Chapter Five

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"Are you a demon?"

You were caught off guard upon hearing that question, and you knew that you had to be careful with your words, seeing how her pallor has increased. "Come in... Don't be scared, Kotoha-san." You said calmly as you stepped aside. "I'd like to know the reason behind this... accusation."

As she entered the room, she could feel her body trembling with fear and her heart pounding. "Well then..." You said, but before you speak, you observed the state she's in and decided to give her some time. "I told you, there's nothing to be afraid of... Take your time and unwind... No pressure."

It took some time for Kotoha to think of how she was going to confront you, but at the end, she took a deep breath before speaking. "Y- You were being chased by the demon slayer corps... these swordsmen... they're assigned to hunt down... demons." She said between pauses.

"I see... let's say - hypothetically speaking - that I'm a demon." You said. "What difference does that make?"

This time, Kotoha was speechless by your question. "But demons are..." She trailed off, avoiding your gaze. "I've been told that demons are bad, but then why..." She thought to herself with a little frown as she glanced towards you from the corner of her eye.

As soon as she remembered your kindness towards her, she felt really guilty for doubting you. "What am I even saying? I'm really sorry for accusing you of that..." She hurriedly apologised.

"There's nothing to apologise for." You reassured her with a comforting smile. "If anything, I'm glad you're starting to be more cautious, humans can be just as dangerous as demons."

"I'm surprised that you've experienced how cruel humans can be without turning bitter." You added with a bitter tone. "So admirable... I envy you."

"Yuki-san..." Kotoha was left with a million thoughts about what made you say that out of the blue, but decided to keep those questions to herself not wanting to accidentally trigger a touchy subject.

"Now, it's getting late, you must be really tired..." You said, checking the time. "Thank you again for accompanying me on my walk. I have to admit... the thought of leaving alone at night is scary."

"Of course!" She sighed in relief, then got up to leave. "Goodnight."

That night, Kotoha couldn't stop thinking about the possibility that you might be a demon, remembering some of the blood-curdling stories she's been told about demons.

To her, whenever she thought of you, she saw a kind human with a pure soul; the idea of you being a maneating demon wasn't sitting right with her, yet, there was no other explanation to why you were attacked by demon hunters.


The next morning, you were greeted by the cultists as you sat by Douma's side, listening to their constant sad stories and having to take in their anger and frustration. "Must be difficult to be you, Douma-sama." You sighed, staring in his direction.

As much as he showed his followers compassion and sympathy, you would give them an equal amount of the judgemental looks he was always holding back, and that probably was the reason why you were disliked by most of the followers.

As soon as you were done with the morning gathering, you left to your quarters, but froze in your tracks upon hearing some unfamiliar voices. "...She's just an insufferable follower who's favoured by the leader." You turned to see a small group of cult members talking to Kotoha.

"Yeah! She's the opposite of the leader, always judgy and–" You placed a hand on the talker's shoulder, giving them a cold stare. "Should I take this as a compliment?" You interrupted, loving the shocked looks on their faces as they scurried away.

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