Xandra can't cook

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Requested by Bumblebee_is_here

Xandra sat a plate in front of Boris, it was chicken but it was really fucking pink. Looked uncooked.

"Enjoy, Boris! Theo, me and your dad will be out tonight and will be back tomorrow evening."

"K." Theo said, he was worried about Boris. That food didn't look edible at all. He brushed his worried away when Boris ate it with no problem at all.

After Boris finished the sat and watched TV for a while. It was some horror movie. IT or something (see what I did there? HA I'm so funny). We had been watching it for a while when Boris pulled his legs to his chest and put his head down. I didn't think much of it at first until he groaned.

"Boris you good?" He didn't respond. Theo poked his shoulder.

"Stop." Boris said after a few minutes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just give me a minute." Theo shrugged and kept watching the TV, giving Boris worried glances every so often.

"I think Xandra put something in that food." Boris said.

"I think she didn't cook the chicken well. It was pink in some areas."

" Why didn't you tell me bitch. "

" I thought you would notice! Don't blame me! "

Boris scoffed and let his chin rest on his knees.

" I'll get you some water. " Theo said before standing up. He filled a cup with water then gave it to Boris.

Boris took baby sips of it, humming quietly to himself.

"I think we have some medicine in our cabinets, I'll check." Theo made his way to the bathroom and looked in the cabinet. He grabbed a type of medicine and walked back to Boris, giving him a pill.

"Don't snort this, take it like a normal person." Boris chuckled and took the pill from Theo's hand, popping it in his mouth and swallowing it with a mouthful of water.

"Thanks Potter."

"Yeah yeah, now let's watch the show."

I couldn't think of much to do for this- so sorry :') Btw I'm reading the goldfinch to my mom and I got to page 300 and I didn't even realize it until I started reading it. My mom told me to rip that page out-

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