15. A God's Job

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Charlie shifted in her seat at the council, everyone stared, she had no clue what to say or do, the men stared her down as she sat across from Thor. One of the men stood "Nidavellair would never attack the throne like this" he claimed, she glared somewhat 'Clearly they would, were they not listening?!' she thought. Thor stood, crossing his arms "Well they have... I was there myself, they lied to us and kept her away due to her potential." he said. One of the men gestured her "So now we have a weapon" he said, Charlie glared as he carressed his chin. Another one walked over, examining her "A woman with plant powers would be very useful" he murmured. She blinked "Thanks, I try" she said, snapping her head as she felt a hand on her, another member was squeezing her arm, looking for muscle. 

She grabbed his hand and pinned him to the table "No touchy" she hissed as the council members only stared, Thor cleared his throat "Charlie" he warned. She sighed remembering he said to be good for this meeting and pulled off "Certainly quick" another council member joked. A small flurry of laughter rolled over the chamber as Charlie released him and sat back down "She has already proven herself as useful to our crops alone. She's responsible for the harvest we've enjoyed this year" he said. She nodded as they bowed somewhat respectfully at her. Thor glanced over "Charlie" he started She leaned on the table "Given the time to explore my powers I'd be happy to use them on Asgard's behalf" she offered. 

A skinny council member stood up "Thats all very nice but why should Asgard be involved at all?" he asked, she sighed and shook her head "Alright thats it" she said, standing up. She rested her hands on the table "You people are morons" she hissed "You were involved from the very beginning, you just didn't know. Why else would a kingdom built specifically on making weapons for the main kingdom keep a weapon secret?" she asked. Thor narrowed his eyes "Because its not for Asgard" he said, she nodded and shrugged "You guys know them better than me but its mighty suspicious if you ask me" she said. She tapped the table, scanning her eyes over the council members "And I can guarantee I'm not the only powered person they've taken" she said. Charlie began to recall others that she met on the field, drones like her with different powers all over. 

In the meantime, Loki paced outside while Frigga watched from her seat "You're going to wear a hole in the floor" she said. Loki sighed, looking at the door "They won't let her stay" he said, shaking his head "They won't have a choice, if Nidavellair is going to attack, they need her" she said. She took a deep breath "And once Charlie and I get into the training arena, we can get her ready for her powers together" she said. She reached out and took his hand, stopping him from moving forward, she eyed him up and down before gasping softly "Are you two?" she asked. He sighed and looked to the side "No" he murmured as she stood, cupping his face "I approved it before, and I do now, my son... But she has a long road ahead of her ." she said. He nodded, crossing his arms "Precisely, so I'm trying to give her... space" he said as though quoting her, she chuckled "If thats what she needs so be it," she said. 

She reveled in the idea that Loki, god of mischief and lies, was a little... 'How did Charlie put it... Clingy?' she thought. He sighed and shook his head, rubbing his temples "Having her out of my sight is exhausting, I feel like I'll blink and she'll be taken away again." he said while sitting. Frigga rubbed his back "I understand..." she said, glancing up at the door as it opened, the elders piled out, glancing at the two, bowing as they passed until THor and Charlie walked out, they stood up. Charlie smiled "They're letting me stay and train," she said happily, Thor cleared his throat "Right letting you as if they could try and stop you" he joked, nudging her. She blushed, fussing with her fingers, "She actually got those old crones to shut up for a minute" he joked, nudging Loki. 

He laughed and stepped forward, holding her forearms "She's to be trained to help Asgard prosper while she trains... The crops you grew flourished, the land is amazing" he said. She smiled "I'm glad... Are the warriors still here? And Sif?" she asked, Frigga laughed and nodded "Your friends are here and eager to see you" she said. Loki took Charlie's hand "But I think we're all forgetting the most important thing... You're still healing" he said. She shifted somewhat, last night she groaned and whimpered, unable to sleep on the mattress after sitting in a chair, only rising to fight or train. She sighed and nodded "You're right... I heal best with sun or water" she explained, Loki nodded "I think we should take this slow until we're certain you're okay" he said.

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