after party

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(i'm making up characters in this 🤭)

The wedding is over. We all head over to a hall down the street and the party starts. I am sitting at a table with Ozzy and Eddie while people start to file in. I smile and lean on Eddie as i watch our friends and families come up to us and then walk away. Dustin comes over and i hug him while he laughs.

"What happened to, 'i'll never get married?' (Y/n)?"

I smile and shake my head as Dustin refers to when I would babysit him all the time.

"Dustin that was seven years ago. I was very very different."

Ozzy leans towards Dustin and hugs him as Dustin takes him.

"I know! It's weird," he says and i push his shoulder. He laughs and walks away to dance with Ozzy. I sit back down next to Eddie, his arm wraps around my waist while he looks at me.

"It's funny how a year and a half ago, I was offering you weed in the middle of the woods behind the school and now, you are my wife."

I roll my eyes and lean my head on his shoulder, "and then a few years before that you were helping me buy my first guitar which i will keep for the rest of my life."

"You better! It was a hundred dollars," he teases me and i kiss him.

I hear someone yell out for Eddie. I pull away and see a little girl running towards him. Eddie gets up and hugs her tightly.

"Caroline! I missed you!"

He picks her up and keeps hugging her. She gasps and walks over to me when he puts her down. I crouch down and smile as she holds my hand.

"You are very pretty! My name is Caroline! I'm five."

I hug her and feel her arms wrap around me, "it's nice to meet you Caroline! You look beautiful as well!"

She smiles and Ozzy quickly runs over while smiling. He looks at Caroline and laughs before hugging me.

"This is Eddie and I's son, Ozzy."

I nudge Ozzy and he turns to her before waving. Caroline smiles and they hug before holding hands and walking off to dance. I stand back up and watch as they dance around. I start to meet Eddie's family and talk to my family. Eddie walks off to talk to some of his cousins and i talk with my aunt.

A slow song comes on and i watch as Max and Lucas walk off to dance, then Mike and Jane, then Nance and Jonathan. I look around for Eddie until i feel someone tap my shoulder. It's Eddie with his hand out for me to take. I giggle and take his hand to dance with him. He puts his hands on my waist and i put my hands on his shoulders.

"It's like the prom we never got but so much better."

I nod as Eddie pulls me closer so he can wrap his arms around my waist. I put my head on his chest while we sway to the music. Ozzy walks over while frowning and fake crying. I roll my eyes and pick him up. He smiles and puts his head on my shoulder. Eddie hugs us both and I close my eyes.

I smile as Ozzy makes noises before kissing my cheek. I kiss his then he screams while laughing

"you are crazy," i say while Eddie takes Ozzy away. Ozzy kisses Eddie's cheek then plays with Eddie's hair.

The whole night was filled with so much fun and dancing. Slowly people start to leave and head home. Everyone leaves until it's just the friend group, Eddie, Ozzy and I. We all sit at a table and talk. The music stopped a while ago so the sound of us talking is only heard. That and Ozzy snoring on my shoulder.

I start to get up to walk around with Ozzy so he stays asleep. I rub his head and back while looking around the tables to see if anyone had left anything behind. Ozzy starts to wake up and looks around.

"Mama go home soon?"

I nod and look at him, "yes baby, we are going home soon. Go back to sleep and when you wake up you will be at home."

Ozzy shakes his head and i look at him "why not?"

"Creepy man."

I look at Ozzy a little concerned "what do you mean baby?"

"Tall man wif long fingers talks to me when i sleep. I see him. Red sky and tall vines."

I gasp and start to walk back over to everyone. They look at me and Eddie stands up.

"are you okay."

I look at Ozzy while he looks at me, "tell them what you told me."

Ozzy looks at everyone then at Eddie, "the tall man with the long fingers talks to me. The sky is red and the vines."

They look at Eddie and I while they stand up.

"how long have you seen him Oz?"

He looks at me again, "long time."

I relax a little and sigh while looking at everyone.

"How does he know about Vecna," Steve asks and I rub Ozzy's back.

"Is it because of me? Because he was so attached to me and now he is in my sons dreams?"

Dustin looks at me, "that may be a reason."

Ozzy hugs me tightly and starts to fall asleep "i'm here. You will sleep with mama and dada tonight," I whisper to Ozzy and he nods while falls asleep. This is too much. My sons dreams are getting haunted by the man that wanted to kill me.

I sigh as we all start to walk out and say goodbye. I get in Eddie's van while still holding Ozzy. I don't want to put him down right now. This is freaking me out too much. Eddie gets in the van and kisses my head.

"Everything is going ti be alright, my love. I promise."

i believe you // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now