Chapter 1

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It was neither the rainy season nor the sky was filled with clouds. So why would one assume that it will rain? That's why Jungkook wasn't prepared when the clouds started pouring. He just finished his football practice and went to the locker room to take a bath. When he came out it was raining. He tried calling his friends but they weren't available. So after a lot of cursing Jungkook decided to walk home, soaking his body in water once again just after he took a bath.

Once he reached his apartment building, his clothes were dripping, he pressed the buttons in the elevator but of course, it wasn't working. To Jungkook this day felt like a punishment. Cursing on his way up he climbed the stairs and reached the 4th floor. "One more misfortune and I'm gonna kill someone today."

Jungkook breathed on his way to the main door and started searching his pockets for the key. His frustration was going up and up. He searched all of his pockets and his backpack but the keys were not there. Frustratingly his fingers went to his forehead and he pushed back his dark ravennet hair.

Water was dripping from his clothes and his hair while he took out his mobile phone and dialed his mother's number.

"Mom, where are you and dad?! I lost my keys, please help me out."

"Kookie we went to your aunt's home and we're stuck because of the rain, are you alright baby? Should I just come?" His mom became worried.

"No, it's fine. I'll manage mom; don't come, you'll be stuck in traffic." Jungkook disconnected the call without hearing his mom's response.

He sat in front of the locked door, drenched in rainwater thinking about why he never learnt to pick a lock. He rested his back against the wall, now Jungkook doesn't believe in the concept of God so he just looked at the dark clouds from the big window in the corridor and murmured, "If anyone is listening just please don't make this day any worse than it already is."

And that's when he saw him. The sight that made the subtle sound of rain more prominent, the sight that made the smell of wet soil a little bit more romantic, the sight that made little goosebumps appear on his hand, the sight that made those dark clouds feel like rainbows, the sight that made him believe in the existence of angels.

The most handsome man he ever laid his eyes on was standing in front of him. His brown hair was ruffled as if he just woke up from a deep sleep, he was wearing off-white pants with a pastel green t-shirt and a sheer white shirt on top of it.

A complete opposite of Jungkook's clothing which mostly consisted of black. He had a pout on his lips and a confused look on his face, his eyes were narrow and sharp, a contrast to his baby face.

It seemed like those eyes had a mind of their own, how can they belong to a person who's wearing pastels and white, whose aura screamed subtlety, and whose face seemed like it is of a baby.

Or maybe it's just the duality of this man.

Jungkook's train of thoughts was stopped when the man in front of him waved his hand.

"Hi," the man said in a husky voice.

And all the sentences and words his parents taught him when he was a toddler, all those classes and lectures he attended they all vanished as Jungkook couldn't come up with a reply, he searched all the words in his mind to say to that person in front of him but his mind went blank and as if Jungkook doesn't have a control on his lips they just uttered something on their own.


"Sorry?" The man scrunched his eyebrows and looked at Jungkook with confusion in his eyes.

Jungkook got nervous and started blabbering, "Sorry? No. No Sorry, I am sorry. I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry. I was know....just...was...thinking..... I didn't call you Angel, I was thinking about"

"Your father's name is Angel? The brunette chuckled as he gave his hand to Jungkook to support him in standing up.

"No! No! It's do I..say...I mean I know.." Jungkook was again at a loss of words when the man in front of him decided to interfere, "Why are you soaking wet? And why were you sitting there? Do you live in this apartment?"

Finally, a question that Jungkook can answer! Although in his mind he already lost his first impression, that doesn't mean he won't try again. "Yes, I live in 406 with my parents. Are you perhaps the new family that was about to shift here?"

"Ah yes, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kim Taehyung, my parents and I just shifted here yesterday.

Jungkook's mouth went agape and he blabbered out once again, "Taehyung, Kim Taehyung"

"Yes?" Taehyung tilted his head a bit to the left and looked into Jungkook's eyes.

"I', I'm Jeon Jungkook." The ravennet wanted to scream as he was being a fool in front of the man.

"Why are you wet?" Taehyung asked as he finally noticed Jungkook's clothes.

"IS IT THAT OBVIOUS!?" Jungkook wanted to jump off a cliff as he thought Taehyung was talking about his situation and not about his clothes.

"I mean yes, look at your clothes they are dripping. Maybe you got wet in the rain." The brunette touched Jungkook's black jacket and felt the water in it.

"Oh...yes...of clothes...I'm wet...I mean my clothes are wet...I had to walk home in the rain and I couldn't find my key and my parents are at my aunt's house, so I'm locked outside." He explained.

Jungkook was mesmerised by Taehyung, this is the first time in his life that he felt something like this, of course, he dated some people before but this was something intense.

So now to impress him, Jungkook thought about his first impression which went bonkers, and then his second impression was weird and then the third impression was just simply dumb. Now the only weapon in his arsenal is his body, so he decided to take off his jacket and unbutton his shirt. He didn't even realise what he was doing until he heard a yell.


Embarrassed was not the word that Jungkook would describe his current state as. Ever since he saw the brunette he is constantly doing things that he has never done in his life. Remember how earlier Jungkook wanted to jump off a cliff? Ya, he's gonna do that pretty soon if he continues to do this kind of thing.

"No...I just..wanted to..aaaaccchhhooooooo..." Jungkook faked a sneeze.

"Oh, you're cold. That's why you were removing the wet clothes." Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded his head.

"Come inside my house I'll give you my clothes and make you some tea." Taehyung pointed towards the main door of his apartment.

"Then what will you wear?" Jungkook's eyes got bigger.



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