Chapter 4

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Today Jungkook woke up at 4 am, the boy who usually wakes up just ten minutes before he needs to go out, he woke up three hours earlier.

His eyes wanted to sleep but his mind was full of thoughts and imaginary scenarios filled with Taehyung and his first day of college. At one point Jungkook even dreamt of going to the college on a damn horse but he shrugged off the idea thinking what if he falls off it.

So he was on his bed thinking about the elder, occasionally his brain would create images of the mole on Taehyung's nose or the tiny little freckle on his lips. Jungkook wanted to touch those. But he would remind himself that he can't even talk properly in front of the brunette so why is he thinking about touching him.

After that brief talk with Namjoon, he decided to become the 'confident kookie' that everyone knew of.

By the time it was seven, Jungkook was ready. He came out of his apartment and was standing in the corridor. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. Jungkook thought about ringing the doorbell but images of his encounter with Taehyung's appa would flash before his eyes.

He knew he screwed up pretty bad so no way in hell he would want to face him, at least now. Jungkook checked the time, it was 7:16, and no Taehyung.

He sat on the floor and started playing games on his phone. He was too excited to concentrate on anything.

By the time it was, 8 am the door of Taehyung's apartment opened. Jungkook suddenly stood up and saw Taehyung with a shoulder bag, the zip of the bag was open so Jungkook was able to clearly see Taehyung's belongings.

He was carrying some books, some paintbrushes and also some acrylic paint. "So this is what art students carry." Jungkook thought to himself. He stepped forward to greet the elder and saw his father about to come out of the house as well.

Jungkook started panicking, at first he thought about running back to his house. But what would he tell Taehyung? So he thought about running to the lounge, but Taehyung's father reached the corridor and Jungkook had no choice but to snatch Taehyung's bag from him.

He put his hand inside the bag and found a bottle of paint in it, Jungkook unscrewed the bottle and took out the yellow paint in his hand.

Now you may have guessed what happened next. It's Jungkook after all.

Jungkook smudged the bright yellow paint all over his face. If he wore a headband with petals on it, he definitely would look like a sunflower but now he was looking like a yellow pancake. Taehyung was looking at Jungkook curiously when Jungkook returned his bag to him.

"Taehyung let's g-'' His father stepped out of the door and his words stopped as soon as he saw our yellow pancake.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING?" He nearly shouted.
"A-Appa, that's our neighbour, the one I told you about." Taehyung wasn't able to address the actual tension.

"Why did you bathe in paint, boy?" His father asked.

"It's actually um way of um..portraying my emotions," Jungkook answered.

Taehyung's father shook his head and let out a long breath, "Are all the people in Seoul this way? Just yesterday I met a weirdo in a cafe and now this yellow portrayal of emotions. Ever since we've moved here, I haven't met a single normal youngster."

"Appa let him be, don't judge please,"

Taehyung interjected. "Today I'm gonna go with him. He studies at the same college so I thought it would be better to go together."

Taehyung's father put his calloused hands on Taehyung, "What can I say Taehyunga? You'd eventually do what you want. Just tell that boy to remove that diarrhea from his face."

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