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Tw for sh (I'm literally just projecting myself onto Boris in this lmao except unlike me he has Theo to comfort him)
Btw I don't use knives to sh but I already used the term razor in the last chapter 🤷🏻‍♀️

Theo's POV

Boris had been quiet these past few days. He seemed quieter and he scratched his wrists and thighs a lot. It worried me. I was headed toward his house to ask him about it.

I looked to make sure Boris' dad wasn't around before walking up to his room. What I saw was not pretty.

No one's POV

Theo opened the door to see his best and only friend with a knife in his hand. Blood was trickling down Boris' wrists and the raven-haired boy seemed to be staring off into space.

"Boris!?" Theo exclaimed, causing the other to jump, "What are you doing!?" Theo pulled on Boris' wrist causing him to yelp and pull back.

"Nothing, Theo. Leave me alone." Boris said dully. Theo? Theo? No Potter? What happened to the nickname?

"Why did you do it." Theo said as he tried to clean the cuts with his shirt, causing the blue it to turn a dark purple. He added pressure to the cuts to stop them from bleeding.

"Theo! это больно, остановись!" That hurts, stop! Theo didn't stop until all the open cuts had stopped bleeding. After he was done he pulled Boris into a hug. "Why did you do this?" Theo asked quietly.

"I wanted to release pain. Drugs were doing enough for me." Said Boris simply. Theo sighed and pulled the other into his lap. It was an odd position since Boris was taller then him but he made it work.

" You can talk to me if you need to. You don't have to act so tough around me. " Boris nodded.

"Okay, let's go get some food. I'm starving. " Boris sighed.

Boris Pavlikovsky angst oneshots (The Goldfinch)Where stories live. Discover now