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Requested by BaileyNotFoundNot

Theo and Boris were out in the desert. Boris had decided that Theo needed to learn how to shoot "just in case".

"Why do I have to do this again?"

"So you do not get robbed and killed of course! You do not want that, no? "

" I guess..? "

" Okay! Put your finger on the trigger, do not pull it yet. " Boris' hands rested on top of Theo's. They aimed the gun at the target they'd set up. And BOOM. It went straight toward the target.

" Jesus! " Theo shouted as the gun went off. " That was cool! "

Theo jokingly aimed the gun at Boris. "Potter don't do that I'm not to keen on getting shot by my friend."

"I'm not gonna shoot you don't worry." Theo rolled his eyes.

"Guns are not a toy, you could accidentally set it o-" Theo accidentally shot at Boris' feet as he put the gun down, fortunately missing.

"Off. Like that, let's go inside, yes? It's hot and I don't want to die." Boris smiled.


"Is okay." They walked back to the house, Boris putting the gun in his pocket.

I didn't really have any ideas for this :')

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