower moons!" He said cheerfully. "I have a chance to become stronger!"

As he took a few steps towards the human, her demon friend woke up and kicked his head off. "Stay away from her!" He yelled, getting up at an instant and shielding her.

"A demon protecting a human? She's going to die eventually... there's no point in protecting a mortal like her." 

"Shut up!" You gripped the sword tightly as you launched another useless attack towards him.

Your skills using a sword were awful, and the blade you were holding was slowly breaking. Surely, this wasn't your first time fighting with a sword, but you never felt the need to exert so much effort into a single swing before.

You stood no chance against your opponent as he seemed much more experienced and stronger than you were, easily defending himself and attacking you.

Just as you swung the sword once more, it snapped in half, leaving you defenseless, with the only option to use up all of your remaining energy on your blood demon art.

Although the chances of your plan working out successfully were too slim, you decided to take the risk and use your blood art.

"How foolish..."


You were there, watching from behind what seemed like a veil, and there were all the lower moons kneeling before Kibutsuji with the look of fear on their faces as they begged for forgiveness.

"I can do something! I- I'll prove that I'm still of use to you, master!" One of them cried in horror as they were killed right then and there.

"You lower moons are useless... and unreliable." Muzan spoke angrily, making the situation even more unnerving for those poor demons. "I should've killed you all back then."

"Please! Master-"

"Did I order you to speak?" Even angrier now, he didn't wait for the demon to say anything further before he killed him.

One after one, the lower moons were being brutally murdered right infront of your eyes, and the worst part of it was that you weren't able to do anything to prevent their deaths.

Or so you thought...

"It's all because of you!" A female demon looked at you with anger and hatred in her eyes. "This is all your fault!"

"Why did you run away?" Another demon asked, pushing you to the ground. "How could you be so selfish?"

"Did it ever occur to you that you just cause problems to those around you?" The lady who was once so kind to you looked so disappointed with you. "How irresponsible... you had to protect those orphaned kids and failed."

"I- I tried! I-"

"Not enough."


"Wake up! I can't defeat him on my own!"

You were still in shock after such a confusing nightmare, and the first thing you saw once you woke up was a piece of the broken sword being thrown in your direction.

Hurriedly, you caught the blade with both hands before you stood up, still processing what has happened while you were asleep and what has happened before you've fallen asleep.

"Protect her!" Kaito yelled as he pierced his blade through the other demon's neck, attempting to behead him with no avail.

You've failed to protect others multiple times previously, and you weren't going to let this human die too.

But he was after you, so getting closer to her would just get her killed - possibly - along with you.

"Maybe..." You dragged your feet towards the lower moon, slowly letting go of the sword.

"W- What are you doing?!" Kaito asked as he was forcefully pushed away by you.

"I only cause you trouble... You'll be better off without me." You mumbled, unable to look him in the eye. "I'm done being a burden to you and Sora-san."

"Hey! Come back! You're going nowhere!" No matter how many times he's called for you, you never looked back.

A sense of satisfaction washed over the lower moon as you surrendered, accepting your fate. "Well... let's go... you should be honoured to be killed by the master himself."

You felt so miserable at that moment, as you walked away with the lower moon, preparing yourself to die in the most agonizing way a demon could possibly die.

As you looked back towards the house, you realized that it's already too late for you to change your mind although you were growing more terrified with every second closer to facing Muzan.

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

Word count: 1057 words

-',✎ A/n: Sorry this chapter came a little later than usual my Internet connection is so weak :,)

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