Finding Eddie

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All three of us ride our bikes to the Family Video down the road, hopefully Robin and Steve can do something to help us. We park and chain our bikes then quickly run inside.

"Hey, Steve! How many phones do you have?"

"Do you guys see this, someone was murdered! That name sounds so familiar."

I roll my eyes and groan getting angry now, "How many phones do you have!"

Steve and Robin look at each other and think, "two, technically three if you count the one in the back."

Dustin pushes his stuff over the counter then he jumps over the counter knocking down tapes. He quickly gets on the computer and starts typing.

Steve looks at him and groans, "what are you doing man?"

"Looking up all of Eddie's friends phone number."

Steve sighs and watches Dustin grab paper and a pencil to start writing things down.

"Listen you can't come in here and play like this on a Saturday, maybe Monday but not today! Saturday is our busiest day," Robin fixes the tapes and looks at Max and me.

"(Y/n), please explain to them what is going on," Dustin says while writing something down then turning up to the computer to type.

I loom over at Dustin who keeps typing then I look between Robin and Steve and take a deep breath, "it wasn't just someone that was killed last night. It was my twin sister, Chrissy. Now people are going to start charging at Eddie because he is the leader of the Hellfire club and he plays DND, but I know that's it's not him because I was with him that night before and I know that I am not crazy because whatever did this to my sister was not human and I think there are monsters in Hawkins again. So now Dustin is trying to get all of Eddie's friends phone numbers so we can try to find him and make sure he is okay."

I catch my breath from talking and rambling so much while Steve and Robin look at each other.

After we got Robin to help us, we have just been calling people to find things out about Eddie or where he could be. Max finally got a lead and says Eddie might be with some guy named Refer Rick. Steve suggests that we just tell the cops, and we start to argue until Robin gets an idea. She jumps back and gets on the computer to look up people named Rick. We start to go through them and look at the movies that they had purchased. We look through until we find the perfect match.

"He is in Lipton. Lovers Lake," I say, and they all look at me.

We get into Steve's car and start driving to Lipton. We have to find Eddie and we have to find him fast. Jason is probably already trying to find him. We make it to the house and start to look around. Dustin pounds on the door while screaming for Eddie or Rick. We tell him to shut up, but he doesn't. Max walks to the side and calls us over. We walk to Max and see a shed looking house behind Rick's house.

We walk over and go inside.

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

"Eddie? Are you in here?"

We walk around with flashlights till Steve picks up a paddle and pokes around a tarp. I roll my eyes at him since he really thinks that using it will help somehow.

"Steve, will you stop you look insane."

"Shut up (Y/n), he might be in here?"

"He'll be dead if you keep hitting it if he is in there."

Dustin tells us to stop fighting but we don't listen.

"Take the tarp off!"

"If you're so brave then you take the tarp off."

Max and Robin find some wrappers and start contemplating if he ran off when he heard us or not.

"Don't worry guys, Steve will save the day with his oar!"

"You think you're so funny Cunningham but," Steve gets cut off by us screaming and watching someone come out of the tarp.

Steve gets charged into a wall and we all stare. Its Eddie. He has a broken beer bottle to Steve's neck.

"Woah! Eddie! Stop," I try to make him stop but he doesn't even seem to register my voice he just stares into Steve's soul.

Dustin walks over slowly and tries to get him to drop the bottle.

"Eddie! It's me Dustin! (Y/n) is here too, you know (Y/n). That is Steve! He is not going to hurt you. Then we also have Max and Robin here too! They are very nice and are only here to help you," Eddie looks over quickly at Dustin and I. Steve nods quickly and stares at Eddie.

"Steve, why don't you drop the oar," I say, and I walk a bit closer as Steve drops it.

Eddie presses it into his neck, and I try to grab Eddie, but Dustin drags me back.

"Eddie! He is cool! It's fine! Drop the bottle."

"What are you doing here?"

"We are looking for you," I get out of Dustin's grip, and I slowly walk over "you know Robin from band and Max who never wants to play DND. And then Dustin and I, Dustin is in Hellfire and we hung out yesterday. and then steve is... he is here. Eddie we are on your side."

Dustin steps forward, "I swear on my mother!"

We all agree and swear on Dustin's mother that we are on his side. Eddie stares at Steve then lets him go.

{Edited 4/6/24! If you find anything wrong with this chapter don't be afraid to point it out!!}

i believe you // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now