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I have misophonia and I like to project onto Finn's characters apparently 💅

Boris and Theo sat outside eating their lunch and talking about some chick in their class. Or well, Theo did most of the talking, Boris was listening to the girl at the table beside them smack her food as loud as she could. It was fucking annoying. Boris tried to shake it off and listen to what his best (and only) friend was telling him.

"So so this bitch says–– hey Boris? Are you listening?" Boris snaps his head toward Theo.

"Huh? Oh yes. Of course!" Boris exclaimed. Theo huffed, "Then what did I say?" Boris furrowed his eye brows and looked at the table.

"Something..?" Theo rolled his eyes and took a bite of his sandwich. Boris was still listening to the girl at the table smacking her food. The Ukrainian bit his bottom lip and dug his nails into his arm.

"Boris." Theo said.

"What." Boris snapped. It took him a matter of seconds before realizing how harsh his tone was. "Sorry." He said.

"What's wrong?"

"It's stupid."

"No. Tell me."

Boris sighed, "Nothing, Potter. "

" Whatever. " Theo kenw it'd just be a matter of minutes before Boris told him or showed him so he didn't push.

After about 5 minutes Boris mumbled something and covered his ears, tugging at his hair.

"Boris? " Theo said.

"Can we go? That cunt over there won't stop smacking her fucking food. " Theo looked at the girl at the table beside them.

" Sure, let's go. "

The two boys got up and walked into the hallway. Boris let out a dramatic sigh and uncovered his ears.

" Finally! That girl wouldn't stop. It was so annoying. "

"I didn't even realize she was doing it. " Theo said.

" How? It was so loud! She was definitely doing it to get on my nerves. "

" Boris, no one else seemed bothered by it. "

Boris stood for a second and thought about it. Theo was right, no one else seemed to notice, not even the people she was talking to.

" You could have misophonia. " Theo suggested.

" Miso.. what? "

" Misophonia. It's where someone gets angry or scared by noises like smacking, talking, pencil tapping, repetitive noises like that. "

Boris hummed in reply, " Maybe. " Theo gave him his headphones, " These should help. We still have like, 15 minutes left at lunch and I wanna eat my food. "

Boris placed the headphones on his head and thanks the shorter. They walked back outside and continued to eat, Boris not having to hear any of that annoying shit.

Boris Pavlikovsky angst oneshots (The Goldfinch)Where stories live. Discover now