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Aeja raised her hands as she spotted the soldiers. A small group of the soldiers began to make their way over to them.

Aeja felt the tears fall harder than ever before as the group continued towards the soldiers, each one of them thinking of the friends they'd lost.









The group was transported to the quarantine camp, where they were given boxes of water, food and toiletries.

Aeja had never been so silent in her life. Her mind kept wandering back to Nam-ra. How much she wanted to see her right now.

Looking to her left, Aeja spotted two men and a little girl in the cell next to her. One of the men was facing away from her, but it looked like her dad. The girl was undoubtedly her little sister, Se-bin.

"Dad?" Aeja said, unsure if it was actually him.

Jae-ik turned around, spotting Aeja quickly.

"Oh my god, you're alive!" Aeja cried.

"Unnie!" Se-bin smiled, running over as well. Aeja smiled, placing down the box in her hands before she reached her hand through the bars, letting Se-bin hold her hand.

"Aeja, I'm sorry I never-"

"Dad, don't," Aeja replied. "It wasn't your fault. And you saved Se-bin, which is what I would've wanted you to do."

Jae-ik smiled, "You always put others before yourself."

Aeja smiled back, which was when she noticed the baby in her dad's arms. "Who's that?"


"The National Assembly hearing of the bombing of Hyosan has been postponed indefinitely upon agreement.

The party leaders announced in a joint statement today they won't hold a hearing until the epidemic situation has been completely resolved.

The National Security Council announced they will end martial law in Hyosan today. This comes 3 months and 17 days since martial law was imposed due to the pandemic. However, as a precaution, Hyosan residents will continue to be quarantined.

Although it has been four months since the outbreak started, the Korea Disease and Prevention Agency has failed to identify the virus. Since it is impossible to know its incubation period, the agency opposed ending the quarantine of Hyosan residents.

Donations are pouring in from across the nation for the Hyosan residents who have been living in quarantine for four months."

Aeja couldn't stop thinking about how they were just expected to go back to their normal lives one day. Act as if nothing had happened in the first place.

Aeja's relationship with Su-hyeok had grown throughout those four months. It had gotten to the point that Aeja would snuggle up with Su-hyeok every night and that they'd walk almost everywhere holding hands.

Se-bin really liked Su-hyeok, who seemed to get along with her very well. Jae-ik was sceptical about Aeja and Su-hyeok's relationship at first, but he slowly started to allow it, especially when he got to know Su-hyeok.

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