Its time.

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(Part 2!)

I watch as Vecna raises his hands and bricks from the wall rise up. He grunts and pushes them forward while Jane makes them hit the wall beside us. While she is distracted Vecna makes her go flying into a table then all around the room. I gasp and watch while stumbling back. I have to help her. While they are fighting, I pick up one of the bricks and start running at him. before I can make it to him, he lifts me up and throws me again.

I breathe heavily and my vision starts to go blurry. I close my eyes and start to see Dustin and Eddie. Dustin is holding Eddie while there is blood coming out of his mouth. I shake my head and start to regain my senses. When I do, I am in Vecna's world. My arms and legs are pulled to the platform.

I look around to see Vecna in front of Jane who is also attached to something.

"it's over, Eleven. Your friends, have lost."

I look at him terrified and my breathing picks up while I try to thrash my way out of the vines. I start to cry while looking down and shaking my head.

"Please be a dream," I whisper and breathe heavily as Vecna walks up to me. 

I feel my tears start to come down harder as he touches my face. I stare at him finger and follow it.

"don't be afraid. Try staying very still. It will all be over soon."

I shake my head and watch as he rises his hand above my face. I can hear Jane calling my name while crying. 

"No please," I beg and breathe heavily.

I stare at his fingers while struggling. this is it. Nobody is going to help me. Dustin isn't here anymore. If he was, I'd be out. I have no idea where Eddie is. I just want to be with the love of my life with our baby.

Thats when it happens. His nails dig into my skin. I gasp and my eyes shoot open. I can't cry anymore; I just feel numb. My vision goes blurry then blank before I feel myself falling to the ground. Am I dead? Is this what being dead feels like?

I never got to say goodbye to Eddie.

i believe you // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now