Shark week

383 3 8

Requested by Bumblebee_is_here

In which Boris is a girl! Also I hope you feel better ( to the requestor)

Theo was sitting in his house watching TV when he got a call from Boris. She was supposed to come over today.

"You were supposed to come over." Theo said.

"Shut up. I can't get out of bed can you come over please." Boris said, sounding pissed. Why was she mad?

"Fine." Theo said. He grabbed his glasses and walked out the door. Once Theo got there and walked up the stairs, skipping every other step he saw Boris laying on her bed. She was face down on her pillow and her arms wrapped around her torso, groaning.

"Boris?" Theo called.

"Hey." Boris said.

"What're you doing?"

"Fucking dying. What do you think?"

"Why are you laying like that?"

"Period. Cramps."

Theo wasn't too educated on periods but he guessed it hurt based on the way Boris laid. She never showed pain usually.

"Is there anything I could do to help?"

Boris shrugged, after a my minute she forced herself to sit up.

"Can you get me some water? And maybe some chocolate."

Theo nodded and hurried back downstairs. There surprisingly was something in the kitchen, that being chocolate. Theo grabbed the bar and poured some water in a glass. He walked up stairs and sat next to Boris.

"Here. " He said, giving her the things. Boris thanked him and drank the water before signing.

"This sucks." She said, dragging out the s at the end.

"It can't be that bad." Theo said, Boris twisted her head at him.

" You try having the walls of your insides shedding, causing you to bleed and making you hurt so much you're nauseous and can barely move. " She snapped. Theo looked taken aback.

"Wow. " He said. Boris huffed then sniffled. Theo looked at her, seeing tears in her eyes.

" Why're you crying? " He asked.

" Cause it fucking hurts and you don't believe me. "

" I believe you! I just can't experience it! "

" I get that! It still hurts though. I'm probably being overdramatic but I don't care. "

" You're not being overdramatic. " Theo pulled Boris closer and rocked her. Boris sobbed quietly into his chest.

"Hey, when I was back in New York Kitsey taught me something. " Theo said.

" What? " Boris asked, wiping her tears.

" Lay down on your back. " Boris did as she was asked and Theo got to work. He massaged Boris's lower abdomen to help with the tension and cramps.

(This actually works btw! It's a trick I learned a couple of years ago)

"Holy shit keep doing that." Boris exclaimed. Theo continued for another few minutes before stopping.

"Better?" Theo asked, Boris nodded. She grabbed the chocolate bar that Theo had brought her and ate it.

"Wanna watch something?"

"Sure." The two watched some Polish film. Theo understood non of it and Boris acted like she wasn't listening.

"You're warm." She said, moving closer to Theo. Theo smiled at her. He looked at her, picking out every detail about her. The way her eyes sparkled in the light, the way her slender fingers softly gripping onto Theo's arm, her messy black hair, her long eyelashes, her facial structure, she was wearing one of his shirts, it was wrinkled but she made it look good. Her chapped lips that were curved into a smile. She was beautiful.

"You good?" Boris asked.


"You were staring at me. Is there something on my face?" Theo laughed quietly.

"Yeah you've got a little bit of chocolate right there. " Theo thumbed the chocolate off the corner of the other's mouth, causing her to blush. She looked back at the movie. They were already so far into it that she had no clue what was going on.

"You feel any better?" Theo asked suddenly.

"Yeah. Thanks for helping me."

"No problem." Boris smiled at Theo then turned off the television, turning over then closing her eyes.


"It's the middle of the afternoon."

"Shh. I'm asleep."

"Oh shut up."

This is probably bad but I wrote it while baby sitting 2 toddlers and a baby :')

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