5. Touch

153 13 1

Warning: Groping

Charlie dismounted Loki's horse, adjusting the satchel of items she'd bought through the day as she giggled "So you stabbed him because he wrecked your room?" she asked, watching Loki as he dismounted. He nodded, handing the reins to the stable boy "I've stabbed him for a lot less, he can vouch for it," he said. She giggled while adjusting her hair "You are both terrible... Well, I'm sorry I kept you all day" she said, glancing up at the sunset. Loki shook his head "Worry not, atleast it was a productive day of getting me my helmet back," he said. She smirked while walking beside him, she was tempted to take his arm to get a rise out of him but they'd had a nice day.

She nodded "I'm just happy to see you guys have books god knows what I need is something to keep me busy until this whole gate thing is figured out." she said. Loki glanced her up and down before looking back forward and sighed, he reached over and laced their arms together. Charlie blinked, a small flush dusted her cheeks "Wha-" "Shh" he silenced before Frigga came around the corner with her handmaidens. She smiled and clapped her hands together "Good, you were okay, I was worried when I heard of the wolf" she said, glancing at your arms. Frigga smiled at Charlie "Joining us for tonight?" she asked, Charlie, nodded with a smile "Yeah, I'd love to," she said. Frigga nodded then glanced at her maiden "Take her things to her room" she said, the maiden bowed before stepping over to Charlie. She blinked and handed over the bag "Thank you so much," she said, bowing back before the maiden toddled off.

Frigga gestured forward "Charlie" she started, taking her arm from his, tugging her forward "Walk with me," she said. Charlie nodded and rested her hands on Frigga's "How was your time with my son?" she asked, the human had to smile "Well Thor told me all about how he started most of the plants we have on Earth, Loki told me many stories and helped me carry things, they were both perfect gentlemen" she said. She glanced back seeing Loki walking semi closely behind with a nod "She was lovely company" he said, almost as if he was reading a script. Charlie followed his look to Frigga who nodded and winked at him, Charlie frowned slightly 'Oh' she thought sadly 'I guess he was told to be nice to me too'. She looked forward feeling somewhat torn, in the beginning, she was nice for her sake, but today was genuinely nice, the best day she'd had in months.

She continued walking and looking down, Loki glanced over, frowning as he saw her sad expression 'What's that about?' he thought. The walk to the dining hall was silent, Charlie only watched the walls or the tile while Loki bore holes into the back of her head. The group smiled as they rounded into the dining room "Ah there she is" Thor said then stood "Apologies about abandoning you on our outing" he said. He walked over, taking her hand to kiss it as she smiled "It was to fight a wolf invading the city Thor, I've heard worse excuses." she dismissed, taking her hand back. He nodded to her then stepped away as she pulled out a chair and sat down, Loki took the seat next to her as Frigga took the seat next to Odin, and servants came out, placing yet another bountiful meal in front of everyone that Charlie had to gape at.

Everyone began digging in, as Charlie looked around nervously "So... What ended up happening with the wolf, did you get it?" she asked. Thor shook his head "All at once it calmed down and left, whatever was bothering it must have ceased. Damage was minimal luckily, repairs are already underway," he explained between mouthfuls. Charlie tucked away a smile and nodded "Thats lucky" she said, feeling better knowing the wolf got away. Loki saw her little expression and had to hide one himself, the glint of pride behind her smile made up his confused mind.

Odin gestured Frigga "Your Queen made quick work of a thorn in its mouth I heard." he said, Frigga only blinked and turned to him "I was at the palace all day." she said. Charlie continued to eat, using it to distract her "You were? I heard the creature was held down with vines." he explained. Frigga narrowed her eyes "I don't have plant-when have you ever seen me use plant powers?" she asked, but shoved that thought aside as Odin struggled to speak "Plant abilities, what were they?" she asked, an air of concern wafting.

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