13. Sheltered Memories

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Thor strode in with Frigga on his arm, there were several dwarves working nearby that glanced over only a moment before continuing their job. Friggas eyes darted around nervously as Thor beamed at the welcome party "Deep Breaths brother, for Charlie," he whispered. Frigga nodded and huffed before smiling "Lovely to see you, Lady Frigga and King Thor, to what do I owe the honor? He asked. Frigga smiled "Oh, well my son said he was going to swing by, so I figured I would join him," she said.

Thor smiled and bowed "I wish to see Charlie, " he said, the greeter smiled "Who?" he asked. Thor and Frigga blinked "Charlie. Human. Plant powers?" He asked, the greeter had someone whisper in his ear "Ahh, yes I know the prisoner you speak of. Keep in mind she had her mind wiped, she won't remember you or be able to lie to you again." He said. Thor cleared his throat "That's quite alright, I'd still like to see her." He said, the greeter winced "The King will demand I bring you to him first," he said. Frigga nodded "That's perfectly fine, you go see the King and I will see Charlie," she said. The greeter seemed to hesitate before bowing "Begging your pardon my lady, our prisons are no place for you," he said, Frigga scoffed, waving her hand "Oh come now I've sent many to the dungeon," she said before looming over the dwarf.

He widened his eyes in fear "And I suspect I'll send many many more, I hope not in the near future," she hissed out as the dwarf trembled "Y-Yes my lady." He said. She pulled back and nodded before walking after him, Thor and Frigga walked arm and arm "You've only got until the King realizes something's up you know, I'll stall as long as I can," Thor whispered. Frigga nodded, the determination burning in her eyes, the greeter gestured down a hallway, and Frigga peered around recognizing the hall immediately as Charlie's prison. She nodded and smiled "Thank you, I'll feel better about the whole thing if I can just see her in bars." She said, she looked over at the greeter as he only laughed at her remark "She requires no chain that the naked eye can see, her chains are in her mind." He said. 

Frigga hesitated then nodded "That is wonderful to hear, I'm glad Asgard is safe from the likes of her" she said. She squeezed Thor's arm before pulling away, treading lightly as the greeter led Thor away. Frigga walk, waving her hand at the camera on the corner, running a 13-second loop of nothing. She walked up to the door, making easy work of the lock, then stepped in. She stopped with the door open, staring to see Charlie simply sitting in a chair in different armor than she left in, Frigga let out a weak sigh before the mirage faded to reveal Loki. He walked over and knelt before her, picking up her hands, she only sat, breathing, and staring. Upon the sight Loki's chest became tight with anxiety, his eyes threatening to spill at any moment "Oh Charlie," he said, his voice wavering to see her like this. 

On further inspection, her skin was drained, lifeless, and what was once radiant hair was now white like her eyes. Loki huffed as his thumb stroked her hand "I'm bringing you home, one way or another" he said, transforming into her, as a mirage began overtaking her, turning her into Frigga. He tested his spell, having her raise up "Okay," she whispered, taking Frigga's previous seat. Charlie sat, making Frigga walk out of the door, then closed it, and locked with his powers, Frigga continued to walk as Charlie. Charlie watched blankly through the hole of the door as Frigga walked carefully to the end, and waited, Loki had to use all his power to keep her disguised. Thor arrived back, quickly sweeping her up, the King stared at them, then at Charlie who remained stoic, he smiled "I am sorry about the confusion, I heard she lied about being a homeless Midgardian" he tutted his tongue "That's truly awful" he chastized "She's a real monster, I'm only happy we got her back before she harmed anyone." 

Charlie's hand clenched with Loki's anger, but he stayed strong, this spell would take a lot out of him, never mind having to escape himself. Frigga chuckled and held Thor's arm "Yes, I feel much better knowing she's here, I can relax knowing my kingdom is safe." She said. Charlie unclenched her first as they bowed and began walking away quickly, with the King's encouragement, Loki noted. Once they finally left two guards peered around the corner, nudging their heads "She doesn't move one bit, I've been waiting for the opportunity." one of them said. Loki's stomach began to churn and twist "I haven't been able to try anything, but with King Thor here," he said as the other laughed. They unlocked the door and stepped in, Loki smiled underneath the disguise

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