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Requested by depressednregressed

Tw: vomit

For once Theo didn't drink as hard, Boris was getting absolutely wasted at a party that one of the kids threw and he wanted to watch out for his friend. They had come home after a couple of hours because Boris had so much to drink he was probably close to alcohol poisoning.

He heard vomiting in the bathroom and slowly got up. He walked into the other room to see Boris crouched over the toilet puking his guts out. Theo laughed as he rubbed Boris' back but stopped after he heard the sound of rough breathing.

Theo noticed how Boris' body shook. He was hyperventilating and tightly gripping onto Theo's arm.

"Hey, you okay?" Theo asked. He didn't get answer for a moment but eventually Boris shook his head. Finally it clicked. Boris had never been like this and always avoided anything that has to do with throw up. Maybe he has emetophobia?

Theo grabbed a wash cloth and dampened it, he cleaned off Boris' face and squeezing his hands.

"Hey Boris, you're okay." Theo said quietly. Boris nodded but didn't look at all convince.

"Can you breath for me like this?" Theo took a deep breath and held it for a moment before exhaling. "Can you do that?"

Boris nodded and tried it, succeeding.

"Good, now again."

The two took deep breaths together for at least 10 minutes before the raven haired boy calmed down. Theo still squeezed his hands just in case.

"How're you feeling?"

"Shitty." Boris croaked out, causing Theo to laugh.

"Yeah, thought so. Lay down we're not going to to school."

"K." Boris didn't mean to sound rude, he was just too tired. Theo helped him up and sat him down on the couch to which Boris just flopped his whole body down.

"Night." Boris said before passing out.

"Night." Theo said as he headed downstairs to get some water and meds for Boris when he wakes up.

Boris Pavlikovsky angst oneshots (The Goldfinch)Where stories live. Discover now