I don't have a good name for this but Boris is autistic

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I know Boris isn't really autistic coded but Im autistic and I'm going to project onto him (again)

Tw for slight ableism

Boris was just a few minutes away from a meltdown. The school was in the middle of an assembly and everyone was screaming as if they were in a horror movie. Boris had forgotten his headphones at Theo's and Theo didn't know the taller didn't have them. 

Boris struggled to keep from making a scene. He'd been masking since he got diagnosed. His dad didn't want to see his son "act retarted". Boris tried to cover his ears but the sound of the others around him were too loud to block out. He began rocking back and forth quickly. Theo noticed his boyfriend's distress after a few seconds.

"Hey, Boris, you alright?" Theo asked. Boris silently shook his head, staring at his feet. "Do you want to leave?" the other nodded as tears began to form in his eyes. Theo gently took his partners hand and walked him down the bleachers and out the door. 

"Where do you think you're going?" a teacher said.

"Bathroom." The teacher rolled her eyes.

"Okay, but come straight back." Theo nodded and continued to walk. He took Boris to the bathroom on the opposite side of the school. Boris slid down the wall, rocking back and forth again. His sobs became louder and rougher. He hit his wrist hard. Theo sat beside the other, not sure of what to do to help.

He laid himself over Boris, causing his body weight to cover Boris' whole body, kind of like a weighted blanket. He hummed to himself and rocked with Boris. After a while Boris stopped crying and began humming with the other. It came out in broken sounds though. He had quit hitting his wrist and closed his eyes. 

"Are you doing better?" Theo asked. Boris nodded and mouthed a thank you. 

"You wanna go back?" Boris shook his head.

"Let us stay here. I left headphones at yours. it's still going to be loud."

"Okay." And they stayed there until the assembly was over.

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