4. Company

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Charlie dismounted the horse, her eyes could hardly pick a place to look at, she was in a medieval looking village, the dresses, the salesmen, the music! Asgard was a lovely city! Thor tied up his horse with a laugh "You weren't weren't kidding Thor!" She exclaimed happily, looking around with childlike wonder. He nodded "Asgard's people are hard workers" he said, waving at some people as they cheered to him "They put thdeir heart into this city" he said, opening the door for her. She stepped inside, smiling wide as she looked around, she locked eyes with a papaya tree and jogged over, examining it. 

She turned to Thor as he approached the bar it sat on "You guys have Papaya's here?" she asked, Thor sat down with a cocky grin "They were our plant first." he said. She shook her head "No way" she said, sitting up beside him as he nodded, resting his elbow on the bar as he faced her "So Loki and I actually come to Earth quite often, don't tell Father, and one of those times we ate some fruit from home there, I tossed it off and out sprouts a tree" he said. She snickered and shook her head "Thanks for littering I guess," she said as a bartender walked up with two ales. She sat up and waved her hands "Oh I don't have any gold, no thank you" she said, Thor shook his head "Don't worry about it my Lady, consider it an apology," he said.

She smiled as the bartender left "Anything else you generously donated?" she asked, going to lift the drink with him. She winced slightly, the cup was heavy probably even before there was ale in it, she reached up as Thor pondered "Oh god where to start" he murmured. She glanced up at the tree, there was a leaf within reach so she took it, beginning to tear at the greeny leaf. As Thor looked up in thought she privately waved her fingers at the plant, healing it in seconds "Ah! Nuts, another one of my gross negligent snacking" he said. She hissed as she revealed the leaf stem which resembled a straw "Gotta boo you on that one, you could have killed me" she said. He winced "Are you um... What's it called... Allergic?" she nodded while sipping her ale "Highly" she said. 

He smiled at her "Wouldn't want that" he said with a wink, she blushed, fiddling with her dress a bit "May I ask something and you won't take offense to it?" he asked. She shrugged "I'll try... Shoot," she said, he inhaled, holding up his hand "Why is your dress backward?" he asked. She blinked "It's backward?" she asked, suddenly feeling awkward, he nodded with a kind smile "It is," he said. She sighed "Does it atleast look good?" she asked, he eyed her up and down "Exceedingly" he said. She blushed and tucked her arms in with a smile "Then it was on purpose," she corrects, sipping her drink again "Of course" he said, drinking his own. Thor smiled at her "Are you liking your stay so far?" he asked, and she nodded "Are you kidding how could I not? I've eaten better than I have in years, you've given me a bed, clothes, Loki even showed me how to use a short sword yesterday." she said.

Thor tilted his head "He did?" he asked, she nodded "I asked about some fighting lessons and he doesn't want me to embarrass the kingdom," she said rolling her eyes. Thor slowly smirked while looking off to the side then nodded as she drank "The armory ones?" he asked. She shook her head while finishing her sip "No these super fancy ones he made in the air" she said, waving her hands to mimic Loki. He looked off to the side again, she tilted her head "Whats up?" she asked as Thor smiled and shook his head "Nothing, just that he doesn't let anyone use his swords." he said. She waved her hands in a mocking prissy manner "What he doesn't like people touching his stuff?" she asked. Thor only smirked while raising his tankard "No he does not" he said, finishing his drink as Charlie only looked surprised. He cleared his throat "Is there anything else you desire here Charlie? There is much to see." he said. She glanced down at the cup and shook her head, but Thor knew better "Come on, what is it?" he asked, waving his hand.

Charlie rolled her lips between her teeth "Um..."

They exited the inn, arms laced as Thor carried the now empty tankard "Why the cup?" he asked, she shrugged "Its like an authentic Tankard, I'm weird I'd be thinking about it whenever I drink something" she said. He chuckled "You can't even lift it" he teased, she smacked his arm while laughing "When it was full sir, full!" she defended. He held it out "I mean if you want to carry it then you're more than welcome" he murmured as she shook her head "No I'm good, its taking all of my strength just to stand right now." she murmured over him before giggling as he laughed. They looked up hearing horses approach "Sire, theres a wolf loose in the Lithe square, we've got it sequestered but we need help." he said.

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