6. Gardenias

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Warning: This chapter contains; Forcible acts, forcible touching, rape, light edgeplay, cunnilingus, name-calling

"You two are certainly bonding"

Upon hearing Frigga's voice they both flushed and shyly separated, Loki cleared his throat "Lady Charlie" he said with a small bow. He walked over to Frigga "Mother" he said, kissing her hand politely, Frigga smiled "Loki, I'm sorry but I need you for the journey" she said. Loki narrowed his eyes "What?" he asked flatly as Charlie walked over to the carriage "We need another escort for the journey to guard Charlie, and I'd feel better if it was you," she said. Charlie smiled at him, but Loki only became angry, crossing his arms "Mother I simply can't, I-I had training," he said, darting his eyes away. Charlie blinked and tilted her head, noticing his mannerisms "You need to take a few days off, your face is always in a book nowadays, I'd hate for you to miss a fantasy of your own." she said. He rolled his eyes as she cupped his cheek "I don't have my horse" he said 'Why is he trying to get out of this so much?' Charlie shook her head 'He's a god damn Prince, not some BFF Charlie, shut up,' she thought.

Frigga smiled knowingly "I have a solution then,"

Moments later, Charlie was twiddling her thumbs across from a very annoyed looking Loki, her hands rested on the book in her lap though she couldn't bring herself to continue. She kept glancing up at Loki as he stared out the window, his jaw gently resting on his fingers in the window, staring out. His legs were crossed and his arm draped over them lazily, only moving with the bounces of the carriages. 'He is the last person I wanted to be alone with for a long time... Stupid dream' she discouraged, feeling herself twitch at the memory. She cleared her throat "Do you know where we're going?" she asked, Loki only sighed "If we're lucky, somewhere quiet" he hissed, only moving his eyes to glare before watching back out the window. She looked taken aback, raising her hand "Whats your deal?" she asked, "I had... Things to do before the coronation" he brushed off. She tilted her head 'He seems stressed' she thought before smirking "Loki you were gonna look the same no matter how much make up you put on," she teased. His head turned as he glared daggers at her, different than the sarcastic glances she got, he was angry person.

She cleared her throat over the thickening air, looking between her book and his eyes "Sirry I was just trying to... Uh..." she looked back down "I don't know." she finished, curling her hands around her book. Loki nodded "Well know this; Speak again and I'll cut out your tongue" he hissed cruely, she nodded and continued to stare down, fear gripping her stomach tightly. He glared at her, occasionally locking eyes when she glanced up until she finally just stared down at her book, not even reading, just not looking at Loki. Eventually he looked back out the window when she scooted away to give him more space, she didn't feel any kind of comfort, she was just scared of him.

After a bit she started to relax even though she was still scared of him, even when he no longer bothered with her. She looked up then out the window, finally seeing a vast field of Gardenias, but they were on stalks, there was a massive amount of them. She gasped softly "Gardenias... That explains it," she whispered, feeling somewhat woozy "What did I say?" Loki hissed out, looking over. He sat upright seeing her head bob and list around, her book slid carefully out of her hands, clattering with the floor "Issa gardeeeee-" she collapsed to the floor of the stage coach as Loki's head followed her, he sighed "Finally" he whispered. He glanced back out the window with a sigh, enjoying the one-sided silence, he glanced over at Charlie, watching the rise and fall of her chest that assured she was okay.

He examined her body, she fell on her side but her body was twisted uncomfortably, her dress slightly bunched up to show off those perfectly shapely thighs he'd been eying. He could also see directly down her dress, she wore his colors well. He narrowed his eyes finally getting a look at the dress, it had a light green corset with dark green silk skirt and billowy sleeves, the chest showing off her sternum from his adjustments. She'd be sore when she awoke. He sighed and knelt over, trying to move her onto the seat given the awkward seating.

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