Chapter 14

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3 months later…

Taehyung was sitting on the dismay-filled hospital bench waiting for his results. In these three months, all he watched was how fast his health was deteriorating. He doesn't have much hope with this one result and yet he is sitting there with his hands on his forehead.

Taehyung was being treated by the best-known medical staff and yet sometimes he wasn't able to tell what he had for lunch.
"How are you today, Taehyung?" Jung Hoseok, Taehyung's doctor asked him.
"Just same old," Taehyung chuckled "It's a miracle that I even remember my name"

Hoseok's eyes were looking for the old Taehyung but it was difficult to find him. "And where is Jungkook? Why is he not attending your therapy sessions?" Taehyung looked everywhere but at Hoseok,"I- I don't know, maybe he's at the college." Hoseok stared at him, he practically spent all his childhood with the man sitting in front of him, so he has some idea of when he's lying and when he's being honest.

"Don't look at me like that hyung!." Taehyung advances, "I told him to not come here with me anymore." Hoseok could always sense the insecurity lingering inside Taehyung, "And why is that?"

"I can't let him see this anymore, I love him a lot hyung," Taehyung's eyes got wet, "b-but one day…I'm just gonna forget him and I know the love he has for me. He'll practically die the moment I forget him." Taehyung sobbed. "I can't let that happen. I have nothing to give to him in return for his undying love.

All I have in my life is this fucking disease and the headache that these medicines give me."

Hoseok stood up from his chair and went to the other side of the table, hugging Taehyung. "Taehyungie don't lose hope, I'm trying my best to treat you."

"I'm trying hyung." Taehyung said in a monotone voice, "but we both know that Alzheimer's has no treatment, it's all downhill from here."


Hoseok and Taehyung came out in the hospital garden as Taehyung was feeling suffocated in the room, with all the questions Hoseok asked him during his test and after watching how miserably he failed in it.

Jimin was sitting there on the grass playing with some kids. He accompanied Taehyung here. More like he threatened to bring him to the hospital.

As soon as Jimin watched both men coming towards him,he said his goodbyes to his newly found tiny friends and came towards Taehyung and Hoseok. "Hello Dr. Hoseok, nice to meet you here."

Jimin stood up side by side with Taehyung, locking their fingers together. The wind felt heavy to him. It didn't take him long enough to figure out that something went wrong and looking at Taehyung's defeated face, he didn't want to ask him about it. But he has to, otherwise what kind of friend would he be?

"Hello Jimin, I see you accompanied your friend here. It's really nice of you." Hoseok extended his arms to meet the smaller man in a handshake. Jimin gave him a little smile and Hoseok looked at him longer than he intended to. 

All three of them sat on the green lush grass talking about their everyday lives which was a huge change for Taehyung and he was trying to accept it but he just couldn't.

"Dr. Hoseok can you give me your card? If I have to come back here again with Taehyung. It'll be easy for me to…navigate." Jimin had ambiguity in his eyes. Hoseok smilingly gave his card to Jimin, like it was the exact thing that he wanted to do.


"What was that with you and Hoseok hyung?" Taehyung asked Jimin as soon as they entered the former's home. "Huh? What? I just asked for his card." Jimin shrugged.

"But I saw that thing in your eyes, the one where you say something else but your motive is a whole different thing." Taehyung implied, "And what's going on between you and Yoongi hyung? I don't remember the exact thing but kookie told me that you used me as bait."

Taehyung dropped onto his bed. "You know how it is with him, he won't say a word about his feelings and I'm tired of chasing after him." Jimin too dropped on the bed, cuddling Taehyung. "But weren't you together like…"

Taehyung put fingers on his forehead, eyes squinting. "Is it your headache again, Taehyungie?" Jimin asked and ran his fingers through his best friend's hair.

"No, not the headache. It's always there so it doesn't even count anymore. I'm trying to remember when both of you were together."

Taehyung said with a mild frustration in his voice. "It's been on and off for the past three months, you don't worry about us."

Their conversation was cut in the middle when Jungkook entered Taehyung's room, "Why did you go alone again? I told you I wanna be there for you on every step." Jungkook said with pain in his voice.

On cue, Jimin got up from the bed, with his phone in hand, "You two talk, I'll be outside." Taehyung saw how Jimin dialed Hoseok's number while he was leaving the room. But his focus was more on Jungkook's eyes which were filled with pain and the trembling of his lips, indicating the sea of despair he has filled within him.

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