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*Most of these will be from when they were kids btw*

Theo's POV

It was a quiet night. I could hear the crickets outside as I felt my eye lids grow heavy. Boris was beside me already asleep. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. It was good to see him like that. He looked younger, less intimidating. I put my glasses on the dresser and closed my eyes, finally relaxing. 

I couldn't have been asleep for more than maybe four hours when I woke up. This time it wasn't from my own screaming, it was Boris. I turned to look at him, what I saw was not what I expected. Boris was sitting up, his knees to his chest. His breathing was ragged and his eyes darted everywhere. His hair was damp from sweat and he was shaking. 

"Boris?" I called out, he turned to stare at me and almost instantly tried to hide any signs that he just had a nightmare. You could still hear his rough breathing which gave it away. "Boris." I repeated, "What happened?" 

"Potter? Oh nothing, nothing." He looked down, "Just..go to sleep." He flinched when I put my hand on his shoulder. "Boris, I'm not going to sleep until you tell me what's wrong. Did you have a nightmare?" I asked. He pulled his knees closer to his chest but stayed silent. He did. 

"What was the dream about?" 

"Nothing, Potter. I'm okay. It was nothing." He said, sounding uneasy. I pulled him into a hug, he made a hushed whimper into the crook of my neck. "I won't judge you, Boris." I said. I felt my shirt become damp with tears and sweat. "It's just my dad." that's right. 

Boris' dad came home today, Boris had come running here asking if he could stay the night. I remembered how bad his bruising was when he got here. There were spots of purples blues and yellowish greens all over his torso. I eased up on my hug, realizing how tight I was holding him. 

"What did your dad do in your dream?" I asked.

"It was pretty normal at first, he beat me. But then he saw you. He grabbed you and shot you. He killed you." I could feel Boris' nails digging into my back, I didn't say anything though. It seemed he needed it for grounding. I caressed his hair, quietly shushing him as he cried. 

"I know you've been staying up these past few nights, is this why?" I asked, I felt him nod. "I didn't wanna bother you with this." I pulled him away from myself, causing him to jump slightly. 

"Don't ever feel like this is something you can't bother me with. I get it you think you're some tough guy that no one can touch, but in reality you're just like me. Alone and scared." I said firmly. Boris seemed startled by my outburst. 

"Wow, Potter. When did you start making speeches?" Boris joked, smiling. I chuckled. "Let's go to bed. I'm tired." I stated. He nodded and we laid down. "You're a good friend, Potter." Boris said before he drifted off. I did as well not long after. 

*These mfs should have gotten together in the end and I will stand by that until the day I die.*

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