Daddy Issues

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*This is like what happened before the last story ig*

Theo was sitting in his room, quietly reading a book when he heard a loud bang on his door. He figured that his dad and Xandra had left something before they left. They were going to some bar or restaurant for the evening and said they wouldn't be back until around 12am. 

Theo walked to the door and sighed, "What'd you lea-" he cut himself off, seeing as it wasn't his dad or Xandra but Boris. It was around 10pm why was he here? He looked closer at his friend, Boris' hair was messy and a red mark was left on his cheek. He was holding his arms tightly around his waist and his eyes looked like they were red. Oh. 

Theo grabbed Boris' shoulder and walked inside, Boris was limping and made pained grunts as he walked. Theo sat him on the couch and grabbed some bruise cream, bandaids, and paper towels.

"Let me see." Theo said.

"Potter, it is fine." Boris' retorted, he sounded so calm yet his voice was raspy.

"Bullshit Boris let me see what he did to you." Boris sighed and slowly lifted his shirt up, wincing as he did so. Theo stared wide eyed at him. This was one of those bad days, those days where his dad used razors. This only happened once before, his dad was drunk as hell. Theo rushed back to the bathroom and grabbed some antibiotics. He returned to Boris' side and looked at the small red lines mixed with colorful bruises all over his torso and chest.

"This might sting." Theo said, voice barely above a whisper due to him concentrating. He poured some of the antibiotics onto a paper towel and gently splotched the liquid onto the cuts, causing Boris to tense.

"Potter, stop. I will be okay."

"You won't if you get an infection. Now shut up. I don't understand how you think he loves you." Theo mumbled the last part, hoping it wouldn't be heard but Boris' ears went against his wishes.

"He does love me, Potter. He will apologize tomorrow like he does every time." Boris exclaimed.

" Just because he apologizes doesn't mean he loves you! I love you! Do I hurt you!? " The older stayed silent.

" No, Boris. I don't. He doesn't love you. He probably never has. " Theo looked down, back at the cuts and put some bandaids on them, moving towards the bruises. As he applied the bruise cream he could hear the other sniffle. He looked up quickly, noticing tears in Boris' eyes. He bit his lip, worrying if what he said hurt him.

"Boris.." Theo started.

"Just shut up and finish this." Boris said, his voice was shaky. Theo finished his work and pulled the taller off the couch, walking him to the bedroom.

Boris sat down on the floor, back against the wooden desk in Theo's room. Theo sat down beside him and they looked at the ground in silence.

After a few minutes that tension snapped, "I'm sorry about.. you know what I said." Theo uttered.

" It is okay. The more I think about the more I believe you might be right. " Boris pulled his knees to his chest, sharply sucking in air from the pain.

"Why wouldn't he love me?"

"He leaves nothing in your house for you, he leaves for days and comes back just to beat you, he takes all the money for drinks, do I need to go on?" Theo asked sarcastically, Boris shook his head.

"He was nice at one point.. I think."

Theo pulled Boris closer and hugged him softly, petting the other's hair. Boris tested his head in the crook of Theo's neck, silently sobbing. Theo could tell by the way his body wracked against his.

The younger shushed him and closed his eyes, rocking the both of them. "I'll get you out of that house." Theo said, promisingly. All the Ukrainian could do was nod as he cried.

After a while Boris had finally calmed down. The two sat on the bed, joking.

" I have no clue how to say this." Theo said as he tried to read the Russian work book.

"Галстук, now you try." Boris said.

"I'm gonna butcher this." Theo face palmed, causing Boris to laugh.

*I didn't know how to end it so I did this 🧍‍♀️*

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