Chapter 10

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Their ride home was the most peaceful ride Jungkook ever had. He was driving carefully while talking to Taehyung. The conversation was nothing important but Jungkook didn't feel like it should be important. He can talk about a hundred random topics with Taehyung and would not get bored.

When they reached their apartment building, Jungkook found it difficult to let go of Taehyung's hands. Taehyung assured him that he will call him in the night, but Jungkook was lingering with fear. 

His fear was proven wrong when Taehyung indeed called him. They talked for a while, and then Jungkook had the sudden urge to see him. To tell his heart that this indeed is real. He really is dating Taehyung. 

"Taehyung can you please come out of the house, I want to see you." 

Taehyung took a second to reply, "My parents are at home Jungkook, how can I possibly come?" 

Jungkook breathed out, not saying anything. "You don't need to be sulky, I'm coming outside." Taehyung gave him hope and Jungkook felt as if he was the luckiest person alive.

Jungkook immediately got out of bed and coiled the finger through his hair but he was in so much of a hurry that it did nothing.

When he got out of the main door, there he saw him again, his angel. Taehyung was wearing a comfy night dress, his hair disheveled but in a good way. The permed hair was covering most of his eyes as he was standing there with arms crossed, waiting for Jungkook. 

"You got here first hyung, I thought only I was in a hurry." Taehyung chuckled at that. 

"Why are you like this guggie," Taehyung gently massaged the younger one's shoulders, "Why are you so goddamn cute." 

Jungkook's lips curved upside, a crimson tint on his cheekbones. He took a step forward, their nose almost touching, they could feel each other's breath. 

If someone was watching them right now, they could think they are about to kiss, but kissing wasn't on Jungkook's mind.

He lingered his hands through Taehyung's tiny waist and hugged him. Jungkook felt how stressed Taehyung's body was, how he can feel the tension oozing out of his muscles.

Jungkook inhaled his natural scent, even his scent was sweet, a good feeling for Jungkook's sensitive nose.

Taehyung also melted in the hug and placed his nose in the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"Hyung," Jungkook didn't bother to break the hug, "I'm worried about what you said on the cliff, please know that I'm always here for you. Whatever you're growing through you can tell me."

Jungkook heard a small sob, he wanted to see Taehyung's face which was buried in his neck so he tried to go backward, but Taehyung didn't let him break the hug. "I need some time, guggie please just understand." 

Jungkook stayed there for as long as the elder wanted him, he knew Taehyung was trying to control the tears but he was in no place to say anything.

Soon, Jungkook heard the sobs stop. He wanted to help Taehyung, he really did. But he can't do anything if the other one doesn't want it. So, he was there with Taehyung, to become his comfort. 


The next day at college was better, way better. Jungkook and Taehyung went to the college together with their newly changed relationship status. Fingers intertwined, shoulders rubbing each other, as they walked into the cafeteria to their friends. 

"You two seem a bit different today." Namjoon noticed the clinginess and lack of space between them. 

Jungkook pulled a chair for himself and another for his boyfriend, "Does it feel like we're different now?"

 Yoongi had been glaring at Taehyung the moment he stepped inside the cafeteria. It felt a bit odd but Taehyung didn't say anything. 

Both of them sat at the table with the rest of the group, consisting of Namjoon, his boyfriend Jin and Yoongi. 

Soon Jimin entered the cafeteria as well, strategically placing his chair between Taehyung and Yoongi. Jungkook smiled at him, "I was waiting for you Jimin ssi" 

Jimin sat down with his eyebrows scrunching, "Am I that special in your life Jungkookie? Or perhaps do you want me to be special in someone else's life?" 

He pointed towards Taehyung, who chuckled before saying, "He knows everything chim." 

Jungkook's laughter and Jimin's gasp were heard at the same time. 

"Since everyone is here, I would like to announce that Taehyungie hyung and I are dating." 

Namjoon and Jin stood up from their seats to hug the new couple. Yoongi stopped glaring at Taehyung.

Meanwhile, Jimin was the most excited about the news. He took Taehyung's hands in his own, and there were a couple of tears that were about to drop out of his eyes. 

Jungkook noticed this, "I didn't know both of you were this close, I mean I thought you were romantically close but Taehyung clarified that you are just friends. But I had no idea you were platonically this close." 

Jimin cleared his throat, "I don't know what to tell you Jungkook, I feel like I found the friend that I've been longing for, for quite a while." 

"And I feel like I've found a missing piece of myself." Jungkook responded.

Taehyung held back his tears, "ok stop right there, I can't handle this much." He took a sip of water, "I didn't know you Seoulites would be so welcoming." 

Jungkook snickered and reduced the distance between the two. Capturing his lips with the velvety plushes of Taehyung.

He knew the other students and staff were watching them but to him, none of them mattered. He wanted to kiss his angel and that's all he knew and that's all he did. 


When they reached the corridor in front of their apartment, Taehyung's hands were placed on Jungkook's shoulder.

There was not enough space between them that even air could pass.

Jungkook was staring at his boyfriend's eyes, not wanting to let go of him. What his eyes didn't see was that Kim Kyungnam was standing in front of his apartment door, with his hands folded.

When Jungkook's eyes suddenly felt the presence, he let go of Taehyung immediately. Jungkook felt like Kyungnam was trying to kill him with his deadly gaze. 

Jungkook bowed, "Hello, Mr. Kim." Kyungnam didn't say anything back, he gestured for Taehyung to come home.

Fortunately, Jungkook's apartment door opened. His father was standing right there with a deadly look towards Kyungnam. Taehyung's father decided to break the silence. 

"Mr. Jeon" 

"Mr. Kim"

"Nice to finally meet you."

"I wish I could say the same." 


At night, Jungkook called Taehyung which he received instantly as if he was waiting for the call. "So our parents just don't get along." Jungkook chuckled. 

"My father has a hard time warming up to people" Taehyung rolled on his bed. "Can we go to college a little early tomorrow? I have some work" 

Jungkook took a deep breath, not feeling good. "Hyung, that's why I called you, I'm going to my cousin's for a few days." 

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